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单词 dine
释义  Related topics: Fooddine /daɪn/ ●●○ verb [intransitive] formal  1 DFEATto eat dinner 进餐 He was dining with friends at the Ritz. 他和朋友在里茨饭店一起进餐。2 dine on/off something phrasal verb formal to eat a particular kind of food for dinner, especially expensive food 以〔尤指昂贵的食物〕当正餐 We dined on lobster and strawberries. 我们正餐吃的是龙虾和草莓。3 dine out phrasal verb formal a) formalDFEAT to eat dinner in a restaurant or in someone else’s house 外出用餐〔指在餐厅或别人家吃饭〕 → eat out They would dine out together once a month. 他们每月一次一起外出用餐。b) dine out on somethingTELL British English informal to keep using a story about something that has happened to you, in order to entertain people at meals 总是把〔自己的〕某件事作为饭桌上的笑谈 → wine and dine somebody at wine2→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdine• Dining alone this evening?• You insisted I must wear this to dine, and I am certainly not going to change again now.• We dined at the Ritz.• The representatives of shire and suburb had arrived on the Monday evening, and had drunk and dined exceedingly well.• Adjacent to the hotel, guests may dine in the lively garden restaurant overlooking the river.• Guests dined on sea bass and saffron potato mousseline.• It's a place where the famous can dine out and not be bothered.• I have received an invitation to dine with the Mayor.Origin dine (1200-1300) Old French diner, from Vulgar Latin disjejunare “to eat after not eating for a time”dine verbChinese   Corpus dinner to eat




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