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单词 pocket-sized
释义  ˈpocket-sized, pocket-size adjective [usually before noun] British English  small enough to fit into your pocket or be carried easily 袖珍的;便携的 pocket-sized dictionaries 袖珍词典Examples from the Corpuspocket-sized• The cassette-player was pocket-sized and dented where Pascoe had trodden on it.• This is a pocket-sized encyclopedia of biking information.• Standing between the high gray sky and the pocket-sized pool, I feel omnipotent.• The Olau Hollandia has a pocket-sized swimming-pool in the bowels, luxurious cabins aloft and couchette-style below.• And the latest clash of pocket-sized titans is Nintendo's GameBoy versus Atari's Lynx.ˈpocket-sized adjectiveChineseSyllable  or small your fit enough Corpus to into pocket




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