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单词 damn
释义  damn1 /dæm/ interjection not polite  1  ANNOYused when you are very annoyed or disappointed 该死,见鬼〔表示很生气或失望〕Damn! I’ve left my keys in the office. 见鬼!我把钥匙忘在办公室了。2  used when something is impressive or surprising 天啊〔表示赞叹或惊奇〕Damn, she’s old. 天啊,她这么老。Examples from the Corpusdamn• Damn! I forgot the keys.damn2 adverb [+adj/adverb] informal not polite  1  used to emphasize a statement 非常,很Everything was so damn expensive. 什么东西都贵得要命。The band sounded pretty damn good. 这乐队听上去真是好极了。I’ll damn well do as I please. 我就是想干什么就干什么。You know damn well what I’m talking about. 我在说什么你清楚得很。He damn near (=almost) drowned. 他差一点就淹死了。‘It isn’t easy.’ ‘Damn right, it’s not.’ “这可不容易。” “没错,真不容易。”2  damn all informal not polite especially British EnglishNONE/NOTHING nothing at all 丝毫不He knows damn all about cars. 他对汽车屁也不懂。Examples from the Corpusdamn• As the mysterious man following Blackeyes, Nigel Planer speaks at last, though he has damn all to say.• The prof had been damn decent about it.• Homes here are so damn expensive.• I always took teaching seriously and even twenty-five years ago I was damn good at it.• But we did try damn it.• He was damn lucky he didn't have an accident.• She was a great looking woman, so damn relaxed.• I told him he was damn right he should.• I just want to make damn sure we finish on time.• But you know damn well that I did.damn well• Well, I stink of petrol, and he's seen my matches and he knows damn well I don't smoke.• He never damn well is, Donaldson thought, and asked what was to be done about Mrs Balanchine.• Once the election was over they could do almost anything they damn well pleased.• But you know damn well that I did.• And you know damn well there's nothing between us.• They can have anything they damn well want.• I know damn well what you're up to and I don't like it.damn3 adjective [only before noun] spoken not polite  1  ANGRYused when you are angry or annoyed with someone or something 该死的〔表示对某人或某事物生气〕Turn off the damn TV! 把该死的电视机关掉!2  used to emphasize something negative 该死的,十足的〔强调不好的事〕It’s a damn shame he left her. 他离开了她,真是太可惜了。3  not a damn thing spoken not polite nothing at all 一点也没有There’s not a damn thing you can do about it. 这件事可真是无能为力。4  a damn sight more/better etc spoken not polite a lot more, a lot better etc 多得多/好得多等 He’s a damn sight tougher than you or me. 他比起你和我可要坚强多了。Examples from the Corpusdamn• You think you're doing them a favour, r ... r ... risking your life for their d ... damn country.• What if I had to do this every damn day?• It's your own damn fault.• Thrilled, that is, until I played this damn record and discovered they haven't changed at all.• It's a damn shame that you didn't get the job.• None of it's recycled, which bothers me, but at least you can read the damn thing now.• Then there's the sheer size of the damn thing.• Turn off that damn TV!damn4 verb [transitive]  1  damn it/you etc! spoken not politeANGRY used when you are extremely angry or annoyed with someone or something 他妈的!/你这个混蛋!〔表示对某人或某事物极为生气〕Damn it, be careful with that! 见鬼,那东西要小心点!Stop, damn you! 住手!你他妈的!Damn that telephone! 那部该死的电话!2  (I’ll be/I’m) damned if ... spoken not polite used to make a negative statement in a strong way (我)绝对不…〔表示强烈的否定〕‘Where’s Wally?’ ‘Damned if I know.’ (=I don’t know) “沃利在哪里?” “鬼才知道呢。”I’ll be damned if I can find my keys (=I can’t find them). 我怎么也找不到钥匙。I’ll be damned if I let him in the house (=I won’t let him in). 我决不让他进屋。3  I’ll be damned spoken not polite used when you are surprised 我的天,真没想到〔表示吃惊〕 Well, I’ll be damned! I haven’t seen him for years! 哎呀,我的天!我好几年没见到他了!4  damn the consequences/expense/calories etc spoken used to say that you are going to do something, even though it might have bad results 管他什么后果/费用/卡路里等 The time has come for me to speak out, and damn the consequences. 到了我该说出来的时候了,管他有什么后果。5. be damned to be given the punishment of going to hell after you die 下地狱6  CRITICIZEto state that something is very bad 贬斥;把…说得很糟糕 The critics damned the play on the first night. 这出戏在首演之夜就被评论家批评得一无是处。damn (somebody/something) with faint praise (=show that you think someone or something is not good by only praising them a little) 对(某人/某事物)敷衍几句好话7. damned if you do, damned if you don’tdamned if you don’t damned if you do spoken used to say that whatever you say or do will be considered wrong 左也不是,右也不是;做也不好,不做也不好 → (as) near as damn it at near1(8)→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdamn• Smith is not, as Graham Greene might have said, man enough to be damned.• The play was damned by critics after opening night.• Or let him damn himself with his own words?• No, damn it, I was right.• They're looking for us, damn it!damn5 noun spoken not polite  1  not give a damn (about somebody/something) spoken not polite DON'T CAREto not care at all about someone or something 对(某人/某事物)毫不在乎I don’t give a damn about her. 我才不在乎她呢。2  be not worth a damn spoken not polite VALUE#to have no value at all 毫无价值Her promise isn’t worth a damn. 她的承诺一钱不值。Examples from the Corpusdamn• Quite frankly, my dear, at the moment I don't give a damn what your feelings are.• Daft, because who gives a damn about sweating in the midst of passion?• But who gives a damn what they think anyway?• But the first summer of 110-degree heat had cured her of giving a damn about any of that.• Nobody gave a good damn about his needs.Origin damn4 (1200-1300) Old French dampner, from Latin damnare, from damnum “damage, loss”damn1 interjectiondamn2 adverbdamn3 adjectivedamn4 verbdamn5 nounChinese  used disappointed Corpus annoyed very or when you are




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