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单词 Part-time
1 We have created a special category for part-time workers.
2 Many women are in part-time jobs.
3 Part-time barman required. Hours and salary negotiable.
4 She earned a living as a part-time secretary.
5 Do you have a part-time job?
6 We have 20 part-time members of staff .
7 Do you work part-time?
8 She's got a part-time job for which she earns 2,000 yen a month.
9 Students on a part-time course are not eligible for a loan.
10 Many businesses are cutting back by employing lower-paid part-time workers.
11 For college students to do a part-time job will exert a profound influence on their personality and life.
12 Part-time English classes are offered. In addition, students can take classes in word-processing and computing.
13 She's looking for a part-time job.
14 Part-time workers are unprotected by this law.
15 I'm part-time. I work three days a week.
16 A growing number of people are taking part-time jobs.
17 A high percentage of married women have part-time jobs.
18 A lot of mothers choose to work part-time.
19 Part-time workers are considered dispensable.
20 As part-time, low-paid workers, the women earned very little.
21 He has a part-time job as a hospital orderly.
22 He supplements his income with part-time or home work.
23 He got a part-time job as a gardener.
24 They will make economies by hiring fewer part-time workers.
25 Part-time work and job sharing will become commonplace.
26 I work part-time in a library.
27 He found a part-time job packing eggs.
28 The company employs six full-timers and one part-time worker.
29 She works for her father doing part-time secretarial duties.
30 It's just not feasible to manage the business on a part-time basis.
1 We have created a special category for part-time workers.
2 Many women are in part-time jobs.
3 Part-time barman required. Hours and salary negotiable.
4 She earned a living as a part-time secretary.
5 Do you have a part-time job?
6 We have 20 part-time members of staff .
7 Do you work part-time?
8 She's got a part-time job for which she earns 2,000 yen a month.
9 Students on a part-time course are not eligible for a loan.
10 Many businesses are cutting back by employing lower-paid part-time workers.
11 For college students to do a part-time job will exert a profound influence on their personality and life.
12 Part-time English classes are offered. In addition, students can take classes in word-processing and computing.
13 It's just not feasible to manage the business on a part-time basis.
31 She works part-time in a shop.
32 I'm only part-time at the moment.
33 The company encourages job-shares and part-time working.
34 She's found some part-time secretarial work.
35 Many of our staff work part-time.
36 The current trend is towards more part-time employment.
37 Do the same rules apply to part-time workers?
37 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
38 Liz works part-time from 10 till 2.
39 The new law will benefit people in part-time work.
40 Women comprise a high proportion of part-time workers.
41 He is enrolled as a part-time student.
42 I work part-time in a coffee shop just to keep the wolf from the door.
43 87% of the 1 000 companies surveyed employ part-time staff.
44 You may have to work part-time, in a badly paid job with unsociable hours.
45 I'm going to explore the possibility of a part-time job.
46 For the employer, a part-time workforce means a cheap labour supply.
47 It is a reasonable supposition that many mothers would welcome the offer of part-time work.
48 21.7% of all those in employment were in part-time jobs.
49 The prognosis is for more people to work part-time in the future.
50 Part-time work would suit me right down to the ground.
51 She gladly gave up her part-time job to devote herself entirely to her art.
52 Special constables provide part-time assistance for the regular police force.
53 He is in an anomalous position as the only part-time worker in the firm.
54 Why is it the case that taking part-time work is made so difficult by the operation of the benefit system?
55 A high percentage of the female staff are part-time workers.
56 The EU has issued guidelines on appropriate levels of pay for part-time manual workers.
57 A part-time bookkeeper will relieve you of the burden of chasing unpaid invoices and paying bills.
58 She piloted a bill on the rights of part-time workers through parliament.
59 Working on a part-time basis can prepare them for a future career.
60 I have three part-time jobs, which bring in about £14,000 a year.
61 His flair with hair soon landed him a part-time job at his local barbers.
62 The significance for college students of doing a part-time job means more than money and experience.
63 She does a bit of waitressing as a part-time job.
64 Most of the women are forced, through economic necessity, to work in part-time low-paid jobs.
65 He did part-time work as an usher in a theatre.
66 She wants to work part-time after she's had the baby.
67 The incomes of male professionals went up by almost 80%. Meanwhile(), part-time women workers saw their earnings fall.
68 After several part-time jobs, he's now got a stable job in a bank.
69 She became a casualty of the reduction in part-time work .
70 I went to college anyway, as a part-time student, paying my own way.
71 You should at least work part-time, just to keep your hand in.
72 She made the switch from full-time to part-time work when her first child was born.
73 Some cater for several thousand students, full- and part-time.
74 Many hill farmers are smallholders with part-time jobs elsewhere.
75 He worked incredibly hard and employed only part-time help.
76 Or that men are looking to work part-time.
77 Part-time workers often work in low-paid occupations.
78 Hayes is part-time con artist, part-time investigator.
79 Nelson has three full-time and two part-time employees.
80 We will make financial assistance available for part-time study.
81 Most low-paid jobs are part-time or temporary.
82 Many are occupied by women on a part-time basis.
83 Part-time workers are demanding parity with their full-time colleagues.
84 I want to work part-time.
85 Part-time female labour is particularly important.
86 A creche is provided on site for part-time courses.
87 Applications for part-time study are also welcomed.
88 Janine attends high school full-time and works part-time.
89 Part-time workers are considered dispensable in times of recession.
90 Almost all of this increase was in part-time employment.
91 Full-time, part-time and Modular MBA programmes are also available.
92 Can you switch to part-time study, if necessary?
93 Part-time employment was unchanged at 2. 07 million.
94 Colchester Institute 0206-761660: 250 full and part-time courses.
95 Most leading historians are also part-time journalists.
96 The first part-time students will enrol next April.
97 I worked part-time as a waitress and office cleaner.
98 Henry now works part-time with a firm he had formerly hired as consultants.
99 It was pointed out that women in West Belfast who are in employment are in low paid, part-time, temporary jobs.
100 Part-time farming related to other income earning activities is concentrated in the DRAs.
101 Very few part-time farmers went away for a holiday so this should not be difficult.
102 It's a part-time program, but it's still a big time commitment.
103 The manager adjusts recruitment activity to create optimum balance between the number of full-time and part-time staff.
104 Few firms give part-time workers equal rights to such benefits, and many exclude them entirely.
105 Once the country's largest dry ski-slope is fully operational it is hoped to offer up to 70 part-time jobs to experienced skiers.
106 We pretty much accept without protest the idea that part-time workers will get paid less.
107 Babies deprive women of the opportunity to earn money through the expanding opportunities for full- and part-time work now available.
108 A new initiative has been started to recruit part-time research students, initially from the graduates of the M.Ed degree programme.
109 A variety of part-time courses are also offered for those who can't commit themselves full-time.
110 He worked only part-time, an elevator operator, because the country was awash in college graduates.
111 Away from the big employers most of the part-time farmers found employment with small rural businesses.
112 Some courses are also offered on a part-time basis over 24-36 months.
113 Many people take a part-time or lower-paid job because it suits their circumstances and is a good choice for them.
114 But a quick brainstorm with 50 further education lecturers on a part-time degree course revealed the same negative associations.
115 That almost surely means he was a Soviet intelligence operative, at least part-time.
116 The rest will be part-time, seasonal, or contract workers, responsible for designing and choreographing their own careers and retirements.
117 Of the former, 10.1 percent were on full-time courses and 11.4 on part-time day release.
118 About 40 percent. of Britain's adult women part-time workers would benefit from Labour's proposal for a minimum wage.
119 Part-time farming tends to be concentrated in DRAs where small, often non-viable holdings predominate.
120 We already encourage job-shares, part-time working and career breaks and we are introducing home working.
121 That would take more low-paid workers out of the tax net and encourage more part-time work.
122 I have run across a number of apprentices who worked long hours in part-time jobs in addition to their apprenticeships.
123 As the planning team was made up mainly of part-time members, we quickly realised that communication was an important issue.
124 After a period of full-time child-care, many women return to paid employment on a part-time basis.
125 Is the employment of full-time and part-time staff matched against the workload across the 7-day period?
126 They had to eat meat sparingly and kept only one horse and one part-time manservant.
127 Most women are forced through economic necessity to work in part-time low-paid jobs with quite a large number in the black economy.
128 Carla is a CPA and serves as a part-time financial adviser to Technosystems.
129 Finally, the national forum recommended by the first Haycocks Report should perform the same function for courses for part-time teachers.
130 The council received city support for a part-time member of staff.
131 He had taken a part-time job selling a line of cosmetics the manufacturer had labeled as all-natural products.
132 Much of the rise in employment in the boom came in the marginal, part-time jobs generally done by women.
133 But the Commission is also preparing Directives setting minimum conditions for part-time employees and young people.
134 However, during the past twelve years the balance between full-time and part-time students has shifted markedly in favour of the former.
135 Tourism was of great importance and added to the earning capacity of many full-time and part-time farms.
136 Middleton-in-Teesdale Firefighter needed: A part-time firefighter is needed for the Middleton-in-Teesdale station.
137 In the meantime, he earned his keep with a part-time job in a toyshop.
138 The chain store piloted a 13-week part-time secondment programme in which five employees spent hours working with five voluntary organisations.
139 She is continuing educational research in retirement and has recently accepted part-time work with a national research institute.
140 Part-time jobs are a gentle way into a new job area, without too much commitment. 2.
141 They should operate on a part-time basis and attract their own television and sponsorship.
142 There are not many part-time workers in the middle and higher levels of management.
143 The interviewers who work for market research companies are usually women who wish to work part-time.
144 However, a large proportion of married women do work outside the home, particularly in part-time work.
145 Ideally, some one with a terminal illness should at least have the right to work part-time as long as they are able.
146 Their total income each week - from a part-time job, family credit and child benefit - amounts to just over £150.
147 Newman, who worked part-time as a Cheltenham school crossing guard and park ranger, has no prior record.
148 When Stephen had met her, she had just begun her part-time job with a community youth project in Exeter.
149 Many were forced to take part-time jobs or handouts from parents to make ends meet.
150 Women with dependent children are less likely to have full-time jobs but more likely to have part-time jobs, than women without.
151 As for the economically active, 56 percent were employed full- or part-time and 44 percent were unemployed.
152 However, with one exception, none of these new jobs were permanent; some were part-time, and all were low-paid.
153 He is a part-time student at Teesside Polytechnic and has worked on Teesside all his life.
154 Moreover, the funding for part-time staff involvement and administrative and clerical back-up is also provided from these institutional sources.
155 Must they wait until they are four, and then go into part-time nursery education?
156 Meanwhile an interim award of £1 was made to full-time workers; part-time workers got nothing.
157 Mr. MacGregor I am also aware that the Opposition's proposal for a national minimum wage would destroy many part-time jobs.
157 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
158 Part-time work Women are far more likely than men to work part-time, as table 4.2 shows.
159 If she can afford it, she cuts back to part-time work or stops entirely.
160 It had a non-resident, part-time caretaker, extensive grounds maintained by a part-time groundsman and a low level of clerical support.
161 Part-time working would also have to be pro-actively encouraged, she said.
162 Proper training in this field could have significant benefits to the family farmer and part-time farmer.
163 In recent years cropping had taken over from livestock particularly on part-time farms.
164 Information is available on all kinds of education and training opportunities, full and part-time, vocational and non-vocational.
165 Early in the setup of the Northwest Respirator Center he hired Dunning to work as his part-time associate director.
166 The research will take the form of participant observation with all three of us acting as part-time teachers in the schools.
167 They forget I took the job on the understanding that management of a national team can only be part-time employment.
168 It took Adi Shamir a year to break a 120-digit key using a network of distributed Sun workstations working part-time.
169 With more than 60 part-time massage therapists, there is a wide range of body work available.
170 Meals on Wheels and More eliminated a social worker and a nutritionist and turned some full-time workers into part-time workers.
171 I had a part-time job while I was in college.
172 Step-children may be full-time or part-time members of the household.
173 Most companies have a balance between full-time executive directors and part-time members of the board.
174 And she lost her university part-time lectureship in Hebrew Studies, because she was pregnant.
175 Neither constraint applies to the Tertiary College where adults and part-time students make up a sizable proportion of the student population.
176 A more limited number of courses are available by part-time study only.
177 Part-time students take either one or two courses a year and attend the same daytime classes as full-time students.
178 I could easily go in and request part-time work, and no one would think badly of me.
179 The third element is the flexible labour force, part-time and temporary employees who provide expertise and skills in response to changing needs.
180 Of course, integrated programmes are less suitable for part-time attendees and those who want to do parts of a modular programme.
181 Three tiers of certificate are offered: Part 1, usually taken after one or two years part-time study.
182 The Course is heavily used by part-time Associate students, mainly home students drawn from the local catchment area.
183 In addition, she did all the housework, her graduate studies, and held down two part-time jobs.
184 The picture includes the provision made for amateur and professional, part-time and full-time church musicians.
185 Similar one-day workshops for new part-time academic staff were piloted in June.
186 The lack of help has forced the part-time student and administrative assistant to move to her parents' South San Francisco home.
187 But as part-time, low-paid workers, the women earned very little.
188 Secondly, some critics argued that the three-stage modular structure of part-time training recommended in the report might reduce flexibility in provision.
189 His grandfather, the revered village chief and part-time pastor, watches him carefully, his glances showing pride.
190 Frequently, this is part-time and is managed - albeit with difficulty - alongside other family responsibilities.
191 In the next chapter we show that taking part-time work usually leads to an increase in domestic responsibility.
192 Mothers who work part-time are able to mind other people's children when they are not working.
193 He worked part-time for a Boat Quay trader, taking orders from customers.
194 Now our job may be less demanding, or we may need less money and cut back to part-time work.
195 His existence had been particularly dull, holding down brief part-time work selling clothes in Manchester's underground fashion world.
196 However, candidates from overseas are not normally allowed to enrol for part-time study.
197 A shifting constellation of part-time jobs is becoming the middle-class norm.
198 In addition to the full-time staff there was also a part-time staff of ten women teachers.
199 In a major federal survey, one-third of the men and women interviewed said they would work part-time if possible.
200 Most of the part-time farmers in that area worked in Teesside, many at management level.
201 It usually consists of part-time jobs offered as one component of vocational education in high schools.
202 Many have taken part-time jobs in service industries in order to earn money while caring for their children.
203 Looking for part-time work? Hurry on down to Fannie Mae.
204 This enables part-time students to be linked into the research community and undertake joint work with others based around the world.
205 At first she went part-time and, after being uncertain about her major for a time, she settled on physical education.
206 Her husband was recently laid off from his construction job and is now employed part-time as a night watchman.
207 She fought hard to get him a part-time playgroup place in the group his older brother attended.
208 The part-time actor was sentenced last month to a year in a tough drug rehabilitation unit on associated charges.
209 Opportunities are also available for those who wish to pursue higher diplomas and degrees in a full-time or part-time capacity.
210 These workers, full-time and part-time, and their family members, comprise an additional 30 million people living in poverty.
211 However, as secondments became more difficult to obtain, there appears to be a shift in the direction of part-time courses.
212 Full and part-time courses are continually running so call for up-to-date information.
213 Furthermore, women who work part-time are often ineligible to join an occupational-pension scheme.
214 In future, therefore, employers will have to pay much closer attention to the principle of non-discrimination against part-time employees.
215 Can you keep up regular attendance at college if you pick the part-time degree?
216 Some prefer part-time work, so that there is extra income and interest, but time to enjoy leisure, too.
217 Repeal of Act 70 will make smaller farms more affordable to part-time farmers,() and mortgage finance much less elitist.
218 The part-time barman was doing all he could, but his good eye wandered for ever towards the Swan's door.
219 Nominations are invited for any part-time or voluntary coach who has made an outstanding contribution to sport.
220 Eighty-five percent of the part-time holdings were under 25 acres and only 2% were over 50 acres.
221 More part-time farms had the paperwork done by the husband, who was often experienced in paperwork in his other employment.
222 There was no justifiable reason for differential treatment of the part-time employees concerning the increase in salary and reduction in work hours.
223 Some Health Authorities pursue policies which limit or eradicate the use of part-time staff.
224 Like others who had gone before him, Neville the part-time barman was a very worried man.
225 It also examines how caring for children or elderly relatives or taking part-time work can affect the level of your pension.
226 The recruitment of part-time tutors was a matter of concern: The area is small in population and particularly academic population.
227 The 34C-24-34 part-time model was the only one of our finalists who likes her legs.
228 Full-time staff are being asked if they would like to switch to part-time work and various initiatives including job-sharing are being encouraged.
229 Angela was working part-time when she took her second period of maternity leave.
230 Many find themselves in low-paid part-time employment, with few prospects for real security or advancement.
231 In Roswell, a resource room is a classroom for special education students who require part-time special assistance.
232 Over 13,500 full-time and part-time students are currently enrolled for courses at all levels, from doctoral studies to part-time certificate programmes.
233 He succeeds Larry Brook, who continues working with the Foundation on a part-time basis in conjunction with establishing his own consulting firm.
234 Those with non A-level entry qualifications obtained by part-time study obtained the highest degree results on average.
235 Thirdly, the lack of adequate and affordable child care remains a significant barrier to employment, even part-time employment.
236 Taking on part-time jobs could help pay their way without relying totally on parents and the state for financial support.
237 As part-time chairman, I am responsible for the managing of board affairs and am closely involved in the development of strategy.
238 Our executive committee is composed of voluntary members and a part-time national officer.
239 Secondly, the connection between part-time earning, leisure spending and gender relations will be considered.
240 The effort was wasted of course, and the part-time barman slumped away into the darkness taking his scotch with him.
241 The dummy took three weeks' work by a team of volunteers, mostly part-time and helping when they could.
242 Decisions on part-time degree applicants are normally taken by senior tutors.
243 One force has been the phenomenal growth in part-time employment.
244 They keep off the jobless roles by taking early retirement, holding part-time jobs or enrolling in government-run training programs.
245 They include a wide range of full-time and part-time courses which vary considerably in length, level and objectives.
246 Many employers are only too ready to exploit and underpay female part-time workers.
247 But the part-time employee whom Kelly sent was not your average temp.
247 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
248 Part-time Ulster Defence Regiment staff have been called-in to work full time.
249 Some 15,000 crofts, small family farm units that offer marginal incomes and mainly part-time employment, have survived.
250 This was most obviously the case for Angela, who was working part-time, and for Jennifer, who was self-employed.
251 For those on non-residential courses three years' part-time training is normally demanded.
252 Areas with predominantly family or part-time farmers would need close consultation in the provision of training.
253 Elsa contacted several companies to ask if they could offer her part-time work.
254 Given the School's rapid rate of growth, more part-time tutors are needed across the full range of management activities.
255 The only part-time farmer travelled long distances to his work but was self-employed and could therefore choose his days away.
256 There is a much greater pay gap for women working part-time.
257 Continuing a correspondence course is easy; finding another part-time degree may be less so.
258 They established a bakery that eventually employed several hundred village girls on a part-time basis while they finished school.
259 As well as earnings from part-time work,() other income can affect your entitlement to unemployment benefit.
260 The time factor was a problem both to full-time and part-time farmers but for entirely different reasons.
261 Alan Harle, defending, said Joyce was still employed as a part-time doorman at the pub.
262 For the full-time farmer the type of land assumed much greater importance than for the part-time farmer.
263 They returned six years later and purchased a corrugated zinc dwelling, and with their two sons became part-time islanders.
264 Labour law application for full-time employees generally applies to the full extent also for part-time employees.
265 The new law protects most workers, but excludes those on part-time contracts.
266 I am working part-time, but my maternity leave begins next month.
267 On the part-time farms 18% of the wives had off-farm jobs, varying from 18 hours per week to full-time employment.
268 The packaging department and the despatch department each employ one member of staff working on a part-time basis.
269 About 60,000 part-time workers have won the right to pension benefits backdated to 1976.
270 Students on the part-time course will work from home, visiting Middlesbrough only for the final examination.
271 They have blocked directives on parental leave, on part-time workers and on maternity rights.
272 Many of the full-time farmers and the more established part-time farmers were already at maximum output so room for increase was limited.
273 The part-time volunteers have been sounding retreat with the massed bands of the Light Division.
274 She didn't want some tarted-up part-time hooker spoiling it with tales about him she couldn't possibly hope to match.
275 They deserve close examination especially by those in predominantly family and part-time farming areas.
276 The students participate in paid internships during the summer and part-time work during the school year.
277 They usually employ many part-time staff since this reduces the amount of National Insurance contributions the company has to pay.
278 He praised the effort and resolve shown by part-time students in completing professional courses in addition to the daily challenges of full-time employment.
279 Then I took a one-day-a-week, part-time job that pays me $ 35 a week.
280 The committee is too important to have the senior police detective interest represented on a part-time basis.
281 He is able to run his part-time practice in Leyburn he worked in Darlington and Richmond before that around the racing calendar.
282 When teenage children are involved, as full-time or part-time members of the new family, there is considerable added pressure.
283 The part-time worker has the right to a monthly salary proportionally equivalent to that of a corresponding full-time employee.
284 Upon reaching retirement age Len found that he missed the job so much he came back on a part-time basis.
285 Joyce became a part-time tutor at a creamer's, while still participating in the social life of his peers.
286 The staff is assigned to the project on a full-time or part-time basis.
287 Eleven million women are now in full or part-time employment.
288 The willingness of part-time farmers to go on training courses demonstrates their determination to make the most of their farms.
289 Possibly he supplemented his income with some part-time outside work.
290 Some enlightened and forward-thinking employers are already beginning to recognise this potential manpower re-source for both full and part-time staff.
291 These are the times when part-time staff should be utilised.
292 There may also be additional staff employed on a part-time or seasonal basis for particular projects or programs.
293 We will make financial assistance available for part-time study. Open up new opportunities for study.
294 She helped a succession of youngsters to take part-time degrees by getting them jobs as kitchen porters or trainee cooks.
295 The reforms in national insurance contributions will abolish the in-built bias currently in existence to create part-time employment.
296 Most children attend only part-time - morning or afternoon. Local authority nurseries charge, nursery classes do not.
297 More full-time farmers than part-time farmers in the study would have liked extra land.
298 Part-time work is generally hard to find.




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