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单词 Ferris wheel
释义  Related topics: OutdoorFer·ris wheel /ˈferəs ˌwiːl/ noun [countable] especially American English  DLOa very large upright wheel with seats on it for people to ride on in an amusement park 〔游乐园里的〕摩天轮,大转轮 SYN British English big wheel →5 see picture at 见图 amusement parkExamples from the CorpusFerris wheel• The skeleton of a Ferris wheel loomed; shooting galleries and hoopla stalls were being knocked together.• He rode on an elephant and on the Ferris wheel, taking only Amelia with him.• For those unmoved, the Ferris wheel spun its neon lights and the shooting galleries popped.• He watched the Ferris wheel rotate.• The Ferris wheel is cool too because a person sits in one of the seats while it goes around.Origin ferris wheel (1800-1900) G. W. G. Ferris (1859-96), US engineerFer·ris wheel nounChineseSyllable  seats large it on very wheel for people with upright a Corpus




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