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单词 Educated
1. Only a nation of educated people could remain free. 
2. She was educated in the US.
3. He was educated at a co-ed comprehensive school.
4. Correct speech is an earmark of the educated man.
5. Only the educated are free. Epictetus 
6. The form says he was educated in Africa.
7. She was well educated in literature at a university.
8. He was educated at Haslingden Grammar School.
9. She seemed intelligent and well educated.
10. She was educated in England in the 1990s.
11. The public should be educated to use resources more effectively.
12. The children were educated at home by a succession of tutors.
13. He was educated at his local comprehensive school and then at Oxford.
14. The public should be educated in how to use energy more effectively.
15. He was educated at Bristol University.
15. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. The writer was educated at a very good school.
17. People live longer nowadays, and they are better educated.
18. He's an educated, widely-read man .
19. He is an educated, amiable and decent man.
20. He was educated at public school.
21. He was educated in law.
22. She is a highly educated woman.
23. Small numbers of children are educated at home.
24. Their children were educated privately.
25. He patiently educated himself in this subject.
26. The children are educated in England.
27. A small number of children are educated at home.
28. If college degrees remain an entree to wealth and status in the 21st century, males may have to get used to the same second-class status that American women so long endured, as highly educated females become the majority among the nation's intellectual, economic(), and even power elite.
29. Estimating the right cooking time will always be an educated guess.
30. Command of the mother tongue is the most distinguishing mark of an educated man or woman.
1. She was educated in the US.
2. He was educated at a co-ed comprehensive school.
3. The form says he was educated in Africa.
4. She was well educated in literature at a university.
5. He was educated at Haslingden Grammar School.
6. She seemed intelligent and well educated.
7. She was educated in England in the 1990s.
8. The public should be educated to use resources more effectively.
9. The children were educated at home by a succession of tutors.
10. He was educated at his local comprehensive school and then at Oxford.
11. If college degrees remain an entree to wealth and status in the 21st century, males may have to get used to the same second-class status that American women so long endured, as highly educated females become the majority among the nation's intellectual, economic, and even power elite.
12. Estimating the right cooking time will always be an educated guess.
13. Command of the mother tongue is the most distinguishing mark of an educated man or woman.
14. He patiently educated himself in this subject.
15. Less formally educated people can acquire professional competence.
15. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. Command of the mother tongue is the most distinguishing mark of the educated man or woman.
31. He was educated for the law.
32. Less formally educated people can acquire professional competence.
33. Both children are privately educated.
34. He spoke in an educated voice.
35. He was educated at a very good school.
36. Such opinions are unworthy of educated people.
37. She was an educated lady so she talked proper.
38. Old superstitions seem incredible to educated people.
39. The country needs an educated population.
40. Most children in Britain are educated at public expense.
41. He was educated at the local comprehensive school.
42. People are better educated now.
43. All the staff are educated to university level.
44. He was educated at Balliol College, Oxford.
45. Modern economies place a premium on educated workers.
46. Children need to be educated about the dangers of drug use.
47. I can't tell you exactly how much the building work will cost,(http:///educated.html) but I can make an educated guess.
48. He is more highly educated, with a PhD in Chemistry.
49. Children need to be educated about the way that diet and health interrelate.
50. The new finance minister was educated at Oxford and is as traditional as they come.
51. She was probably the most highly educated prime minister of this century.
52. Children need to be educated on the dangers of drug-taking.
53. She was educated privately and at Pembroke College, where she read classics.
54. He was educated at the local grammar school, after which he went on to Cambridge.
55. As a vet, he could make an educated guess as to what was wrong with his stomach.
56. Command of the mother tongue is the most distinguishing mark of the educated man or woman.
57. Parents should have a voice in deciding how their children are educated.
58. She was educated — after a fashion — at home.
59. She was a very well educated girl with a lively mind, a girl with ambition.
60. It's just prejudice from educated people who should know better .
61. A tiny, educated elite profited from the misery of their two million fellow countrymen.
62. His natural supporters are the urban poor, and educated people of a liberal turn of mind.
63. They were intelligent and educated, yet they chose to kidnap and kill.
64. Where were you educated?
65. Investors must make an educated guess as to the company's potential.
66. She was privately educated at schools in Ireland and Paris.
67. Young men were once required to be educated in good manners.
68. The civil service became the preserve of the educated middle class.
69. Its large population is comparatively well educated.
70. They were better educated and better paid.
71. She was more attractive, better educated and more womanly.
72. But these ecclesiastical histories appealed to restricted, educated circles.
73. So it's the educated women who suffer.
74. He was educated privately at academies in Margate.
75. Everyone was to be educated on the same campus.
75. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
76. This country's people are wealthier, healthier, and better educated than ever before.
77. He was a well if conventionally educated man, and a man of various interests and hobbies.
78. He was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he obtained his BA in 1833.
79. He was a cultured, educated man, yet he lacked the simple faith of the poorest of the poor.
80. The more you learn from life lessons, the more you are educated and the wiser at old age. Dr T.P.Chia 
81. The papal reform tended to drive a wedge between the educated, celibate higher clergy, and the rank and file.
82. The weight and angle of him; the true-to-life beard hair on him; arched back, educated hands.
83. The young Francis had been educated with the sons of the better class of tradesmen.
84. Further, when his influence on educated people is considered, there remain huge problems of discrimination.
85. The law requires the chief of police to make educated guesses about the likelihood that disorder, damage or disruption will occur.
86. Highly educated men also got a shock over that decade.
87. To be truly educated, an educated fool needs to be re-educated. Dr T.P.Chia 
88. A pampered child is an uneducated child. An educated parent who pampers a child is an educated fool. Dr T.P.Chia 
89. It is never too late or too old to be educated or reeducated. Dr T.P.Chia 
90. Both came from affluent backgrounds and were educated at Ivy League schools.
91. They could only be understood by those educated as courtiers.
92. Educational achievement provides a competitive edge in all areas of life, but not all educated and intelligent people are necessarily competitive. Dr T.P.Chia 
93. Among articulate and educated persons in 1860 these were a distinct minority.
94. Broadsheets are aimed at an educated middle and upper-class readership.
95. Your aim should be to speak as educated people you admire speak, clearly and without affectation.
96. I am not very educated, I am loud. I may have come out of the middle-class but the middle-class doesn’t leave me! Jeetendra 
97. Visitors who have no desire to be educated will find that their enjoyment of such exhibitions is unimpaired.
98. This reflects the antipathy towards industry and commerce from traditionally educated, liberal-humanist teachers.
99. It came as a shock to Stella, learning that educated people like Dotty Blundell and Meredith adhered to such a faith.
100. There are some practical considerations that must be faced in terms of support for visually handicapped pupils who are being educated in resource situations.
101. Richards dismissed criticism that the Red Cross has not educated the public about AIDS.
102. He was educated at Clifton College, Bristol, and in 1883 became for three years articled clerk to a London solicitor.
103. But each of us has also been educated to a specific local culture system.
104. Such concepts are unworthy of educated people and refer to anthropomorphism which has been misunderstood.
105. Parents should have a choice of where their children are educated.
105. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
106. As workers we were considered ideal: well educated, very docile, and cheap.
107. He was educated privately in Derby and was taken into apprenticeship with the Midland Railway Company.
108. He was the scion of a noble and highly educated family, and correspondent of Gregory the Great.
109. The district is one of the most highly educated and culturally sophisticated in the South.
110. The first duty of a revolutionary is to be educated. Che Guevara 
111. Will Simpson was one of the new breed of educated men.
112. Mme Keita probably earns less than I pay my watchman, yet she is skilled and well educated.
113. She was well off, well educated, well connected, but she wasn't well.
114. He was educated at local schools, including the Devonport Classical and Mathematical School, and became an apprentice to his father.
115. He was educated privately and at Rossall, and went on to study architecture under a tutor at Cambridge.
116. Taylor was educated at home and at a private day-school, and as apprentice to his father.
117. They were the Ostarbeiters, intelligent and educated, and set to work as labourers, made to wear a badge.
118. Forty-eight percent of university educated women used the sheath compared to 27 percent of the rest.
119. The arts tourist is more highly educated, more affluent, and stays longer than the average tourist.
120. David MacKinlay was a Lewisach born and bred, educated at Stornoway who made good in the outside world.
121. Not so: the recruit of today is generally better educated and more enquiring than his counterpart of previous decades.
122. Nurses were more highly educated and accountable for their actions as professionals than they used to be.
123. However, several students educated at the Academy made important discoveries in mathematical science, both pure and applied.
124. Gifford was a former Royalist officer, an educated man who had himself experienced a fierce inward struggle in his puritan conversion.
125. Both concluded that the families of educated women were no smaller than the average.
126. Better educated or financially comfortable people often smile more than less educated or economically distressed people. Dr T.P.Chia 
127. Only on this basis can people make the informed choice which is the hallmark of the educated person.
128. And this is not just a generalised and detached polemic against injustice by an educated man.
129. Most blacks were illiterate; even those who were educated were oppressed.
130. Educated privately, he went to Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1782, and graduated BA in 1786.
131. Your educated boys went at it a little more privately and gracefully, but sometimes destroyed more people in the long run.
132. Advanced Hooray Most Hoorays you are likely to come across will have been educated at a public school.
133. The double standard that divided the privileged and the poor, men and women, educated and uneducated was pervasive.
134. Are at least able to make an educated guess as to who is collapsing the scrummage. 7.
135. Successful people are not always highly educated,(http:///educated.html) but their behaviors and actions tell that they are well-educated. Dr T.P.Chia 
136. They are better educated and more informed - though illiteracy is still widespread among the poor.
137. More importantly, she would have met relatively well educated people.
138. Many have demonstrated that professional competence can be acquired quite simply and successfully by less educated people.
139. The Labour Ministers were educated in the language and concepts of Keynesian economics by the academic economists in the government.
140. She was highly educated and was good at crossword puzzles and so unlikely to make such an elementary error.
141. Today there are no longer any educated men in the old city.
142. If educated people without conquistador bloodlines can never rise far, it is no use giving scholarships.
143. Those households tend to be wealthier and better educated on average, making newspaper readers an attractive market for advertisers.
144. The president is finely educated and is capable of talking like a professor and behaving like a despot.
145. Most people are keen for their children to be educated but despair at the kind of education they receive.
146. He was among the better educated of the early Methodist preachers and more sober than some in his attitude to supernatural phenomena.
147. Childless men, especially those with a broken marriage, were more likely to be ambitious, highly educated professionals.
148. Educated Protestants were all too aware of the popular ignorance of the basics of theology.
149. But the ability to pay for safety nets is just one of the social effects of having an educated population.
150. Of aristocratic family, Gallienus was highly educated, and his portrait exudes cultured refinement.
151. Moreover, an educated workforce is argued to be one of the important prerequisites for economic expansion and advance.
152. The children would do well, also, to become educated about the aging process.
153. Pill use declined, especially among older educated women, from 45 million courses in 1977 to 38 million in 1979.
154. We live in a knowledge-based economy, in which educated workers bridle at commands and demand autonomy.
155. Take any Communist country and it will be better educated than its neighbors.
156. More broadly, it is the educated, skilled and healthy individual who is the human capital.
157. A society consisting of educated people, like a society of healthy people, made economic sense.
158. His views on the kind of action which would be needed changed as he was educated in Keynesian economics after 1942.
159. Finally, a small group visits Poopathy - the most educated woman in the area.
160. Without education, we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously. G.K. Chesterton 
161. All this deeply interested Modigliani who was a remarkably cultivated and educated man, as Paul Alexandre proves.
162. Even today, most educated people could probably tell you something about Voltaire and Rousseau.
163. By the time she and the Prince were engaged two years later, she was still no better educated.
164. The development of Confucianism was closely linked with the teaching of the educated classes.
165. Education Wordsworth was an intelligent and highly educated man: he was a learned, clever, even a witty poet.
165. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
166. Instead there seems to be an increasing amount of discontent among people, especially the more highly educated sections of society.
167. Educated people had become a despised group, just as during the Cultural Revolution, when they suffered verbal and physical abuse.
168. Far too many women are defeated by this supposedly basic rule of motherhood, including the most educated and ambitious.
169. It was a room full of young, educated men baying for money on the bond market.
170. I speak not for myself but for those without voice... those who have fought for their rights... their right to live in peace, their right to be treated with dignity, their right to equality of opportunity, their right to be educated. Malala Yousafzai 
171. A child educated only at school is an uneducated child. George Santayana 
172. They had little importance, however, outside a small minority of the educated classes.
173. Other of the source studies, however, used patient values, clinician values, or educated guesses.
174. An educated cleric well versed in Shia theology, he presents reasoned arguments for the beliefs of the conservative establishment.
175. He wanted to show that one could be an educated and intelligent believer without abandoning the apostolic rule of faith and life.
176. Samson was a man of worldly tastes and habits: he was well connected, well educated, generous and rich.
177. He was educated in a Nonconformist academy; his abilities lay in mathematics, engineering, and business administration.
178. We also need to ensure that all children are educated beyond an assumption that mathematics has one correct form.
179. From Raymond Williams I learnt the political and moral consequences and obligations of being educated away from the life you were born into.
180. You do not have to be a genius or highly educated to succeed in life. If you are determined, well-prepared and work extraordinary hard, you are likely to be a success. Dr T.P.Chia 
181. It had to carry conviction with a better educated, more discriminating public.
182. People brought up and educated in different decades hold different social values and attitudes.
183. He was educated at the University of Leiden between 1747 and 1749, and then entered the family's banking business.
184. Much of the information the clinics gave people was incomplete and biased in favour of educated middle-class clients.
185. But, beyond hunches and educated guesses, what about other human characteristics such as beliefs, prejudices and emotions?




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