1. He was never a teacher in a narrow pianistic sense, was never a mere driller of scales.
2. Pianistic music started off and ran through his composition career, and it is an important part of his creation.
3. His early works show prominent influence from Chopin's pianistic quality (allegedly the young Scriabin slept with Chopin's score under his pillow!
4. The Fifth Partita was "the worst Bach recording I've ever made. It was also the most pianistic ."
5. Chopin, "the poet of the piano, " was as great an innovation in the pianistic world as Liszt, whose dazzling spectacular virtuosity was the antithesis of Chopin's more refined genius.
6. This intense series of concerts has been so festooned in critics' stars, so garlanded in superlatives, that late joiners may have been beguiled into expecting pianistic perfection.