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单词 Guts
1. I agree. I hate his guts.
2. Barbara hasn 't got the guts to leave her mother.
3. I don't have the guts to say that to my boss.
4. He's a real greedy guts.
5. We hate each other's guts.
6. We've been sweating our guts out here!
7. He has spilled his guts in his new autobiography.
8. What's the matter with you, misery guts ?
9. There were blood and guts all over the place.
10. Old misery guts here doesn't want to go out.
11. Stop being such an old misery guts!
12. I slogged my guts out for those exams.
13. Most have worked their guts out and made sacrifices.
14. He has a lot of guts.
15. I've got a terrible pain in the guts.
15. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
16. There was a bit too much blood and guts in the film for my liking.
17. I had a feeling in my guts that something was wrong.
18. He doesn't have the guts to walk away from a well-paid job.
19. It takes guts to start a new business on your own.
20. No-one had the guts to tell Paul what a mistake he was making.
21. She'll have your guts for garters if she ever finds out.
22. She has a reputation for getting at the guts of a subject and never pulling her punches.
23. I've been slogging my guts out these past few weeks and all he can do is criticize.
24. I had terrible pain in my guts after eating too many plums.
25. It takes guts to keep on running even though you have blistered feet.
26. don't like films that are full of blood and guts.
27. By the time they finish, the crewmen are standing ankle-deep in fish guts.
28. If your dream was big enough and you had the guts to follow it, there was truly a fortune to be made.
29. If that boy has taken my bike again, I'll have his guts for garters!
30. You have to give her top marks for moral guts.
1. I agree. I hate his guts.
2. don't like films that are full of blood and guts.
3. By the time they finish, the crewmen are standing ankle-deep in fish guts.
4. Barbara hasn 't got the guts to leave her mother.
5. I don't have the guts to say that to my boss.
31. I'll only cook fish if the guts have been removed.
32. The new Chancellor has the guts to push through unpopular tax increases.
33. She had the guts to stand up to the school bully.
34. You didn't have the guts!
35. The two of them hate each other's guts.
36. I wish she'd die tomorrow. I hate her guts.
37. Ever since, Graber had hated his guts.
38. The cold hand of dread clutched Larsen's guts.
39. Killion felt hatred flare inside his whisky-bound guts.
40. Nobody else would have the guts.
41. How I hate your mean, scrimping, grabbing, greedy guts.
42. It takes guts to be that respectful.
43. Wouldn't have the guts, you'd say.
44. Some one was crying, from the guts of misery.
45. Besides(sentence dictionary), he wouldn't have the guts.
46. A sharp pain twisted in Theda's guts.
47. It takes guts to get out of the ruts. Robert H. Schuller 
48. He took the guts of our songs and reworked them.
49. But that was before he'd begun to hate my guts.
50. It begins to spit out masses of bees, as if it were emptying not only its guts but its soul.
51. By a fortunate coincidence of local guts and national conditions, they managed to begin one.
52. But for those with guts, some of the highest yields around can be found here -- and even an occasional windfall.
53. Does it need to be said or done at all? Strike out Women entrepreneurs have guts.
54. Businesses that clean up blood and guts at accident scenes must register with the state.
55. All you need is a bit of stamina, a lot of guts and a big fellow in the back!
56. Or do you have the guts to walk one block east and show the 7-Eleven?
57. You really catch the guts of the music coming through.
58. In creating the Windows 95 version, Quarterdeck opted to overhaul the guts and provide more capabilities.
59. When not thinking about puking your guts up round every hairpin bend, scenery magnificent.
60. To do that, it takes a person of strong conviction and real guts.
61. The soft yellow light which looks so gentle to you but which sears my guts.
62. Harry H.. Vaughan, who hated the guts of both Forrestal and Lovett.
63. There are even humans who can carry Vibrio cholerae in their guts and suffer no symptoms.
64. Insects pollinate them, birds and animals carry their seeds in their guts and on their fur and feathers.
65. It just caught me by the scruff of the neck and practically hammered my guts out.
66. The last they ever saw of him, he was running up the road holding his guts in.
67. Conservative Members know what is in store for them when they have the guts to call the general election.
68. Puchur glove out there and thank Master Dureaux fer his guts.
69. But there are always one or two who would have preferred a colleague to a stranger even if they hated his guts.
70. The aphids, in turn, have bacteria in their guts that help them digest food.
71. Gone the overloaded trucks littering the sides of the road like dead cockroaches, their guts spilled, their wheels pointing skyward.
72. He should really start thinking about double-checking a few things. Great determination and guts and all that sort of thing.
73. With a tremendous explosion, the guts of the carrier are torn out.
74. The writer didn't have the guts to put a name to it!
75. The guts of the answering machine were spread across his desk.
75. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
76. And he's got guts, I 'll say that for him.
77. It just takes the gumption and guts to do it.
78. What he lacked in aesthetic grace Bob Willis made up in speed, determination and sheer guts.
79. So he unbuckled his belt and squatted again, exploding farts and twisted guts.
80. Despite the transparent nonsense of it all[], Finlayson felt his guts tighten at the word cowardice.
81. Singer Ange has got guts, he did get his willy out on stage once.
82. I never even saw him pop the guts on a fly.
83. He stabbed his chips like a killer and poured beer down his throat as though his guts were on fire.
84. If a chap hadn't the guts to stand up for his own beastliness where was he?
85. Hector said forcefully and directly to my father, making my guts jump.
86. Just as well she had such guts really, because no one was going to love her for her feminine self.
87. It takes guts to break away from the ties that bind you.
88. The tannins affect the absorption by the birds' guts of certain essential nutrients causing low growth rates which are sometimes fatal.
89. Or maybe I could guts it out with penicillin, from my personal supply.
90. The soldiers stayed up all night, brawling their guts out.
91. A cowboy is a man with guts and a horse. William James 
92. His memory might have gone, but he showed plenty of guts.
93. The guts lay in a smoking pile beneath the crossed feet.
94. Didn't have the guts to finish me of l; did you?
95. Great determination and guts and all that sort of thing.
96. I won't mention Morton because he hates his guts, of course.
97. Such an expansion takes the sort of guts not normally associated with ex-civil servants.
98. Her severed head flopped on a bin of guts, yellow beak in a grimace - take me with you?
99. The Mudchute is not a neat park, it is wilderness, in the guts of London.
100. Wits and guts - a plucky young woman's tale of escape.
101. If Jake found out he would have her guts for garters!
102. They're cowards - they don't have the guts to confront me personally.
103. She had enough guts coupled with an ego that nurtures the will to succeed.
104. Rob let Al talk until he finally spilled his guts about his affair with Louise.
105. Anyone can exist. Most fools do. It takes guts to truly live. RVM 
106. It felt like an elephant had hit me in the guts.
107. "He won't do it -- he hasn't got the guts!'' said a mocking voice from behind.
108. Four or five can jar your legs badly and shake your guts up into a momentary dysentery if you land wrong.
109. Amid all the purple, there was cardinal and gold, spilling from guts and pouring from hearts.
110. My arms sting as if lighted matches had been stuck into my flesh, but my head and guts are absolutely intact.
111. Shouldering those headaches and responsibilities takes guts, pure and simple.
112. I urged myself, struggling with my swamping fear, my trembling guts.
113. Natural rebels, backed up with the guts it takes to buck the system.
114. The sergeant knew the men all hated his guts for the way he treated them.
115. Albert let Rob run on till he spilled his guts, but Loulse probed.
116. For the guts of Papert's approach is to make geometry and other once-dusty disciplines concrete.
117. But it is the blood and guts stuff which will have gamers hooked.
118. She's wishy - washy and has no guts.
119. Off the record, I hate our boss's guts.
120. Then, somebody clap applauds , somebody hate sb's guts.
121. It's apparent camouflage, outside a happy purple sock, inside the guts of flier.
122. So subtlety is out and it's back to the age-old problem for both men and women: who has the guts to risk rejection with the direct approach?
123. This article introduces the application effects of the working principle, tuyere ratio, hot wind furnace guts , air valve and feeding system for improving cupola design.
124. Andy is instantly coated black. He turns away and heaves his guts out.
125. And unlike some people are same everywhere " antagonize " , take an examination of to those and oneself especially same professional, same a the adviser's person, simply hate sb's guts.
126. This is why men suck-in their guts, brag, and show off... and why women wear makeup, do their hair, and shop all day for their clothes.
127. It has to be done by a programmer who knows about the guts of the software, Beizer said, explaining why synonyms for this methodology include clear box or glass box testing.
128. From then on, the driver did not have the guts approaching that T-junction anymore.
129. As a mosquito's body temperature rises during a warm blood meal, its guts are flooded with a substance called heat shock protein 70.
130. It takes a lot of guts to climb the Alps.
131. Several other illnesses, including Crohn's disease and some cancers, have been linked to imbalances in the species of bacteria that live in our guts.
132. If only all bands had the guts and honesty of The Maccabees, maybe they'd get round to making third records as good as this.
133. Caption :Spilled guts: After being cleaned, this 10-meter Baird's beaked whale receives a long incision to prepare for slaughtering.
134. Enjoy the hate sb's guts with the right Boeing of monopoly position for a long time.
135. People call in and just spill their guts about whatever's bothering them on the job or in a relationship.
135. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
136. Human beings are a complex mixture of rational and irrational, a subtle combination of head, heart and guts.
137. Play fair and square if you have the guts, don't act like a beast.
138. Lactic acid bacteria inhabit the guts of food-animals and people, and these "commensal" bacteria play an important role in preventing the growth of harmful bacteria in the gut.
139. Are you only happy when you're sweating your guts out?
140. He's the most unpleasant person I've ever met. I hate his guts.
141. And that under that paper thin layer of skin, we're all the same nasty bloody guts and bones.
142. Now he's spilling his guts about succumbing to the siren call of "Low Prices" because he couldn't afford the $70 running shoes he found at the local sports store down the street.
143. Within a mile Ennis felt like someone was pulling his guts out hand over hand a yard at a time.
144. Bob could assert that having GUTs is the mark of the modern professional programmer.
145. The guts of the reactor have to be hauled out of the pressure vessel.
146. Mr. A doesn't have the guts to take a firm stand; he sticks his head in the sand and refuses to deal this problem.
147. This withdrawal is killing me. It's like shock therapy to my guts.
148. The scientists had assumed that the guts were squished or squeezed or wobbled about like a bowl of jello in a moving car.
149. She can't. It is buried beneath piles of destruction—blackened skeletons of houses, shops with their guts spilled out,() burned-out ships tossed half a mile inland.
150. I don't think you'd have the guts to pull a fast one.
151. To thrive in a world of self-service, agents have to hyperspecialize, have to stand for something, have to have the guts to say no far more than they say yes.
152. The next two lines invoke separate methods that act as "the guts" of the output routine.
153. We all hate his guts for being the teacher's pet.
154. Bacteriodes had a higher proportion of bacteria that make high amounts of vitamins C, B2, B5 and H, and prevotellan guts had more bacteria that make vitamin B1 and folic acid.
155. Hilario shrugged off the rank implausibility of his situation, ignored the wince-inducing pressure and waded straight into the deep end, which has got to take some guts.
156. I slog my guts out and get paid only a hundred pounds a week.
157. In all, 67 people have fainted while I've read Guts '.
158. But when researchers blocked production of that heat shock protein and let mosquitoes feast, the blood meal sat longer in their guts.
159. They may need a combination of brains, guts, strength and skill—the "right stuff" as Tom Wolfe called it—but they also need to be potty trainable.




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