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单词 jam
释义  Related topics: Food, dishjam1 /dʒæm/ ●●● S3 noun  1  food 食物 [countable, uncountable]DFF a thick sweet substance made from boiled fruit and sugar, eaten especially on bread 果酱 → jelly strawberry jam 草莓酱 a jam sandwich 果酱三明治 jam jars 果酱罐2  cars/people 汽车/人 [countable]MOVE/CHANGE POSITION a situation in which it is difficult or impossible to move because there are so many cars or people 拥挤;堵塞 Sorry we’re late. We got stuck in a traffic jam. 对不起,我们来晚了,路上堵车。3  machine 机器 [countable] a situation in which a machine does not work because something is stopping a part from moving 卡住,不能运转 It caused a jam in the printer. 这导致打印机卡纸。4  difficult situation 困境 [countable usually singular] informal a difficult situation 困境(be/get) in/out of/into a jam We became friends after he helped me out of a jam. 他帮助我摆脱过一次困境,之后我们就成了朋友。5  music 音乐 [countable] a) a jam session 爵士乐[摇滚乐]即兴演奏会 b) a song or piece of music, especially one by a rap or rock group 〔尤指说唱音乐或摇滚乐的〕一首歌曲,一首乐曲6  kick out the jams American English informal to play rock music loudly and with a lot of energy or emotion 狂热地演奏摇滚乐 Make no mistake – these guys know how to kick out the jams. 错不了,这些家伙知道如何激情地演奏摇滚乐。7  jam tomorrow British English informalPROMISE good things someone promises you, which never happen 空头许诺,许而不予的好东西 There is an element of ‘jam tomorrow’ about some of the government’s policies. 政府的有些政策有一点空头支票的味道。Examples from the Corpusjam• a jam in the copy machine• In case we don't like the cake she brings half a tea-chest of biscuits and three different jams.• Initial press reports on the Dec. 20 accident focused on how pilot errors got the crew into a navigational jam.• By the time she's cleared the jam, they're in the outskirts of Bournemouth.• What Case can not promise his members is immediate respite from the jams.• Otherwise every traffic jam will gradually vanish beneath a rising tide of its own foamy output.• Streets around the normally tranquil town of Morton in Marsh were sealed and long traffic jams built up.traffic jam• By the time we reached the Red Fort we had hit a traffic jam.• The Columbia River was a traffic jam of barges carrying bauxite to the smelters in Longview, Washington.• Otherwise every traffic jam will gradually vanish beneath a rising tide of its own foamy output.• Just look at these cabins, and you forget traffic jams, mortgages and mayhem back home.• Streets around the normally tranquil town of Morton in Marsh were sealed and long traffic jams built up.• That figure is arrived at by multiplying the total length of traffic jams by their duration.• You arrive just in time for a rolling traffic jam in a town crammed with shops, apartments and construction cranes.• Nevertheless, telecommuting is destined to increase, he said, pushed along by snowstorms, traffic jams and technological progress.(be/get) in/out of/into a jam• At first he appeared to be relieved to be helped out of a jam.Related topics: Music, Broadcastingjam2 ●●○ verb (jammed, jamming)  1  push hard 用力推 [transitive always + adverb/preposition]PUSH to push something somewhere using a lot of force, until it can move no further 用力推挤;硬塞 He jammed his foot on the accelerator and the car sped off. 他使劲踩下油门,汽车飞驰而去。 A chair had been jammed up against the door. 门被一把椅子牢牢顶住了。2  machine 机器 [intransitive, transitive] (also jam up)BREAKBROKEN if a moving part of something jams, or if you jam it, it no longer works properly because something is preventing it from moving (使)卡住;(使)不能运转 The front roller has jammed on the photocopier. 复印机的前滚筒卡住了。3  block 堵塞 [intransitive, transitive] (also jam up)PREVENT if a lot of people or vehicles jam a place, they fill it so that it is difficult to move 〔人或车〕挤满,挤进 SYN cram Crowds jammed the entrance to the stadium. 体育场入口处挤满了人。jam into They all jammed into the car. 他们全都挤进了车里。 → jammed(2)4. music 音乐 [intransitive] (also jam out)APM to play music in an informal way with other people 〔和别人一起〕即兴演奏 → jam session5. jam on the brakes SLOWto slow down a car suddenly by putting your foot down hard on the brake 猛踩刹车6  jam somebody’s/the switchboard TCTif telephone calls jam the switchboard of an organization, so many people are phoning the organization that it cannot deal with them all 使(某人的)电话总机应接不暇 Viewers jammed the switchboard with complaints. 观众打来的投诉电话令总机应接不暇。7. radio 无线电 [transitive]TCBPREVENT to deliberately prevent broadcasts or other electronic signals from being received, by broadcasting signals on the same wavelength 干扰〔无线电广播或其他电子信号〕8. somebody is jamming American English spokenSUCCEED IN DOING something used to say that someone is doing something very quickly or well 某人干得真快[好]9.jam out phrasal verb to dance to music 跟着音乐跳舞→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusjam• The third time the clasp jammed.• One pilot reported that his controls had jammed.• Some guys are getting together tonight at Scott's to jam.• Just hold the door open while I jam a wedge under it.• The electronic equipment jams enemy radar signals.• All five boys jammed happily into the back seat.• Mark jams his under a cushion.• Bollards are prone to sudden collapse, and the ropes often jam in the groove behind the capstan during retrieval.• In his desperation to escape, he fumbled the lever and the door jammed partly open.• All-night jam sessions were common in Kansas City jazz clubs of the 1930s.• Kelly poured himself another glass of wine and jammed the cork back into the bottle.• Crowds of supporters jammed the lobby.• The result was the Yosemite that tourists see today, jammed with awe-inspiring plutons with rounded tops and steep, vertical sides.• Matthews used to jam with drummer Carter Beauford and saxophonist LeRoi Moore.• We were jamming with J.D. and Rich last night.• Of course, the newspapers were filled with it, and the docks, railyards, and whorehouses were jammed with soldiers.Origin jam2 (1700-1800) Perhaps copying the actionjam1 nounjam2 verbChinese  made a substance thick sweet Corpus boiled from fruit




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