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单词 Whereby
1. They've set up a plan whereby you can spread the cost over a period.
2. She devised a plan whereby they might escape.
3. Whereby shall we know her?
4. She made an arrangement with her employer whereby she worked a reduced number of hours.
4. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
5. They voted to accept a deal whereby the union will receive nearly three-quarters of a million pounds from the International Miners Organisation.
6. We need to devise some sort of system whereby people can liaise with each other.
7. The two colleges have a reciprocal arrangement whereby students from one college can attend classes at the other.
8. The system provides a mechanism whereby information is channelled into the market.
9. It's put me in a position whereby I can't afford to take a job.
10. They have introduced a new system whereby all employees must undergo regular training.
11. The mall created a frequent-shopper plan whereby customers earn discounts.
12. This was the formula whereby the law made provision for the descent of landed estates within a line.
13. Gradually, however, Paul's position becomes the only one whereby sense can be made of the situation.
14. A similar trend is also developing whereby parents sell their home when their children have established an independent existence.
15. The procedures whereby political decisions are made in the United States surely have much to answer for.
16. The precise means whereby these contacts and cross-currents were established in individual cases are often unclear.
17. The principal means whereby the two language varieties interact in conversation is through language alternation in the form of code switching.
18. These restrict some of the conceivable processes whereby excitation could occur, while allowing others to occur with very few restrictions.
19. How can anyone dream up a handicap system whereby my handicap can go up because somebody else scored a net 65?
20. Or is it more akin to mechanics whereby a given stimulus produces an automatic response?
21. In a just society there must be a system whereby people can seek redress through the courts.
22. I dream of the realization of the unity of Africa, whereby its leaders combine in their efforts to solve the problems of this continent. I dream of our vast deserts, of our forests, of all our great wildernesses.
23. What we have at the moment is a hybrid system, whereby broadcasters enjoy exorbitant privileges.
24. This petty cash is kept on the imprest system, whereby the petty cashier is entrusted with a fixed sum of money.
25. This ambiguity of voices co-operates with the rhetoric of textual autonomy whereby texts are seen to undermine themselves without intervention.
26. All persons engaged in public administration serve in a special legal relationship whereby the public law institution is the employer.
27. Sir Patrick made a special arrangement with the Treasury whereby additional funds would be made available to meet the cost.
28. For this, he was convicted of distributing insulting material whereby a breach of the peace was likely to be occasioned.
29. While in Kurunagala Ellis also established a cattle voucher system whereby headmen had to certify all sales of cattle.
30. To overcome these problems, small schools in some rural areas have formed cooperative clusters whereby teachers provide curriculum support for each other.
1. In a just society there must be a system whereby people can seek redress through the courts.
2. They've set up a plan whereby you can spread the cost over a period.
3. Whereby shall we know her?
31. From this viewpoint, gametes and the genes they carry are merely a device whereby organisms produce offspring like themselves.
32. As costs rise, there are several schemes whereby you can pay now and die later, but not the reverse.
33. Sir C: I believe you speak of the practice whereby the political inclination of a parish is physically manipulated.
34. This phrase is a clue, becoming a means whereby adherents of the same movement can be identified.
35. The procedure whereby the pre-emptive offer is to be communicated to the shareholders is laid down in section 90.
36. A morphological indexing system was developed whereby each word in the lexicon is associated with its root.
37. This facility is a crucial ingredient in the process whereby the money supply expands.
38. There are two means whereby notation can accommodate, or be hospitable to, new subjects: 1.
39. In the second place, he invented fishnets, a cruel device whereby innocent fish leap weeping to your frying pans.
40. One method whereby the aggressive and destructive energies of mankind are sublimated is through work.
41. This process whereby financial intermediaries lend for longer periods of time than they borrow is known as maturity transformation.
42. He was known for facilitating the process whereby tumor markers, or lab tests for tumors, were brought into the marketplace.
43. The principle of subsidiarity, whereby decisions were taken at as low a level as was feasible, was stressed.
44. Even so their contribution to the mechanisms whereby the new images were translated from theory to practice needs to be recognized.
45. Firstly there is the whole word approach, whereby shape and pattern recognition procedures attempt to match directly with complete words.
46. There should be a quidproquo arrangement whereby we all cooperate.
47. Or, thirdly, arrangements whereby the needy are increasingly looked after by voluntary and charitable activities.
48. Competitive tendering is a system whereby contracts are awarded to the supplier who offers the best deal.
49. Since no further theory is available whereby the competitors might be assessed, legal theory appears to have reached an impasse.
50. But if the Nestorian Church provided one vehicle whereby Nazarean thought survived into a later epoch, there were also others.
51. Graves's disease is a malfunction of the body's immune system whereby antibodies mistakenly attack the thyroid gland.
52. Cervical reintegration is a faster method whereby pressure is exerted on muscles in tension, thus causing them to relax.
53. Many planning systems exist whereby consumers with similar characteristics of purchasing behaviour are grouped.
54. He said an agreement had been struck whereby Freeport would provide 1 percent of annual revenues for social development programs.
55. We had an arrangement whereby whoever arrived home first cooked dinner.
56. A strict timetable was to be adhered to whereby reorganization was to be completed by the end of 1974.
57. You could try the Samoan method, whereby each greets the other with his own name.
58. Varnishing a finishing process whereby a transparent varnish is applied over the printed sheet to produce a glossy finish.
59. These have to be settled, if necessary, by a process of reconciliation whereby the budget committees impose specific ceilings.
60. But not without secretly implementing a scheme whereby the computer could also work with a bigger load512K.
61. This all-or-none response seems to arise through a positive feedback effect whereby calcium stimulates its own release.
62. In that sense, the poor Law was a mechanism whereby one class imposed a particular view of family responsibility upon another.
63. The system of state welfare is seen as one of the central means whereby society moves towards the creation of social equality.
64. The Committee considered such appointments preferable to more covert arrangements whereby certain officers became singled out as sympathetic sources of advice.
64. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
65. Moreover, departmental rivalries are endemic in the style of central government whereby competitive bids are made for limited financial resources.
66. In time, however, a definite emotional feeling begins to arise whereby one feels increasingly attuned to the Cosmos.
67. Under Johnwick, rehabilitation became the means whereby eligible patients were encouraged to leave voluntarily.
68. And, lastly, the definition of rules for housework establishes a mechanism whereby the housewife can reward herself for doing it.
69. The second category relates to a transaction whereby a private person disposes of goods to a businessman.
70. This odd reversal of polygyny has been attributed to a very high rate of ground predation whereby clutches are easily lost.
71. They therefore proposed the idea of continuous creation whereby matter was constantly popping into existence.
72. Kaohsiung operates a system whereby employees can offer operational advice regarding improvements to production methods.
73. A code of practice had been drawn up whereby offenders would be suspended.
74. This allows for the entries to be made by machine accounting whereby several operations can be carried out at the same time.
75. We also worked out in the end a system whereby Brian would react to my jump rather than I react to his throw.
76. A scheme is to be implemented whereby the blooms will be held offshore by a series of floating barriers.
77. Consent, which lies at the root of self-determination(), should be the conceptual mechanism whereby the right is guaranteed and safeguarded.
78. The process was not unlike that whereby, today, a large corporation might swallow up its smaller competitors.
79. It is a process whereby scarce resources are allocated among competing powers and claimants.
80. This led to an early invention of annealing, whereby the metal might be softened by sudden heating and quenching.
81. This is the process whereby every scrap of green land in a town is up for grabs by development.
82. There is no mechanism whereby clouds of particular shapes can spawn daughter clouds resembling themselves.
83. One is a parity grid arrangement, whereby upper and lower intervention rates are established for each currency against every other currency.
84. A deed of transfer was executed on 18 October, whereby the developers transferred the land in question to the Prudential.
85. Cooking Boiling Boiling is a method of moist heat cooking whereby the heat is transferred by conduction.
86. Traditionally, a wealth tax has been considered as another means whereby the Treasury can raise funds.
87. The Edwardian display cases containing apparatus whereby Boyle's Law could be proven beyond all reasonable doubt, veritably twinkled.
88. The occurrence of scrub and forest fires provides another mechanism whereby rocks can be subjected to significant thermal expansion and contraction.
89. He devised a formula whereby the amount an employer can save, for every employee recruited, each year can be calculated.
90. Whereby will he do it?
91. Whereby shall we find fault with him?
92. Whereby I saw that he was angry.
93. He devised a plan whereby they might get rich.
94. Whereby shall I know this?
94. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
95. The phenomenon whereby a viscous substance solidifies under pressure.
96. Bankruptcy involves a change of management, whereby the citizen loses his home to foreclosure, his car repossessed, and thus given to another to manage.
97. End of year " backwardation " – whereby expiration of futures contracts sends the commodity higher could also be a factor at play.
98. Of things: The material cause or instrumentality whereby effects are produced; but implying a rational employer or contriver.
99. The code sets up the kernel page directory, creates identity kernel mapping, identifies architecture and processor, and branches to start_kernel (the main routine whereby the system is initialized).
100. The present invention proceeds by deactivating a first port (2) in the blocking state, whereby a second port (1) connected via an inactive link is caused to assume a link-down status.
101. He knew the finger alphabet, whereby the deaf and dumb communicate.
102. Jessup is a well-known international moot court competition on international law whereby teams from law schools all over the world compete in Washington D.
103. Gastroenterology is the branch of medicine whereby the digestive system and its disorders are studied.
104. Love is the chain whereby to bind a child to his parents.
105. Pegasus - Exceeding activity and energy of mind whereby one may mount to honour.
106. Rear Admiral Mary Landry today directed BP to launch a new procedure whereby the riser pipe will be cut and a containment structure fitted over the leak.
107. Determining the personality and feature of the ideological innovativeness as well as the subjectivity of periodicals is the key whereby the style of the periodical is formed.
108. The indirect mode is a mode of connection whereby a participant initiates and receives business through the terminus of the common front end of the foreign currency payment system.
109. Rather the practicum follows a participatory action research model whereby students work hand - in - hand with LCW members.
110. Euro zone officials have told Reuters that an alternative model, whereby the EFSF could underwrite a portion of newly issued euro zone debt, is also on the table.
111. Two new quenching methods are proposed as follows:1. Interrupted quenching, whereby the work-piece is first cooled in water or a water-based solution, then cooled in the muddy quenching medium, 2.
112. A programmed control processor responds to control packets in RTCP or RTSP format, whereby the handling or direction of RTP packets an be changed.
113. Defence to a criminal charge whereby the accused state he act involuntarily.
114. This idea acts as a model for the string quartet whereby successive introductions of ornamental figures obliterate the regular structure of the verse.
115. The process whereby a master station requests slave station to indicate its identity or its status.
116. It led to a situation whereby General Motors could make money only by selling big, gas-guzzling S.U.V.'s and trucks.
117. Article 414 A brokerage contract is a contract whereby the broker in its own name engages in trade activities for the truster and the truster pays remuneration therefor.
118. The tool compensation amounts are gradually varied, whereby mechanical shock does not occur.
119. A second destabilizing mechanism is Ostwald ripening, also known as coarsening or disproportionation, whereby gas diffuses from smaller to larger bubbles.
120. Diffusion aided by hexamethyldisiloxane is used, whereby complete separation can be achieved in a few hours at room temperature.
121. The object of the invention is to provide a method of processing a nozzle plate whereby portions around ink ejecting holes of an ink-repellent layer is removed.
122. Market Penetration Pricing Strategy A pricing policy whereby inventory prices are set very low to gain market control or penetration.
123. A process whereby the value of an investment increases exponentially over time because of compound interest.
124. It has founded Autoregrecsive Moving model and given model parameters estimation and confidence interval, whereby physics meaning of model parameters is explained and statistical chara...
124. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
125. The prepackaged sample demonstrates the auxiliary mode whereby a separate simple servlet instantiates a persistence unit and is deployed alongside JESTServlet in the same web archive.
126. As with most issues in this new Gilded Age, the tale of the American diet is a story of the worst form of corporatism -- the kind whereby the government uses public monies to protect private profit.
127. For example, Xerox Corporation entered into a restructuring whereby it agreed to repay US$2.8 billion of an outstanding loan.
128. It includes the process whereby a diploid cell of the nucellus develops into an embryo giving a diploid seed with a genetic constitution identical to the parent.
129. Certificate T-bond is a main instrument whereby the bank issues T-bonds on behalf of the state, and the bank's business offices issue T-bond receipts to the depositors purchasing the T-bonds.
130. This theatrical model couldn't be more different from the typical experience of a West End show, whereby a room full of passive ticket-buyers take in the entertainment on a proscenium stage.
131. This induction is amplified by the use of optical-pineal induction whereby the eyes are focused for a time upon the Image of the symbol code.
132. These were controlled by multiple allels or by loci with allels that segregate independently whereby epistasis also may have played a role.
133. A JavaScript client application receives the JSON as an object, whereby values are referenced using a dot notation syntax.
134. Shortly, he arrived a checkpoint whereby many tanks were parked.
135. "His idea ... was to use an "escape sequence", whereby each natural language had its own registered escape seqence code and associated set ..."
136. After the scale-up, the PNPM would shift into a more self-sustaining mode whereby local governments will take on greater responsibility for financing.
137. From the logical positivist perspective, rationality concerns the selection of preferred behavior alternatives in terms of some system of values whereby the consequences of behavior can be evaluated.
138. Lord's Supper : The Southern Baptists believe that the Lord's Supper is a symbolic act of obedience whereby members of the church memorialize the death of Jesus.
139. When used in this manner, the metal detector is suitable for protecting machinery, whereby smaller parts will not interrupt operation of the equipment.
140. Going short can be contrasted with the more conventional practice of "going long", whereby an investor profits from any increase in the price of the asset.
141. An error whereby TREE assignment rules included extreme exponent was fixed.
142. I believe they will come to a point in time whereby they'll be asking for tips.
143. The logic whereby law can be believed in is none too inevitable to exist, while the western faith in law is unprompted to be born in particular history conditions.
144. If you have a binary system whereby both stars are visible so you get the spectrum of both stars, then you see the Doppler shift of both stars in the spectrum.
145. Now I want to continue a case whereby I have a completely elastic collision.
146. So we generate a torque which is proportional to the angle, very similar to the linear spring whereby we generate a force which is proportional to the linear displacement.
147. Nuclear fission a process whereby a uranium nucleus absorbs a neutron, is not.
148. As an accounting object, the value movement is expressed in terms of the exchange value movement and the value added movement, whereby the accounting system structure and function is determined.
149. In the past, the government used to disperse redundant employees into public jobs whereby many laid-off staff are returned to government departments.
150. He said the company is responding to the early stages of a trend whereby makers of Chinese heavy-duty equipment, such as trucks used in mining, start to export.
151. A radio beacon which transmits nondirectional signals whereby the pilot can use the ADF to determine his bearing to or from the station.
152. The more important responsibility of this atomic energy agency would be to devise methods whereby this fissionable material would be allocated to serve the peaceful pursuits of mankind.
153. The diskless method of provisioning the compute nodes is used, whereby the nodes boot from the management node.
154. Stop Motion: An animation method whereby apparent motion of objects is obtained on the film by exposing single frames and moving the object to simulate continuous motion.
155. Adoption is an act of God's free grace, whereby we are received into the number,[] and have a right to all the privileges of the sons of God.
156. Horace Bushnell introduced the idea of Christian nurture, whereby children would be brought to religion without revivals.
157. S. automobile industry instituted a cross-licensing agreement whereby patents were shared openly and freely amongst manufacturers.
158. The only problem comes in some kinds of life insurance contracts whereby interest is in the core of the contract (what is known as whole life insurance, which is the most common any way).
159. Competence A characteristic of embryonic cells and meristematic cells whereby they have the potential to differentiate into any of several different types of cell.
160. Thus saith the Lord GOD; This shall be the border, whereby ye shall inherit the land according to the twelve tribes of Israel: Joseph shall have two portions.
161. Reinsurance is a device whereby insurers can do the risk sharing and risk transferring.
162. Luk 1:78 Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us.
163. This is the means whereby we ( have ) worked out the answer to that problem.
164. And it shall come to pass, that the man's rod, whom I shall choose, shall blossom: and I will make to cease from me the murmurings of the children of Israel, whereby they murmur against you.
165. The government has secured an agreement whereby taxpayers will be repaid before Fiat is "allowed to take a majority ownership stake in Chrysler."
166. Australia had a racially segregated labour policy, whereby non-white worked in conditions that would ( or could) not be tolerated by whites - e.g. hard labour in the tropics and pearl diving.
167. Doctors say she is suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome ,() whereby nerves in the wrist become trapped.
168. Dancing has always been a particularly important element in shamanic rites, but ventriloquy appears to have used also, as well as juggling and tricks whereby the shaman releases himself from bonds.
169. Also do take note that our HQ in Germany practices annual increment, whereby the new pricing takes effect from deliveries scheduled in the following year.
170. This reduces the idea of interpretive community to a kind of atomism whereby we all concede and all say, "Yes, it's true. I am in a certain sense a community."
171. A gift contract is a contract whereby the donor conveys his property to the donee without reward and the donee manifests his acceptance of the gift.
172. This surety is called the confirmation bias, whereby we seek and find confirmatory evidence in support of already existing beliefs and ignore or reinterpret disconfirmatory evidence.
173. Among techniques used to disorientate prisoners were "frequent flyer" programmes, whereby detainees would be moved from their cell every hour, night and day.
174. There is no other way whereby we can cross the river.
175. An old custom in certain English boroughs whereby the right to inherit an estate intestate went to the youngest son or, in default of issue, to the youngest brother.
176. This is in contrast to language-bound, API-based interaction, whereby a client invokes server functions through remote proxies by passing variable arguments in a programming language.
177. Tri-party collateral management, whereby a third bank acts an intermediary between a buyer and seller, is another growth area for custodians.
178. You can also adopt a more coarse-grained approach whereby XML service profile data is presented as files.
179. Borrowing directly from these early 18th century forms of Chinoiserie, I conduct a similar pattern of stylistic plagiarism, whereby Chinese archetypes are rendered through lesser sophisticated means.
180. Easement curve was introduced, whereby curvature changes steadily form a straight line to the desired radius.
181. This pairing refers to the establishment of a trusted relationship whereby a secret passkey is shared by the headset and the PC.
182. Shawn: We actually move through a process whereby we touch every student in the committee room.
183. Whereby anything that is happening on this level will make no difference.
184. Writ of garnishment - An order of the court whereby property, money,[sentence dictionary] or credits in the possession of another person may be seized and applied to pay a debtor's debt.
185. Our study uncovers a fundamental relationship whereby cell cycle position regulates growth.
186. The degree of accuracy can vary between 1 and 100, whereby 100 is an exact match.
187. Some people even have a genetic defect in the enzymes in their liver that break down nicotine, whereby the mutant enzyme is much less effective at metabolizing nicotine than the normal variant.
188. He was then taken to a hospital in Kigali. God told Emanuel not to worry and not to accept the doctors proposed surgery whereby his arm would be cut off.
189. The latter is a process whereby the transplanted tissue induces mesenchymal cells of the recipient to differentiate into osteoblastic cells.
190. This is a technique whereby land is scraped from above in order to fined coal.
191. Show me the merit whereby you have charmed these persons, and I also will esteem you.




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