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单词 Realization
1. The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. 
2. As realization dawned, he went pale.
3. I was shocked by the realization of what I had done.
4. There is a growing realization that changes must be made.
5. I dream of the realization of the unity of Africa, whereby its leaders combine in their efforts to solve the problems of this continent. I dream of our vast deserts, of our forests, of all our great wildernesses.
6. I was hit by the realization that I might die.
7. He came to the realization that he would never make a good teacher.
8. The realization that she was gone was like a knife thrust.
9. It was the realization of his greatest ambition.
10. The realization that the murderer must have been a close friend came as a shock.
11. To win the Olympic gold medal was the realization of his life's dream.
12. Let's pull together for the early realization of the four modernizations.
13. There must be a growing realization among younger people that sponging off the state is no longer possible.
14. The realization of how little work I'd done for the exams brought me abruptly back down to earth.
15. It seemed that the realization of his life's dream oppressed him with overjoy.
16. I was struck by the sudden realization that I would probably never see her again.
17. He did not live to see the realization of his dream.
18. The enemy troops had a cold realization of their hard situation.
19. He nearly cried out at the sudden realization of how much Randall looked like him.
20. There is a growing realization that we must manage the earth's resources more carefully.
21. We saw the terrible realization of what she'd done dawn on her face.
22. This realization of our dreams surpassed even our wildest expectations.
23. I gradually awakened to the realization that our marriage was over.
24. Instances of the second more sudden realization are rarer.
25. Then sudden realization that it would not stop.
26. How had the managers come to this realization?
27. And he found the realization somewhat amusing()(), now that he was alone again.
28. We shall gladly lend every effort in our power toward its realization.
29. What eventually emerged from the election disaster was a realization that it was time for change.
30. One cynical answer is that they are there be-cause viewers take comfort in the realization that they have escaped disaster.
1. As realization dawned, he went pale.
2. I was shocked by the realization of what I had done.
3. There is a growing realization that changes must be made.
4. I was hit by the realization that I might die.
5. He came to the realization that he would never make a good teacher.
6. The realization that she was gone was like a knife thrust.
31. That is the same life-changing realization that Shamsiddeen and other hajji say they found in Mecca.
32. Again, the realization of the downside of being beautiful hit Matt.
33. His first realization that he was not alone came when he booked a return Business-Class ticket at the Sabena counter.
34. The need for analogue computers will grow with the realization that whole new fields will be opened up by evolutionary computing.
35. Education is a life-long process of learning, unlearning, relearning and discovery, making possible the realization of human potentialities. Dr T.P.Chia 
36. Nothing is more exhilarating than the realization that you can make money by doing work that you love.
37. I have come to the realization that life is unjust in many ways.
37. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
38. Getting this role in a major film was a realization of her childhood dreams.
39. No accomplishments are important than self realization of self satisfaction. Santosh Kalwar 
40. Preferences in politics can include anything from higher wages, a cleaner environment, world peace, or the realization of democracy.
41. When the realization hit her, she just sat there looking dazed.
42. We have seen an experimental realization of this type of convection in Fig. 4.7.
43. The realization felt as if the world had made a grab at him.
44. Even worse was the realization that we had cut an oblique through the outer ditch in our extended town defences section.
45. The realization came as a shock and she pressed her clenched fist to her heart as if to pacify it.
46. A slight chuckle escaped from her throat, the result of a sudden realization that she was thinking in terms of cotton.
47. But they can also be seen as communicatively motivated, the realization of available resources to get a message across.
48. Real understanding comes with the realization that a spacecraft can not remain in orbit unless the force of gravity is acting.
49. What Simmel accomplishes is a realization of the inseparability of the positive and negative consequences of these social transformations.
50. Both were intoxicated by the realization that a whole new century was about to begin.
51. Several unexpected developments cut across the early realization of these ambitious plans.
52. The realization that limitations are imaginary will make you strong and overpowering. Stephen Richards 
53. The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. Let us move forward with strong and active faith. Franklin D. Roosevelt 
54. I was struck by the realization that the technology would allow the average human being to pursue their interests in any form.
55. It also welcomed the realization of the joint hydroelectric power station project Ruzizi-II, and progress on co-operation in scientific research.
56. For investors, the realization that inflation remains missing in action is a positive.
57. The first beatitude shocks us with this blunt realization that true happiness is reserved for children and the poor.
58. And right then I came to a realization: 1 am Mr Hartmann.
59. It happens in part because our youthful efforts to cooperate in the realization of myth / truth are laughed out of court.
60. The realization bit into Harry's confidence that he could outwit such a man: who was he really fooling?
61. As she continued her oratorical massacre, he came to a sober realization.
62. In short, rationality is a condition of the full realization of the meaning of higher education.
63. Classical elite theorists had sought to show that liberal democracy was a utopian ideal incapable of realization.
64. Thus, as above, letting can be analysed as inseparable from the realization of the event evoked by the infinitive.
65. She was beset by the realization that she desired nothing more than to go to the Hall as Anne Mowbray's companion.
66. Large-scale expectations may depend for their realization on changes in society and its value patterns.
67. In seeking to promote the realization and wholeness of human nature,(http:///realization.html) we attempt to correct our early unsatisfactory experiences.
68. When we are honest, we come to the humbling realization that in each abuser is a piece of us.
69. You have all the reason in the world to achieve your grandest dreams. Imagination plus innovation equals realization. Denis Waitley 
70. Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny. Steve Maraboli 
71. His aim in the east was obliteration to create a tabularasa for the new order which was in process of realization.
72. His principles were narrow and his realization of them oppressive.
73. In most religious teachings it is said that no lasting realization can be achieved without many years of practice.
74. She looked up with the sudden realization that he was a head taller than she was.
75. There is a realization that more work need to be done.
76. Have denotes an exercise of authority which is effectual, that is, which ensures the realization of the action commanded.
77. The realization that criminal activity results from a complex of never easily determined causes was long and hard coming.
78. By the early 1970s, this realization had already hit home.
79. It's great to celebrate the birth of our lord, but greater still is the realization that he is born everyday within the temple of our heart and lives therein with us eternally. RVM 
80. His mind could not take in all the implications of this sudden realization.
81. The stunned production team were dealing with the tidal wave as best they could when an awful realization dawned.
82. But the realization of Toon and his collaborators was that urban areas are vast concentrations of flammable materials.
83. Next morning the din from the dustbin lids had hardly subsided when the grim realization drove into my brain.
84. The silicon microchip and integrated circuit followed similar if shorter processes from invention to commercial realization.
85. It was fabulous, gorgeous in its excess, the ultimate realization of some untrammeled private fantasy.
86. Yet difficult though it was, her heart soared at the dawning realization that he had suffered as much as she had.
87. Heads' realization of the headship role tended to fall into four main types.
88. They realize, without necessarily evaluating the implications of the realization, that patients can not be kept on a machine for ever.
89. Here at last she had achieved the full, joyous realization of her ideas of Niagara.
90. This was attributed to a growing realization of the extent of the economic malaise and the need for painful measures.
91. They derive their strength from the realization that not to abide by them would make for an unworkable constitution.
92. When you have parity of power, that promotes understanding and the realization that all employees are interdependent.
93. Politics becomes an issue of solving the technical problems of advancing capitalism rather than the realization of practical goals.
94. The torture of not knowing what had happened to Chesarynth was sharpened by the realization that maybe he already knew.
95. What he wishes to do is to establish through everyday occurrences the realization within you of his existence.
96. I was completely paralysed by the realization of what I had done.
97. The belated realization that these things are no longer so leads to the embittered and baffled reaction that they ought to be so.
98. This is one realization of the code book.
99. After the tutorial presents the realization of this mechanism.
100. Synonymy is a realization of semantic paradigmatic relationship.
101. The circuit realization of receiving system.
102. Principle and realization of laser display technique.
103. And it provides a platform independency,(http:///realization.html) application transparent realization.
104. The article provides the algorithmic thought and the realization of intact algorithm of critical path.
105. With the development of MEMS, the realization of micromation and intelligentization of scout system makes micro robot be an important research aspect in military affairs.
106. The article introduce basic characteristics and method of quantum logic gate , the physics realization and experiment makes progress of quantum logic gate in quantum information technique.
107. Solid and effective expenses account management is conducive to the realization of the change from hospital-centered health care to the patient-centered.
108. It is suggested that, with the merits of low sensitivity, the active simulation of double resistive load LC ladder filters might be a favorable scheme for high order filter realization.
109. The study not only affords the exercisable technical sustainment for the realization of ecological building, but may also provides the most possibility for logical expression of architecture design.
110. With the theory of unbalanced system, it analyses sustainable evolution pattern and realization path of ocean economic complex system .
111. Then the validity and superiority of the method of realization Boolean functions by threshold logic gates is displayed.
112. This paper introduced the realization procedure of IDD spectrum graphics. Test and experiment data proved that CMOS memory IDD spectrum graphics test is work.
113. An expatiation of the equivalence of fuzzy system and the neural networks. An introduction of the realization of fuzzy neural technology.
114. With realization of one's own potential and self - confidence one's ability, one can build a better world.
115. Before we get into a formal definition of a realization, let's step back and ask, "What really is a use case?
116. In domain realization phase, we introduce current standard component models, and realize the variability component technology combining with design-mode technology and domain configuration files.
117. This dissertation discusses the theory and realization of the Probabilistic Context Free Grammar-based syntactic parser.
118. This paper reviewed the realization methods of radar camouflage from four aspects: shaping design, absorbing materials, jamming and offset technique.
119. The frequency changer on the harbor machinery nimble, the widespread application has become the harbor hoisting machinery realization to be stable, the high efficiency production foundation.
120. Design model and deployment model are the primary input in the succeeding realization and testing work.
121. Furthermore, in the research of blind image restoration, provide the realization to the complicated EM algorithm, point out the shortcoming of this algorithm and provide the improved method.
122. Finally in front on the basis of the analysis of the real estate securitization is the definition of that real estate collateral value of the realization of the right portfolio.
123. This dissertation focuses on the realization of L-band sweep signal source based on Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) and Phase Locked Loop (PLL).
124. Inarticle final produced has used the severance way realization the digital clock source program.
125. The essay tries to do some comparative studies towards several of alterative methods used in Non-lined Equation Root and its realization.
126. This article introduced the hardware and software realization of intelligent battery charger based on MCU.
127. In the development part of the host application program, it introduces the function and realization way of the application program,(http:///realization.html) and gives part source codes.
128. Socialism was only a attract the proletariat and intelligentsia to the realization of a satanic ideal.
129. This paper introduces the realization of CVT voltage monitoring function in the H9000 SCADA system.
130. The application of SIMENS S7200CPU216 PLC in realization of analog data acquisition and processing were discussed. It can be used in the auto management of the factory of coming water.
131. If the target classifier is of type class (or a subtype of class), the realization relationship hierarchy will also be traversed.
132. Provide the vectograph of dividing layers , the realization course of the attribute data on the basis of west institute's planning drawing.
133. This paper makes theoretic analysis and experimental research on the realization of ideal performance of a master slave remote system.
134. At last a the realization of waveform recognition algorithm is introduced, which is verified by tests.
135. Problem is excessiveness the reaction may cause the crisis spread and then cause market the participants of misgiving ego realization.
136. At last the design and realization of bluetooth data terminal are introduced.
137. Along with the coming of the information economy it has been the first ictus of era to strengthen the innovation of technology and advance the realization of technology.
138. PCS principle is complex and its data operation is excessive, so its realization is difficult.
139. Three concepts used in accrual - basis accounting are the accounting period, the realization principle, and matching principle.
140. Fifthly, the design and realization of doorplate recognition system based on DM642 is presented, including program migration from PC to DSP, program optimization on DM642 platform.
141. The general-purpose modulation arithmetic based on software radio, symbol mapping and the realization of pulse shaping filter are discussed.
142. The design and realization of the embedded thin server offer the long-range controlling mechanism for industrial production, also it has profound influence to the distributed controlling technology.
143. In the course of the realization of the target program, we realized the function modules with Real-Time parameters modifying and signals monitoring.
144. The development of GPS technology makes the location of moving carrier faster and more accurate, it provides a hard basic plate to the realization of autotracking.
145. The design thought and the technical realization method of cost accounting system for teams and groups of mine enterprise are elaborated.
146. Through the partially related emulation of technical content, realization is taking computer system simulation as main battlefield supplementary decision and its simulated system.
147. The different view is raised in this paper about MARC standard problem in automatic cataloging in ECIP project, and design idea of the realization of automatic cataloging system is also proposed.
148. A fast realization method of the cyclic correlation based symbol rate blind estimation is proposed.
149. In this discourse , the design and realization of some avionic video recorder is described.
150. On the basis of systemic research on mechanical design CAD software, objective model of belt driving design CAD software is proposed, and the related realization methods are discussed.
151. In The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey tells us that the first step to a better life is the realization that we are free to choose how to react to circumstances.
152. Finally has carried on the study and realization to the change gear case CAD system hypothesized packaging technique.
153. This paper aims at describing the reform objectives of turnover tax, near term measures for its realization. Moreover, the author also delineates the policy targe...
154. A file search function realization of hope that we can love!
155. Data structure in the realization of topological sort. Make one map.
156. The design and realization of the network are based on an advanced electric wire communication system.
157. This paper discusses the realization of multiplicative decomposition elastoplasticity in anamorphosis finite element equation.
158. Practice proves that monitoring of blast furnace wall with copper stave is necessary. Realization idea of the monitoring method is presented.
159. This paper puts forward the design and realization of the subsystem in a special image transfer card,(http:///realization.html) and describes the design flow and reasons in detail.
160. This paper describes the realization of CAM machining process simulation for allotype plastic profile extrusion die.
161. Introduces the protocol of data link based on HDLC and the realization by using VB language. The protocol is used to realize the credible communication between singlechip and PC.
162. Then a chaotic stream cipher based on the pseudo-random number generator is designed, which has high security, low cost and easy realization proved by some experiments.
163. The realization had come to her slowly; the Queen was a lay figure, lacking even the power to dismiss a maid-of-honour without the King's approval.
164. Design and realization methods of integrated operational amplifier feedback constant current power in semiconductor laser reliability evaluation system are introduced in this paper.
165. Furthermore, radar angle measurement is taken as an example to analyze the feasibility of the algorithm's practical application and the realization principle scheme of the algorithm is presented.
166. The requirement analysis and preliminary design and realization of rooms management system is introduced detailedly.
167. Oil play cost management to Oil play target profit realization, down to enterprise's long-term developmental strategy realizes has the vital significance.
168. The realization of - business confidentiality, integrity, authenticity can not be forged and non - repudiation.
169. The realization and analysis of proto type system was presented at the end of the paper.
170. Chapter Three discusses the necessity of realization of independent adjudication.
171. As shown in Figure 10, a dotted line with a closed, unfilled arrow means realization (or implementation); as we saw in Figure 4, a solid arrow line with a closed, unfilled arrow means inheritance.
172. In this paper, the basic algorithm and thoughts of the realization of four arithmetic operations of large integer with Visual Basic are introduced; two large prime number samples are given.
173. This paper mainly introduces the project planning and realization method of a kind of CAD application for designing embossment with plane geometry patterns.
174. In this paper, the design and realization of parallel measurement and control system communicating with AT keyboard interface are reported.
175. A general biquadratic realization is also proposed with this SI circuit.
176. The realization of the method is described, and the algorithm to construct the constraint set of expression LRAUC single-path testing is given.
177. A method of realization of automatic abstracting based on text clustering and natural language understanding is brought forward, aimed at overcoming shortages of some current methods.
178. Application Software Design and Realization on Telecom Counter Charge System.
179. The articles of corporation is the highest self-governance guideline for a company and is an important mechanism that ensures the realization of the company's independent juridical person status.
180. Realization remote decision - making through intelligence decision system and network technology integrating.
181. In this paper, the platfrom for realization is DSP ( TMS 320 C 6416 ), CODEC ( TLV 320 AIC 23 ).
182. On the basis of analyzing concept and function of the Web-based virtual laboratory, the paper describes the realization of a"virtual laboratory of computer circuit based on the web."
183. Data communication between different units including 485-bus, EIA RS-232C, Ethernet interface communication and the realization of TCP/IP protocol are fully presented in the thesis.
184. Satire jars us out of complacence into a pleasantly shocked realization that many of the values we unquestioningly accept are false.
185. Some realization ways of measurement are discussed, including the maximum output power, output amplitude and noise bandwidth.
187. The success of Hardware system debug offers hardware platform for the realization of control algorithm.
187. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
188. The realization of concurrent operation is one of the kernel problem in distributed processing.
189. It begins as an idea, continues as a work in process and ends with a realization of what worked and what didn't work.
190. The ultimate end of advertisement is to realize the vocative function, which depends on the combined realization of informative and expressive functions.
191. The realization of Putonghua Level Test is done by the interaction between the testee's vocal information and psychological factors as well as the tester's psychological rules and appraisals.
192. Whereafter , we describe the realization of FEL64G on single platform FPGA and some simulation results.
193. In Verilog HDL code , division is improved by quantizing the divisor, which makes hardware realization easy.
194. A realization method of the self-excitation drive circuit of the micromachined gyroscope with AGC function is presented.
195. Finally, the implicit enumeration method, computing method and software realization are also introduced. 3.
196. Within the international trade law, the realization of development right is mainly shown by "Special and Differential Treatment Provision".
197. A method for hardware realization using DSP for a searching radar in active service is described and the speed for real time process is estimated.
198. The circuit has the characteristics of strong pertinence, complete test result and simple circuit realization.
199. The special obligatory itself has a prior validity, and its realization is a category which belongs to law of obligation and procedural law, not to real right law.
200. This paper studies the realization gait control, taking a quadruped walking vehicle as the subject of the research.
201. Without the participation of intellectuals, the realization of the four modernizations is impossible.
202. The features of public administration decide the maximum probability of non - liability and it also restricts the effective realization of liable administration.
203. Data formatting depends on the realization of communication protocol. Our system brings in two different communication methods, including CAN and Ethernet.
204. In this paper, the real-time realization of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) technology on common platform is investigated.
205. The stress was researched correlation theory and the realization technique of the long-distance communication system , the control terrace and the user-administered system.
206. Application of overall accuracy control technology is the milestone of realization of modem shipbuilding industry.
207. This paper reviewed the realization methods of radar camouflage from five aspects, shaping design, absorbing materials, jamming, offset and microwave propagation indicating technique.
208. The concatenated codes are a mirror in the realization of long codes and hold the outstanding correction capability for random error and burst correction.
209. While "knowledge" presupposes a subject knowing an object, gnosis may be best characterized as the realization of inner union between individual consciousness and divine revelation.
210. Summary of the performance of nano-ceramic powder, sintering and structure of the status quo, the realization of nano-ceramic preparation of the key success factors.
211. I see Orion and the Pleiades, Ursa Major and Corona Borealis, and think I should be inspired by the realization that I'm not only looking at the stars, but staring into the past as well.
212. Research and Realization of Key Technologies in Product Collaborative Design.
213. The circuit simulation tool is take the circuit theory, the value computational method and the computer technology as the foundation realization.
214. It shows that the active channel with sizeable optical gain and a substantial increase of the refractive index are promising for the realization of active waveguide tunable laser.
215. Hardware realization of 60 channel TMUX digital signal processor by using of RALU and multiplier is proposed in this paper.
216. Provide the realization scheme of the simulated distributive and parallelized cryptographic algorithm.
217. Based on the linear memory construction of digital image, this paper presents a method of fast realization of image rotation.
217. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
218. Print and Print Preview realization AppWizard has been created for you this PrintSetMargin applications.
219. Hence the highest realization of the Vaishnava draws close to the transcendental experience of the Vedantist.
220. On the basis of theory, two industrial problems are discussed: the realization of exchangeability and temperature compensation.
221. A Realization of Distributed Control System with PC and PLC.
222. This paper introduces the realization of catalyzing and cracking unit self-protect interlock in MACS system.
223. Establishment of an appropriate optimization objective function, selection of an optimization algorithm and realization of the algorithm are described in details.
224. The overall structure and operation of websites and reasonable flow smoothly the realization of human design.
225. This paper assumes that there is an undetermined dynamic energy for meaningfulness in human desire, which develops and transcends any particular realization.
226. This dissertation studies the design and realization of a PC-based integrated software system for structure health monitoring.
227. Then, we also proposed a realization of virtual loudspeaker system.
228. Access to organic semiconductors in sufficient purity and variety has led to breakthroughs in solid-state physics and circuit realization.
229. This text mainly introduce the structure, function, realization and feature for " The IPM expert consultation system for cotton field ".
230. The realization of multi-strand winding was through the friction disc, which can help to realize the mono-strand winding of multi-strand steel straps.
231. This paper emphasizes remote medical treatment system and its exploitation, realization and application. It gives an overview of the recent development of biotelemetry.
232. Strengthen to manage the alienation of the public power from the ethics angle will contribute to its reasonable and valid operation and the realization of its worth target.
233. The Realization of these technical measure has effectively solved the reheater bursting problems with better economic benefit obtained.
234. An early realization products and specialization, the road of serialization.
235. Therefore, realization of injury severity lays a foundation for effective treating with closed fracture.
236. It runs through entire design process, has direct impact to the realization to ultimate design objective.
237. Using router architecture this paper compares the realization of diagram processing between communication processor and network processor.
238. At last, we taking the ADF4193 as an example explain the realization method of Fast Frequency Hopping Synthesizers in details, and the test results is given out.
239. There is a growing realization that investment in people means that their needs should be thoroughly analysed and provided for . It has encouraged a number of office planning approaches.
240. The realization of automatic edge matching by program can not only avoid the carelessness of manual working, but also find the edge matching errors which are difficult to find by manual working.
241. Principle and Realization of Web Database of Library and Information Science.
242. Final tested to prove the network device driver can be a very good realization of the network packet data transmission, to achieve a relatively rapid speed and high stability.
243. In addition, the realization of rank order filter is analyzed based on stacking processing.
244. We discuss the theory and real time realization of the digital pulse compression of the synthetic aperture radar (SAR).
245. The influence on over etching and under etching to IC layout is analyzed, the computation model and realization method of IC critical area are presented.
246. After some problems about feasibility in realization are analyzed, Laplacian sharpening is considered feasible.
247. The realization process of the developed CDMA base - band transmitting and receiving system is elaborated.
248. In hardware design, we introduced the organization of the whole system; the realization of VXI bus controlling and the circuit design of data acquisition and signal trigging.
249. The research and realization of algorithms for decomposing secret document.
250. Nanofiltration membrane separation technology is the key technology for realization of decomposition at low concentration and crystallization at high concentration.
251. MCU firmware design focuses on the structure and the realization of firmware, HID class devices developing, report descriptors establishment and ADS7843 sampling program design.
252. In this paper, the author presents a method of Chebyshev approximate polynomial for analysing nonlinear circuit as well as an example of its computer realization.
253. Strengthened the judicial authority, the realization law effect and the social effect unification.
254. The special realization process of task layer and functional layer have been presented in detail.
255. It details the principle, constitution and detailed realization method of the beam steering system.
256. In the past 50 years, Systemic Functional Linguistics developed the hierarchies of two strata: realization and instantiation.
257. Based on thermo-physics the dryness - fraction regulation and realization model is established.
258. No realization link is available to realize this lollipop interface.
259. The objective of internal control is to maximize enterprise's value and internal control helps the realization of incremental value of enterprise's value chain as a whole.
260. With the deeper realization the notion of convexification is extended for a continuous function and it is defined as a closed set and it is not necessarily convex or compact set.
261. Particularly the author explains Point - to - point protocol ( PPP ) realization exhaustively.
262. The realization that my daughters were playing in Nancy's house, just one-half block away, paralyzed my legs making me unable to move when I neared the end of our driveway.
263. Laws being the foundation of judicial trails are the externalization and realization of the legal norms.
264. This thesis focuses on the debugging of hardware and the realization of baseband signal processing for uplink in DSP and FPGA.
265. Major form the three aspects, that is to say, the essential attribute, the basic requirements and the realization approach to summarize it.
266. This paper introduces the design of SZT-1 Gyrometer Test-bed table and the realization for its working at the low temperature.
267. Fourthly, the design and realization of doorplate recognition system based on PC is presented, including module design of algorithms, realization of algorithms and testing.
268. The realization of mapping a class of nested loop algorithms to linear systolic array is studied.
269. The design and realization of chip type aircraft - borne sound - warning device are introduced.
270. A functional realization of asynchronous transfer mode ( ATM ) switch segmentation and reassembly ( SAR ) is studied.
271. In this essay, design and realization of Class 4 MVB device controller are discussed.
272. The key of this invention is the realization of comparer, counter, latch and system pulse generator.
273. The thesis mainly discussed the realization with software and hardware of the seismic signals detecting and target identifying microsystem.
274. Moreover, the implementation of the limitation of liability for maritime liens and bankruptcy institution will affected realization of maritime lien.
275. NET technical realization user's registration and debarkation, manuscript uploading and inquiry, online browsing and realization multistage edit function.
276. The simulation result proves that 3D display has good effectiveness, and the system concept is feasible. It would provide a foundation for the 3D radar display and its realization.
277. Systematic analyses are made on the realization of engagement at the controllable point and on the curved surface equation of point engaged sphere-conical roller arc surfaced indexing cam mechanism.
278. Spring AOP is one kind of realization technology of the AOP technology.




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