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单词 denationalize
释义  Related topics: Business management, Policiesde·na·tion·al·ize (also denationalise British English) /diːˈnæʃənəlaɪz/ verb [transitive]  BBBPPPto sell a business or industry that is owned by the state, so that it is then owned privately 使非国有化,使私营化 SYN privatize OPP nationalize —denationalization /diːˌnæʃənəlaɪˈzeɪʃən $ -lə-/ noun [uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdenationalize• There was little or no attempt to denationalize the giant state monopolies thereafter.From Longman Business Dictionarydenationalizede‧na‧tion‧al‧ize /diːˈnæʃənəlaɪz/ (also denationalise British English) verb [transitive] to sell a business or industry that is owned by the state, so that it is owned privatelySYN PRIVATIZEThere was no attempt to denationalize the giant state monopolies.denationalized companies —denationalization (also denationalisation British English) noun [uncountable]the denationalization of British Rail→ See Verb tablede·na·tion·al·ize verbChineseSyllable   Business business industry that a or sell Corpus to




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