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单词 salubrious
释义  sa·lu·bri·ous /səˈluːbriəs/ adjective formal  NICEa salubrious area or place is pleasant and clean, especially compared to other places – often used humorously 〔场所〕环境宜人的,清洁的〔常为幽默用法〕 the less salubrious area near the docks 码头附近环境较差的地区Examples from the Corpussalubrious• The center of the geocentric cosmos had not been salubrious.• the salubrious climate of northern Italy• I believe helping others is one of the most positive, salubrious forms of social calisthenics.• The existing plant, which was none too salubrious, had already attracted much comment.• He was a totally happy - if less than salubrious - man.• The latter now choose to use what they regard as the more salubrious transportation of the motor car or the aeroplane.• The street was residential, not very salubrious, with the worn-down air of a shoe which has had too much use.Origin salubrious (1500-1600) Latin salubris, from salus; → SALUTE1sa·lu·bri·ous adjectiveChineseSyllable  and or is clean, pleasant area salubrious Corpus place a especially




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