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单词 Unpopularity
1. Despite widespread unpopularity, the party did not meet its Waterloo until the election of 1997.
2. Her close relationship with the teacher increased her unpopularity among her schoolmates.
3. He must be unafraid of unpopularity.
4. Despite their growing unpopularity, the Laudian bishops continued to pursue their objectives with great vigour throughout the 1630s.
5. His departure was recognition that his unpopularity had become a liability for the Conservatives in an election year.
6. The government's unpopularity was demonstrated in the January 1991 partial legislative and local elections.
7. But the unions' unpopularity in the wake of the Winter of Discontent and Labour's electoral decline also weakened the movement.
8. In 1990 the unpopularity of the poll tax made even that levy politically unacceptable.
9. Perhaps as a result of his unpopularity, speculation about him has taken a new turn.
10. The TARP program's unpopularity lingers even after a Congressional Budget Office report last month said the program would wind up costing taxpayers about $25 billion, far less than initial estimates.
11. It is thought that the main reasons of unpopularity are undesirable water - based visbreaking performance and imperfect process conditions.
12. It's unpopularity with their enemies became a criterion of its merit.
13. Foggartism having met with high disfavor and unpopularity[/unpopularity.html], Michael became interested in slum improvement.
14. The appointment is doubly interesting because of unpopularity within Mr Ma's own party.
15. Snubs hurt him merest suspicion of unpopularity in any quarter rouses him to bitterness.
16. The unpopularity of the Hoare-Laval pact in Britain forced Hoare to resign.
17. They argue that the commission should risk courting unpopularity and push on with its legislative programmes.
18. This paper expounds the unpopularity , high cost , high added value and knowledge intensiveness of ecotourism.
19. He was fully aware of the unpopularity of this view across the political spectrum.
20. Keep them out and you deny them the chance to share in our unpopularity.
21. Evidence shows that where one victim comes forward, and an investigation starts, a trail showing unpopularity with other individuals emerges.
22. It would be most unfair if he should suffer for the Kaiser's unpopularity.
23. The channeling aspect of the Hurricane spell has met with some unpopularity in the Druid community.
24. They have dealt with negative feedback and failure, tough personal choices, and phases of unpopularity.
25. The year ahead promises to see the coalition tested in a cauldron of unpopularity.
26. But critics, while conceding that countries have sought loans elsewhere, point to the fund's particular unpopularity.
27. Commentators have said Bavaria's strict anti - tobacco law may have contributed to the unpopularity of regional politicians.




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