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单词 polygamy
释义  Related topics: Familypo·lyg·a·my /pəˈlɪɡəmi/ noun [uncountable]  SSFthe practice of having more than one husband or wife at the same time 多配偶(制);一夫多妻(制);一妻多夫(制) → bigamy, monogamy —polygamous adjective polygamous societies 多配偶制社会Examples from the Corpuspolygamy• First, women most commonly seek monogamous marriage-even in societies that allow polygamy.• Institutions such as polygamy are seen by Engels as mere variants on the institution of monogamy.• The Book of Mormon itself had condemned polygamy.• Sometimes, however, polygamy could be liberating for a woman because the burden of household duties was shared.• Federal legislation attacking Mormon polygamy served as a ruse for completing the absorption of the Mormon religious state into the Union.• No hunter-gatherer society supports more than occasional polygamy, and the institution of marriage is virtually universal.• That left him with one explanation for the rarity of polygamy in sparrows: The senior wives do not stand for it.• In 1988, political power, far from being a ticket to polygamy, was jeopardized by any suggestion of infidelity.po·lyg·a·my nounChineseSyllable  more Corpus than having practice husband of one the or




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