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单词 courtesy
释义  cour·te·sy1 /ˈkɜːtəsi $ ˈkɜːr-/ ●○○ noun (plural courtesies)  1  [uncountable]POLITE polite behaviour and respect for other people 有礼的举止,礼貌 SYN politeness OPP discourtesy It’s a matter of common courtesy to acknowledge letters. 确认收到来信是起码的礼貌。have the courtesy to do something He didn’t even have the courtesy to call and say he couldn’t come. 他甚至连打个电话来说一声他不能来的礼貌都没有。2  [countable]POLITE something you do or say to be polite 礼貌的行为[话] The two men exchanged courtesies before getting down to business. 两个人互致问候,然后开始谈论正事。3  (by) courtesy of somebody GIVEby someone’s permission or kindness, rather than by paying them 承蒙某人的允许;由于某人的好意〔而不是因为付了钱〕 photographs supplied courtesy of Blenheim Palace 承蒙布伦海姆宫提供的照片4  (by) courtesy of something if one thing happens courtesy of another, the second thing caused the first 由某事引起,因某事造成 Healy received a deep cut on his left hand, courtesy of Nicole’s ice skate. 希利因为尼科尔的冰鞋左手被划出了一道深深的伤口。5  do somebody the courtesy of doing something to be polite enough to do something for someone 为对某人表示礼貌而做某事 At least do me the courtesy of telling the truth. 至少请你告诉我实情。Examples from the Corpuscourtesy• As a courtesy to other diners, we ask that all cell phones be left at the door.• Businessmen value the service and courtesy offered by traditional hotels.• He had been a model of courtesy.• I don't think she wanted us to come and stay with her, she just offered out of courtesy.• I wish he'd had the courtesy to tell me when he was coming back.• Odds are that the other person will return the courtesy of an introduction.• When you contact a government office, you should receive efficient service and be treated with courtesy.have the courtesy to do something• The hon. Gentleman should have the courtesy to recognise that a considerable amount is being done.exchanged courtesies• When wandering over the hills we met a shepherd, exchanged courtesies, and offered him a glass.Related topics: Tourism, Motor vehiclescourtesy2 adjective [only before noun]  1  DLTTTCprovided free to a customer by a company 〔由公司〕免费提供的courtesy bus/taxi/car/phone etc The hotel runs a courtesy bus from the airport. 这家酒店在机场有免费巴士接送。 Most reviewers receive a courtesy copy of the book. 大多数书评家都收到一本赠书。2  courtesy visit/call a visit etc done to be polite or show respect 礼节性拜访 Our captain put in a courtesy visit during dinner. 席间,我们的队长作了礼节性拜访。Examples from the Corpuscourtesy bus/taxi/car/phone etc• Not all the players get courtesy cars.• He began the two-mile journey from the hotel in a courtesy car at 9.25 a.m.• Standing on the courtesy bus I watched their last-minute dash to catch the folding doors with relief.• A courtesy bus operates between the two several times a day.• A courtesy bus runs regularly into the centre of Sorrento and local buses stop nearby.From Longman Business Dictionarycourtesycour‧te‧sy1 /ˈkɜːtəsiˈkɜːr-/ adjective [only before a noun] provided free to a customer or to the publicA courtesy bus runs to the Hotel Del Levante from the airport every day.courtesycourtesy2 noun (by) courtesy of if something is provided by courtesy of someone, it is provided for free by themWe stayed in Leeds, courtesy of the Hilton Hotel.My colleague and I flew courtesy of British Midland first class to Heathrow.Origin courtesy (1200-1300) Old French corteisie, from corteis; → COURTEOUScour·te·sy1 nouncourtesy2 adjectiveChineseSyllable  respect polite for Corpus and behaviour people Business other




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