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单词 180
1 The car had spun through 180 degrees on impact.
2 A postman's wages are 180 per week.
3 Rotate the wheel through 180 degrees.
4 The film has taken £180 million at the box office.
5 Car sales rocketed from 180 to 2000 a year.
6 This watch lists at $ 180.65.
7 Then the cylinder is rotated 180 degrees.
8 He was returned to Parliament by 180 votes.
9 Fires have burned up 180,000 acres of timber.
10 He scraped in with 180 votes.
11 180 vehicles out of a total of 900 examined were not roadworthy.
12 Analysts predict the retailer will continue to bleed red ink, with losses topping $180 million.
13 The island's population initially numbered 180, but there was a gradual decline until only 40 people were left.
14 Only 18 of the UN's 180 members had paid their dues by the January deadline.
15 She has built up a chain of 180 bookshops across the country.
16 The resolution was adopted by a vote of 180 in favour to 10 against it.
17 Jack's done a 180 and agreed to come on the trip.
18 This deal gives you 180 minutes free airtime a month.
19 Heart disease is the biggest killer, claiming 180,000 lives a year.
20 Victorian inlaid china-cabinet, £180; ruby oil lamp, £175.
21 We still have a $180,000 mortgage on the house.
22 There are currently around 180 Lead Bodies in existence.
23 Pure cashmere sweaters down from £180 to £108.
24 The water temperature should be at least 180 degrees Fahrenheit.
25 Bosses at Ford also announced 1,180 job losses on top of an expected 2,000 white collar redundancies.
26 Of's 180,000 registered subscribers, 100,000 had given permission for their information to be passed on to third parties.
27 At their apogee, the novels of Spillane claimed worldwide sales of over 180 million.
28 The sum of all the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees.
29 Jack usually bowls a 120 game, but yesterday he bowled 180.
30 Spotted Eagle's squaw, Vicky, spends hundreds of hours sewing on 180,000 beads on to each outfit.
1 The car had spun through 180 degrees on impact.
2 Rotate the wheel through 180 degrees.
3 The film has taken £180 million at the box office.
31 The number of bird species spotted breeding in the area has reached 180.
32 Since 1994, troop strength has increased by roughly 15 percent, to about 180, 000.
33 Even during the evacuation - more than 180,000 people were moved - most of them were not told what had happened.
34 Mitchell was conditionally discharged for 12 months and ordered to pay £180 compensation and £85 costs.
35 So Harmon has arranged for 180 housing vouchers through the city and county housing authorities.
36 Du Pont trained 180 managers in safety auditing and this is now cascading down through the workforce.
37 It is then rotated through approximately 180 degrees to find the largest negative output.
38 And for one private hospital, the contract could be worth up to 180,000 pounds.
39 Using the scoring method of Palmeri, good myocardial function was preserved until therapy was delayed beyond 180 minutes.
40 The remaining half circle is then divided up by marking 180 equally spaced dashes along the circumference of the semicircle.
41 Bake the pastry at 180 for about twenty minutes until crisp and golden.
42 With the statewide quarantine, up to 180, 000 acres of wheat crop will be affected, Schlittenhart estimated.
43 We now have approximately 180 magnolias at Lanhydrock and of these there are some 120 different species, hybrids or cultivars.
44 One acupuncture patient was able to lower his blood pressure from more than 240 to 180 without drugs.
45 A biennial budget providing for expenditure of US$180,000,000 was approved; many countries were in arrears with their contributions.
46 The crudest fragments, totalling around 180,000 tonnes, have been used in widening the Berlin autobahn.
47 At the extreme right of the picture the top of the Citicorp Building has been spun through 180 degrees.
48 No walker who visits Pembrokeshire can fail to be tempted by part of the 180 mile coastal path.
49 On the outbreak of war, a transport of 180 children was left stranded in Prague.
50 The last two or three years have been a testing time for the 180 people who work at Angered.
51 No admission fee is charged but donations given by visitors amount to £180.
52 In California, the telecast is delivered to 180 public, private and parochial schools.
53 We got too deep into the whitewater, skimmed a hidden back eddy, and were spun around 180 degrees.
54 The severity of the surface damage, however, was clearly diminished by 180 minutes after ethanol.
55 Plans for the tunnel had to be revised at an additional cost of $180 million.
56 Haddo House and its 180 acres of gardens lies about 20 miles north of Aberdeen.
57 Sanchez says he has completed more than 40 projects over the years, using an estimated 180, 000 toothpicks.
58 Cast-iron columns and a curved rib framework support the conical roof which has a diameter of 180 feet.
59 On March 6 a federal judge, Gabriel Cavallo, repealed two amnesty laws that had guaranteed immunity for 1,180 army officers.
60 Use the printer set-up menu to set the printer at a resolution of 180 by 180, A4, manual feed.
61 The highlight of the sale was a carpet designed by Morris that sold for $ 180, 000.
62 Subsequent reports said that rescuers had recovered up to 180 bodies from the wreckage.
63 In September, he planted 2, 000 acres of wheat, an enterprise that cost about $ 180, 000.
64 About 180 of them competed for slots in five school bands this year.
65 Garage raid: A computer and a portable cassette player worth £180 were stolen from a garage in Northallerton.
66 He explained that Central Valley rivers and hatcheries have habitat and space, respectively, for 180, 000 salmon.
67 You may want to rotate the pans 180 degrees after the final spray(http://), if the oven is baking unevenly.
68 The upper storey of 180 feet provided accommodation for the library, committee room and living quarters for the gardener.
69 Campbell pled guilty to trespassing, shoplifting and assault in the incident and was sentenced to 180 days in jail.
70 The think tank said that 180,000 jobs had been lost in Labour's first three years.
71 Your valuation fee will be £180, legal fees another £300 and the arrangement fee £295, a total of £775.
72 Therefore, of 180 patients eligible for colonic cancer surveillance in ulcerative colitis 160 were entered into the programme.
73 At stake were 180 parliamentary and 455 state assembly seats.
74 Florida saves $ 180 million a year by financing home care and community care to keep people out of nursing homes.
75 Florida had a net gain of 127, 180, followed by California with about 61, 000.
76 On an annual premium of, say, £180.00 the credit charge per month works out at 90p.
77 If no amending legislation is enacted within 180 days, the Clinton administration is free to proceed as planned, Riggs said.
78 Three years ago, in Kyoto, the leaders of those 180 countries solemnly promised to cut these emissions.
79 Only 126 out of 180 Labour peers turned out to support the measure.
80 The database of approximately 180 references include audiovisual and print materials held in the school library.
81 The ratio of abortions per 1,000 live births was 229 in 1987, compared with 180 in 1977.
82 As you were over 75 and on a modest income, you were allowed the first £4,180 tax free.
83 The 180 page full colour catalogue is now available £6.95.
84 Congress's armed services committee recently allocated US$180 million to support research work.
85 A mahogany breakfast table sold at £200; an astral glazed pine cupboard £200 and a marble top washstand £180.
86 In its first year, more than 180,000 students took out loans worth some £70 million.
87 Friends of the Earth has had a similar growth rate in that period, so that its membership is now over 180,000.
88 Congratulations go to everyone who participated - they all stayed the course and helped to raise a staggering £2,180 for Cancer Research.
89 There are around 180 repair schemes to help older people obtain grants or loans for repair and improvement work.
90 A third and final round requiring only a three-fifths majority of 180 votes was due on March 3.
91 By the end of July up to 180 people had died in the clashes and over 500 were wounded.
92 Usually, its highest speed is 180 kilometers per hour.
93 buna-n disc valves limited to 180 H temperatures.
94 CONCLUSION:Ipomoea Batatas Poir Cv Anthocyanins have no adverse effects in the experimental dosage used in this study, and it could have inhibitory effect on sacinoma S_(180).
95 In Figure , the holddown timer is set to 180 seconds. Therefore, an update to a route that was down and is now up could stay in the holddown state until the full 180 seconds have passed.
96 The rebel-controlled Arabian Gulf Oil Co. could restart up to 180, 000 barrels a day within a two-week period after security is guaranteed for the facilities, a spokesman for the company said Sunday.
97 In 1935 she purchase a stock for $ 180 a grand total of $ 7 million today.
98 Plate current only flows when a signal is present, and only flows for exactly half, or 180 degrees, of the input cycle.
99 "There are 180 million single people in China, " he said. "They and their parents are all worried about the marriage problem.
100 Reduce to maintain not less than 180 knots until the out marker.
101 In particular last week's sharp rise to its stand on the important points of 180 yuan.
102 Using this model, Zhang and his team then designed a plasmonic waveguide with a 180 degree bend that won?t alter the energy or properties of a light beam as it makes the U-turn.
103 The reflection wave Pm on Moho discontinuity in 104 - 180 km is 7 - 10 times greater than Pg wave.
104 There's a natural, high-strung 180 degree angle between these signs.
105 This car will do 180 kilometres per hour if I drive it flat out.
106 Pitting, crevice corrosion and layer corrosion occurred on 180 YS and LF 21 M.
107 Auto flip with vertical 180 in omni-directions, no fade zone.
108 Methods A total of 180 patients with hyperlipidemia were randomly assigned into the metronidazole combined with lovastatin group or the metronidazole alone group.
109 The displaying screen can be circumrotated by 180, adjusting all kinds of view angle optionally.
110 At least 180 of the files contain accusations that Pakistan's military intelligence service, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), had given arms, supplies and training to the insurgents.
111 Methods The arterial blood gases and electrolytes in 180 patients with obstructive pulmonary emphysema were analyzed.
112 Currently, China's electric passenger car can run between 180 - 200 kilometers with battery fully charged.
113 One option would be for Colony to create for Mr. Jackson a purpose-built theater at one of its hotel-casinos, where he would need to perform up to 180 nights a year.
114 The camera can focus on objects the size of a beach ball from more than 180 miles away.
115 Around A.D. 180, Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyon in what was then Roman Gaul, wrote a massive treatise called Against Heresies.
116 QZYB is a kind of enameled flat copper wire , thermal class 180, coated by polyesterimid resin.
117 In order to prevent glare with wall installation the user can slide a cap onto the recessed lighting fixture that restricts light distribution to 180 degrees.
118 Prior to the World Cup Final, a helicopter dropped orange flowers from the sky above Museumplein in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, where 180,000 Dutch people watched the match.
119 "There are 180 million single people in China," Tian says. "They and their parents are all worried about the marriage problem."
120 The experimental duration was 180 days. The results showed that the lipid contents in the lung lavage liquor of the treated rats was much lower than that of the silicotic rats.
121 Emigrant composition basically is European, predict to this century end population is achieved likely 180 million.
122 It uses holddown timers to prevent routing loops – default is 180 seconds.
123 It is 9 major planet run the great synodic period in the youngest covering of the fan 180 years.
124 Porta Nigra of Trier. This gate dates back to about A . D . 180 built by the Romans.
125 Result:The total efficacy, we treated 180 oromaxillary hemangioma by local injection with PYM, was 98%.
126 The bank also said it would record a one-time tax benefit of $180 million, or 36 cents per share, because of restructuring non-U.S. assets.
127 Despite its small size, Santa Catalina is home to roughly 400 native plant species, some of them unique to the island, and about 180 introduced plant species.
128 His cholesterol, for years managed with the help of the prescription medication Lipitor, is at 140, down from 180 before he changed his diet.
129 Y - straight 180 o installations using internal pipe threads and having double lead - thread stem control for rapid adjustment.
130 At 20 HKT, SINLAKU was centred about 330 km (180 NM) WNW of Okinawa.
131 If Indiana can have two time zones, there's no reason that Russia, 180 times larger and with many millions more people, can't change its clocks to please its easternmost citizens.
132 Voltage regulator diode. Working voltage (nom) 180 V. Transient suppressor diode. Reverse breakdown voltage 168 V.
133 More than 180 pilot whales were slaughtered this year in the annual whale killing event in Denmark's Faroe Islands, making the coastline red with blood.
134 From 180 BC, a series of invasions from Central Asia followed, with the successive establishment of the Indo-Greek, Indo-Scythian and Indo-Parthian kingdoms, and finally the Kushan Empire.
135 Tests later showed a blood - alcohol level of 180 millilitres.
136 METHODS The inhibitory effect of DP on tumor growth was observed in the mice models with implanted sarcoma 180(S180). Internal organ index change was analyzed in tumor-bearing mouse.
137 Butter a baking pan and preheat oven to 180 ℃.
138 Methods 180 cases were randomly dane on superficial temporal vein and femoral venous blood, a needle success rate, blood collection time, oppression hemostasis time were compared.
139 Poorness ---poor and rich very great disparity, laborage level of works very low, to some tune RMB 180.00/month; It was had build of west, villadom and rookery.
140 Between 1912 and 1916, Irving Berlin wrote more than 180 songs.
141 Buna - N disc valves limited to 180 H temperatures.
142 "They got 180 co-sponsors of this bill to end all the travel restrictions, so that certainly puts them in striking distance," he said.
143 To order, use the appropriate order code from the chart for standard or 180 degree mounting, or 90 or 270 degree mounting.
144 This encyclopaedic, profusely illustrated guide displays over 180 sneakers chosen for the impact they have made on sneaker culture worldwide.
145 CPPI and TIPP. At the initial issue of ETF, we invest in 180 indexes of shanghai securities market using CPPI and TIPP, and then compare their performance under different market conditions.
146 The currents, which were 180 degrees out of phase , are now in phase.
147 Of the 70 starters in baseball who reached 180 innings, Wang had the fewest strikeouts.
148 A city of eastern Siberian U. S. S. R. on the Lena River. Founded as a fort in1632, it is a port and processing center. Population, 180, 000.
149 In 1935, she bought three specially issued shares of Abbott for $ 180.
150 It was in the upper Trias of Mesozoic approximately 180 million years ago and Shanghai and South Jiangsu were ancient continents then.
151 The customs authorities attributed the surging import value of crude oil, automobiles and iron ore, which climbed by 180 percent, 96 percent and 36 percent respectively, to the growing trade deficit.
152 At the initial issue of ETF, we invest in 180 indexes of shanghai securities market using CPPI and TIPP, and then compare their performance under different market conditions.
153 The anti-tumor effects of Ipomoea Batatas Poir Cv Anthocyanins were observed on the well-established S_(180) tumor mice model and hepatoma H_(22) mice model.
154 Treatment consisted of 50 laser exposures across 180? ? of trabecular meshwork.
155 According to the doctors, a spent bullet falls back to Earth with a speed of between 90 and 180 metres per second.
156 Enter, 180′s lineup of earmuffs some of which have headphones attached to them.
157 During the Trias period about 180 million years ago,(sentence dictionary) Yunnan was a land above sea level where many gymnosperms grew.
158 The cytology changes in the cross0fertilized eggs 10 to 180 minutes after fertilization between Bufo raddei(female)and Bufo bufo (male)was investigated.
159 Methods: Twenty - three Kunming mice bearing S 180 sarcoma were set up.
160 The charter - party container no bunker specifications other than calling for 180 CST fuel oil.
161 Building hall dining room seat 180, supply solid colored, cake and element room.
162 Japanese court on August 27,2002, during the first hearing on Unit 731, rejected the compensation request filed by 180 Chinese people against former Japanese soldiers they accused of germ warfare.
163 Ominously, on Tuesday, the authorities closed the port of Natchez, Miss. , about 180 miles (290 km) northwest.
164 The bank will pay an additional $180 million in disgorgement of profits from its cross-border banking business, as well as $400 million in U.S. tax-related payments.
165 Start with 180 minus your age (a) for the fat burning zone upper limit target heart rate (z).
166 The first epicentre was 295km (180 miles) north-northwest of Vanuatu's largest island, Santo, at a depth of 35km (21.7 miles).
167 More than 180 miles of quarry tunnels snake through the foundations of Paris, nearly all of them off-limits.
168 Nigeria and Bangladesh come joint 130th out of 180 countries in Transparency International's 2009 corruption perceptions index and Angola comes 162nd, in a table topped by New Zealand.
169 Overall, the financing gap of developing countries is projected to be $210 billion in 2010, declining to $180 billion in 2011—down from an estimated $352 billion in 2009.
170 The Gospel of Judas predates the A.D. 180 publication of St. Irenaeus' Against Heresies.
171 If the Insured dies due to and within 180 days upon occurrence of any accidental injury, the Company will pay accidental death benefits specified in this Contract.
172 A usance credits obviously calls for a time draft, and the usance varies from 30,60 days to as long as 180 days even longer.




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