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单词 regress
释义  Related topics: Medicinere·gress /rɪˈɡres/ verb [intransitive]  technicalMBEHAVE to go back to an earlier and worse condition, or to a less developed way of behaving 退步,倒退;退化 OPP progress The patient had regressed to a state of childish dependency. 病人退回到像小孩一样依赖他人的状态。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusregress• It's sort of the way things have regressed.• The tumors regressed and then they appeared to stabilize.• However, with every chime of the mighty Big Ben, the changed woman regresses back to her old villainous ways.• Unable to think of anything else to do, I suggested to Eileen that we tried regressing her to her childhood.• The less compatible a pair the greater the probability that their relationship will regress in the presence of another animal.• This ambivalence may regress into a fatalistic view of herself and her future.• Expected values of birth weight for gestational age were obtained by regressing the natural logarithm of birth weight on gestational age.• When the managers felt insecure or defensive, they regressed to the familiar and comfortable role of producer.Origin regress (1500-1600) Latin past participle of regredi “to go back”re·gress verbChineseSyllable  earlier Corpus to to or condition, worse and go an back




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