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单词 custodian
释义  Related topics: Occupationscus·to·di·an /kʌˈstəʊdiən $ -ˈstoʊ-/ noun [countable]  1  BOAsomeone who is responsible for looking after something important or valuable 〔贵重物品的〕监护人,看守人,保管人custodian of Farmers are custodians of the land for the next generation. 农民是为子孙后代看管土地的监护人。2  especially American English someone who looks after a public building 看门人,门房 a custodian at the stadium 体育场看门人3. custodian of tradition/moral values etc PROTECTsomeone who tries to protect a traditional set of beliefs, attitudes etc 传统/道德等的捍卫者Examples from the Corpuscustodian• Inevitably they ran up against managers and custodians, but Janir could usually charm them.• Information is our stock-in-trade, and we should see ourselves as custodians, users, and disseminators of information.• I could become a legal custodian which again takes six months and might with certain local authorities offer more of a chance.• The state was named custodian of Kimberly and her two brothers.• It could be claimed that Lawson was the custodian of success, however risky his strategy appeared to be.• It was Zeus' jealous wife Hera, not the innocuous underworld custodian Hades, who made Hercules' life a nightmare.• In some ways, like us, they were custodians of a loss everyone knew about but refused to acknowledge.From Longman Business Dictionarycustodiancus‧to‧di‧an /kʌˈstəʊdiən-ˈstoʊ-/ noun [countable]1someone who is responsible for looking after something valuable for another person or for the publiccustodian ofAs the former custodian of Europe’s strongest currency, the deutsche mark, the Bundesbank effectively dictated monetary policy across the Continent.2LAW in the US, someone who represents the interests of a child and is responsible for looking after their money and propertyThe custodian will manage the property if the gift giver dies before the child has reached the age of 21.3BANKINGFINANCE a financial institution that is responsible for looking after the assets of a mutual fundcus·to·di·an nounChineseSyllable  important is or Business Corpus who responsible someone for after something looking valuable




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