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单词 polygraph
释义  Related topics: Crime & law, Technologypol·y·graph /ˈpɒlɪɡrɑːf $ ˈpɑːlɪɡræf/ noun [countable]  SCTa piece of equipment that is used by the police to find out whether someone is telling the truth 多导(生理)记录仪〔被警方用于测谎〕 SYN lie detector The suspect was given a polygraph test. 给疑犯做了测谎试验。Examples from the Corpuspolygraph• Billy Marks of Arlington said he was questioned repeatedly, given a polygraph and placed under surveillance for weeks.• Pressures were transmitted to external pressure transducers and recorded on a polygraph.• We gave Richard a polygraph two years ago and he passed.• The manometer catheter was linked to pressure transducers which were interfaced to a polygraph.• How many members of this crew have ever been subjected to a polygraph test?• For he recorded it on his polygraph lie-detector and compared the timings afterwards.• In fully 90 percent of these cases, information obtained through the polygraph contributed to the decision.• The polygraph was more or less chaotic but then it almost always is.polygraph test• He confirms having agreed to take a polygraph test, but says he was not shown the results.• How many members of this crew have ever been subjected to a polygraph test?• The bureau had rejected recommendations that its agents be subjected to polygraph tests more often.pol·y·graph nounChineseSyllable  by of is equipment a piece Corpus used the that




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