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单词 Integrate with
1. Do you really want to integrate with us?
2. Ann wanted the conservatory to integrate with the kitchen.
3. They didn't integrate with the other children.
4. These programs will integrate with your existing software.
5. We're looking for people who can integrate with a team.
6. They all seem to integrate with one another, none makes demands on any other which are not fulfilled.
7. System need to be integrate with various point-of-sale at partner location.
8. The program uses SOA Programming Model to integrate with the Shanghai Telecom's CRM system, the ODS system and the Shanghai Telecom Portal System.
9. Lemon curd and lavender aromas, harmoniously integrate with oak hints of malt and nutmeg.
10. To observe the effect of integrate with treatment leucorrhoea decoction and Jialikang effervescent vaginal tablets, i.
11. Therefore the requirement for Compute Grid to integrate with the existing enterprise scheduler was non-negotiable.
12. Because DEM can integrate with control flow, data flow and time, the checking method can check consistency and completeness of software requirements for embedded real-time systems software.
13. Distributed graphical applications will be far more difficult to develop and will not integrate with existing applications.
14. It is distinguished by an X-Windows/Motif interface, and its ability to integrate with optical character readers and document processors.
15. In other words, the expert system techniques had to integrate with existing conventional software.
16. As illustrated in Figure 1, the auto loan process needs to integrate with various third-party service providers, like LicenseVerificationService and LoanProviderService.
17. By "open" I mean that they need to have a well-defined API that lets other tools integrate with and extend them.
18. To increase beet sugar output and benefit, it is nessential to integrate with starch sugar production.
19. NBE offers dry bulk material processing operations a bulk bag filler product line designed to fully integrate with upstream and downstream material processing systems.
20. Integrated circulators were designed with embedding and full magnetic substrate type in order to integrate with microwave circuits.
21. But in the short term, regional single window system is the future trend for national single window system and integrate with other countries' single window systems.
22. The curved shape of the two storey building has been designed to integrate with the surrounding buildings and exterior environment .
23. Found option market, and carry on option transaction, which can change backward status and negative condition of our nation market system,(/integrate with.html) and integrate with international option market.
24. When introducing a portal at a company that already has a Web CM it is very likely that the Web CM will not directly integrate with the chosen portal system.
25. Tents, trailers, radios, power generation and other tactical hardware integrate with each COC for a single-system command-and-control capability.
1. Do you really want to integrate with us?




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