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单词 one-piece
释义  Related topics: Clothesˈone-piece adjective [only before noun]  DCCconsisting of only one piece, not separate parts 上下连身的 a one-piece bathing suit 单件式泳衣Examples from the Corpusone-piece• The one-piece computer is only 9 inches deep; a traditional monitor used with most desktops is about 14 inches deep.• Crabb was also going to wear a black rubber one-piece diving suit made by the Avon Rubber Company.• Andrews snipped and sewed the masterpiece into one-piece garments.• However, these will be one-piece in future, if the actual billets of maple are deep enough to allow it.• The one-piece oscar went to a Leiston man for £105 and the broken one was sold for an amazing £85.• An immense woman in a black one-piece suit sat like a Buddha, surrounded by a group of disco clones.• B Cotton and elastane one-piece suit will please both sun worshippers and serious swimmers.ˈone-piece adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus separate of not one consisting piece, only




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