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单词 December
释义  Related topics: ChronologyDe·cem·ber /dɪˈsembə $ -ər/ ●●● S2 W2 noun [countable, uncountable] (written abbreviation Dec.)  TMCthe 12th month of the year, between November and January 十二月next/last December Last December they visited Prague. 去年12月他们去了布拉格。in December We got married in December. 我们是12月份结婚的。on December 6th Jake’s birthday is on December 6th. 杰克的生日是12月6日。on 6th December British English The event was to take place on 6th December. 这项活动将于12月6日举行。December 6 American English Her letter arrived December 6. 她的信是12月6日到的。Examples from the CorpusDecember• Sagittarius 23 November to 21 December There's more to life than power.• By December 1952, he was running it.• A second shutdown that began in December furloughed fewer workers, 280,000, but lasted 21 days.• Judge Jones had had a form of leukemia for several years when he was sworn to the bench in December 1994.• Manzi said he was contacted by an intermediary in December who suggested he look into Industry.• The central bank said prices for a basic basket of consumer items rose 3. 93 percent in December.• Louis Index is up about 28 percent from its December 1994 base of December• Privatization has stalled since the parliamentary election last December.• Norwich Union said yesterday, however, that it had stopped providing the guarantees last December.• Portfolio also benefited from differential premium rating introduced last December.• Ever since Vogue homed in on it last December, the Wonderbra has been literally bouncing off the shelves.• Shippey, 47, was found stabbed to death in his burning car near Merstham last December.• The 1.7m people who bought their shares last December will get their final payment call next March.Origin December (1200-1300) Old French Latin, name of the tenth Roman month, from decem “ten”De·cem·ber nounChineseSyllable  and month the November between of January Corpus year, the 12th




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