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单词 Prosecute
1. The police decided not to prosecute.
2. We can only prosecute if there is sufficient evidence.
3. A war crimes tribunal was set up to prosecute those charged with atrocities.
4. The police have decided not to prosecute because the evidence is not strong enough.
5. I always prosecute people who trespass on my land.
6. We cannot prosecute the investigation further.
7. They had overwhelming public support to prosecute the war.
8. Will you be able to prosecute your responsibilities effectively?
9. The victim has said that she will not prosecute.
10. He has decided to prosecute her after careful consideration of all the relevant facts.
11. Does the agency have the power to prosecute companies, or is it a toothless organization?
12. He seemed convinced that the US would prosecute the war to its end.
13. The attorney who will prosecute the case says he cannot reveal how much money is involved.
14. Who is going to prosecute the case?
14. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
15. More recently, Prueher decided to prosecute Capt.
16. By all means prosecute them for that.
17. A reluctance to prosecute police officers.
18. We will continue to prosecute the war to the end.
19. And there are no plans to prosecute the store owners.
20. Holmes sought their identities, so he could prosecute them for violating laws regarding grand jury secrecy.
21. But the police say they will prosecute where offences can be proved.
22. The Attorney General was aware of the political implications of his decision to prosecute.
23. Photographs taken by roadside cameras will soon be enough to prosecute drivers for speeding.
24. Cummins replaced Linda Klee, who was demoted to trial attorney and will prosecute gang-related cases, Hallinan said.
25. The procurator fiscal has a wide measure of autonomy, both in a discretion whether to prosecute and in choosing the charges.
26. The government had neither funds nor resources with which to prosecute a successful war against her stronger northern neighbor.
27. Since taking over as district attorney last year, he has vowed to vigorously prosecute anyone who violently preys on streetwalkers.
28. The department said it had not decided where it would prosecute the Unabom case.
29. Other than these disclosures, the DTI may also take action towards disqualification or prosecute on other Companies Act offences.
30. There is still concern that a military regime would be reluctant to prosecute its own kind.
1. The police decided not to prosecute.
2. We can only prosecute if there is sufficient evidence.
3. A war crimes tribunal was set up to prosecute those charged with atrocities.
4. The police have decided not to prosecute because the evidence is not strong enough.
5. The Attorney General was aware of the political implications of his decision to prosecute.
6. Will you be able to prosecute your responsibilities effectively?
31. Magistrates, jurors and local constables showed themselves increasingly willing to prosecute the laws against the Nonconformists.
32. Today, there is a reluctance to prosecute young men who are not much older than the girl herself.
33. The Prime Minister pledged to do everything possible to prosecute those who carried out the bombing.
34. Holmes had subpoenaed Lenhart to name the jurors, so he could prosecute them for violating laws requiring grand jury secrecy.
35. When police failed to prosecute Ferrier, Miss Brady threatened to bring a private prosecution.
36. And last night his colleagues and family had no doubt that a decision to prosecute drove Mr Stewart to his death.
37. Rick Romley, Maricopa County attorney, declined to prosecute them, however.
38. Would they wish to prosecute the girl for her part in the abduction of their son?
39. However, Bee said she still planned to prosecute the four on robbery charges in Superior Court.
40. And revisions to the legal system to deal with the increase in cases means they will be able to prosecute more people.
41. The authority has warned that it will not hesitate to prosecute persistent offenders.
42. There should be codes of practice and we should prosecute people who carelessly ignore the interests of their surroundings.
43. The shopkeeper is unlikely to prosecute if the stolen goods are returned.
44. Similarly discretion not to prosecute is sometime based on grounds irrelevant to our purpose,[] e.g. that prosecution will cause widespread riots.
45. But the police say they can still prosecute because the real number plate shows up on the negative.
46. A serious threat to the government's ability to prosecute the war were rumours of an imminent military coupd'etat.
47. At least in Chicago, they have better things to do: prosecute judges, aldermen, clerks who take five-dollar bribes.
48. I hope that, if there was a fraudulent claim, the Minister will prosecute.
49. It is too soon to say when a decision whether to prosecute will be taken.
50. Officers are now deciding whether to prosecute the makers and retailers.
51. They commit themselves to inquire into all alleged cases of torture and to prosecute offenders.
52. State officials claim to have identified at least 10 leaders among the squatters whom they plan to prosecute.
53. Why in such wretched circumstances, faced by such great dangers, did they still prosecute these petty feuds?
54. It will be the responsibility of member countries to prosecute those of their own ships which transgress the convention.
55. Interestingly, they believe him when he says that he will prosecute and imprison corrupt officials.
56. This will exacerbate the problem of deciding whether or not to prosecute.
57. The division decides which cases to prosecute, plea bargain or drop.
58. Fortunately the police did not prosecute and she was very successfully treated with medication.
59. Pete Wilson has pledged funds to prosecute and jail these men.
60. The evidence in this case was so weak that to prosecute it at all was questionable.
61. The Justice Department had spent tens of millions of dollars to investigate and prosecute.
62. He vowed that he would prosecute them for fraud.
63. I am trying my best to prosecute my duties.
64. Is there enough evidence to prosecute?
65. In extreme cases, insurance companies can prosecute for fraud.
66. Class Debate: Prosecute and Punish, or Forgive and Forget?
67. She threatens to prosecute Tony for impeding an investigation.
68. Poole police said, because this belongs to the members Bide Ya Adams all, so the park is also part of his personal Flowers, "defloration means guilty of theft, we can to prosecute this offense."
69. At present, in investigate and prosecute graft, corrupt, appropriating public funds this task sin cause, the circumstance of the appellee withdraw a confession is more outstanding.
70. He did not want to prosecute his research in that field.
71. We will strictly investigate and prosecute all cases of land use that contravene laws and regulations.
72. Prosecute counsel asked the accused to explain why the can of petrol was in his car.
73. We'll also seek to prosecute those believed responsible for the attack on the USS Cole [in Aden, Yemen], which killed 17 American sailors six years ago last week.
74. Justice is blind and will prosecute without any discrimination, either Chinese, Formosan, or American,[/prosecute.html] because all are equal before the law.
75. Approximately 20 states prosecute these cases under existing criminal laws, charging people with aggravated assault, reckless endangerment, homicide or attempted homicide, or terrorist threat.
76. " If clear evidence, " Wilson said, " would the police prosecute? ".
77. An inferior court having the power to prosecute minor criminal offenses and to hold for trial persons charged with more serious offenses.
78. Scottish law officer who decide whether an alleged criminal shall be prosecute.
79. We must also bolster our ability to detect smuggled material, recover lost material(), identify the materials origin and prosecute those who are trading in these materials.
80. Prosecutors, through internal guidelines, prosecute only violations which will result in incarceration.
81. For the first time in history, a national government had taken responsibility to investigate and, if necessary, prosecute monopolies and price-fixing cartels.
82. Like decisions not to prosecute, settlements tend to be ill - suited to judicial supervision.
83. Sussex Police said no action would be taken with it not in anyone to prosecute.
84. In 1925, when Darrow heard that Bryan had volunteered to prosecute John Scopes, a high-school teacher charged with the crime of teaching evolution, he offered his services to the defense.
85. In recent months, Somalia's neighbor, Kenya, has signed memorandums of understanding with the United States, Britain, and the European Union to accept suspected pirates and to prosecute them in Kenya.
86. I am told I am not to prosecute you . Well , then, I will not.
87. Some reckon the government is unlikely to prosecute any politicians over the Babri Masjid incident, lest the Hindu right make martyrs of them.
88. At the time of his arrest her mother had been advised not to prosecute her husband because the events surrounding a trial would further traumatize Jennifer.
89. Not every violation of law can be prosecuted, and prosecutors have wide discretion in deciding which to prosecute and which to drop.
90. The attorney general will prosecute in trial for serious crime.
91. Some religious groups have argued the law could criminalize conservative speech, but the Attorney General says it would be used only to prosecute violence.
92. The people that took him were so willing, as well as able , to prosecute him.
93. Non pros Discretion is an option power authorized by the law and exercised by the prosecutor to determine whether to prosecute the suspect or not, relating closely to opportunism principle.
94. The tribunal is a court of last resort, meaning it will only take cases where legal authorities elsewhere are unwilling or unable to prosecute.
95. Protests planned for several locations failed to materialize after the Interior Ministry threatened on Saturday to prosecute anyone who took part in any sort of public demonstration.
96. The XYZ company used international lawyers to prosecute a crime ring involving software piracy in Taiwan.




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