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单词 definitive
释义  de·fin·i·tive /dɪˈfɪnətɪv/ ●○○ AWL adjective  1  [usually before noun]BEST a definitive book, description etc is considered to be the best and cannot be improved 最具权威的,最可靠的definitive study/work/guide etc the definitive study of Victorian railway stations 对维多利亚时代火车站最权威的研究2  CHANGE/MAKE something DIFFERENTa definitive agreement, statement etc is one that will not be changed 〔协议、陈述等〕最终的,确定的 a definitive agreement to buy the company 收购这家公司的最终协议 —definitively adverbExamples from the Corpusdefinitive• None can provide a definitive answer to the question of whom resources should be spent on.• She has written the definitive book on the poet Wordsworth.• This may be the definitive book on the Scarlatti trial.• However, definitive decisions about such measures must rest with medically qualified personnel.• However, the design can be a useful, if not a definitive, indicator of a rug's origins.• Many people regard it as the definitive interpretation of 'War and Peace'.• Suppose, for sake of argument, that this is indeed the definitive legal position.• The definitive movie on these two men whose courage reshaped a nation remains to be made.• He added that many market watchers had been hoping for some type of agreement or definitive news yesterday.• A definitive set of grammatical tags does not exist.• Griffin is the author of the definitive travel guide 'France at Your Fingertips'.• His books may not be the most definitive works on the phenomenon they describe.definitive study/work/guide etc• Because it will be my definitive work.• The Black Book Of Communism is not a definitive work.• A later and quite definitive study conducted by Miller between 1973 and 1978 bore this out.• This is not the definitive work of television.• This became the definitive work of the period.• His books may not be the most definitive works on the phenomenon they describe.• Halliwell's Film Guide the definitive guide to the movies.·fin·i·tive adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus definitive a is etc description book,




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