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单词 disenfranchise
释义  Related topics: Votingdis·en·fran·chise /ˌdɪsɪnˈfræntʃaɪz/ verb [transitive]  PPVto take away someone’s rights, especially their right to vote 剥夺〔某人〕的权利〔尤指选举权〕 —disenfranchisement /-tʃɪzmənt $ -tʃaɪz-/ noun [uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdisenfranchise• If you don't get your name on the electoral register you may be disenfranchised.• Nor was it in 1967, when decisions to disenfranchise as well as to enfranchise were a possibility.• Under the new régime we would be the first province to disenfranchise them.dis·en·fran·chise verbChineseSyllable  take away their Corpus someone’s to especially rights,




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