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单词 count
释义 Word family  noun count recount counter adjective countable ≠ uncountable countless verb count recount  count1 /kaʊnt/ ●●● S2 W3 verb  1  COUNT/CALCULATEfind the total 得出总数 [transitive] (also count up) to calculate the total number of things or people in a group 计数,点数目 I was amazed at the number of plants – I counted 147. 我对植物的数量之多感到惊讶,我数了有147棵。count (up) how many Count up how many ticks are in each box. 数一下每个方格里有多少打记号。2  COUNT/CALCULATEsay numbers 数数 [intransitive] (also count up) to say numbers in order, one by one or in groups 〔按顺序〕数数count to Sarah can count up to five now. 萨拉现在能数到五了。count by twos/fives etc It’s quicker to count by tens (=saying 10,20,30 ...). 十个十个地数快一些。3  LET/ALLOWbe allowed 得到许可 [intransitive, transitive] to be allowed or accepted, or to allow or accept something, according to a standard, set of ideas, or set of rules 算数;被允许;被接受 A linesman had his flag up so the kick did not count. 巡边员举起了旗,因此这一脚进球无效。count as Locally produced sales by American firms in Japan do not count as exports. 美国公司在日本当地的产销量不能算作出口。 Today’s session is counted as training, so you will get paid. 今天的课算作培训,所以你们会拿到工资。count towards Results from the two rounds count towards championship points. 这两轮比赛的结果计入锦标赛的得分。4  INCLUDEinclude 包括 [transitive] to include someone or something in a total 把…计算在内;包括 There are more than two thousand of us, not counting the crew. 我们有两千多人,不包括工作人员在内。count somebody/something among something I count Jules and Ady among my closest friends. 我把朱尔斯和埃迪算作我最亲密的朋友。5  consider STH 考虑某事 [transitive] to consider someone or something in a particular way 看作,算作,认为count somebody/something as something I don’t count him as a friend anymore. 我不再把他看作朋友。 You should count yourself lucky that you weren’t hurt. 你没受伤,应该觉得自己很幸运。6  IMPORTANTimportant 重要的 [intransitive not in progressive] to be important or valuable 重要;有价值 First impressions really do count. 第一印象真的很重要。count for His promises don’t count for much. 他的承诺没多大用。 His overseas results count for nothing. 他在海外的成绩毫无用处。7  I/you can count somebody/something on (the fingers of) one hand spokenFEW/NOT MANY used to emphasize how small the number of something is 某人/某事屈指可数 The number of cougar attacks on humans can be counted on the fingers of one hand. 美洲狮袭击人的事屈指可数。8  don’t count your chickens (before they’re hatched) EXPECT spoken used to say that you should not make plans that depend on something good happening, because it might not 不要指望过早,如意算盘别打得太早 I wouldn’t count your chickens, Mr Vass. I’ve agreed to sign the contract, but that’s all. 瓦斯先生,我可不会像你这样高兴得太早。我是同意签合同了,但仅此而已。9. count your blessings spoken used to tell someone to be grateful for the good things in their life 〔告诉某人对生活中的好事〕要知足,要感恩10  be counting (down) the minutes/hours/days to be waiting eagerly for something to happen 数着时间等待 I'm counting the days until I see you again. 我数着日子等待再次见到你。11  count the cost SUFFERto start having problems as a result of your earlier decisions or mistakes 〔由于先前的决定或错误而〕开始付出代价,尝到苦头 We’re now counting the cost of not taking out medical insurance. 我们没有购买医疗保险,现在尝到苦头了。12  who’s counting? DON'T CAREused to say that you are not worried about the number of times something happens – often used humorously 谁会去数?谁在乎次数?〔常为幽默用法〕 Apparently the next Star Trek film (number six, but who’s counting?) will definitely be the last. 显然下一部《星际迷航》电影(第六集,谁知道呢?)肯定会是最后一部了。13  and counting especially spoken used to say that an amount is continuing to increase 而且还在增加 At eight days and counting, this is the longest strike so far. 八天了,而且还在继续,这是迄今为止时间最长的一次罢工。14. count sheep to imagine a line of sheep jumping over a fence, one at a time, and count them as a way of getting to sleep 数绵羊〔帮助入睡的办法〕15 count somebody in phrasal verb INCLUDEto include someone in an activity 把〔某人〕计算在内 When the game gets started, you can count me in. 比赛开始的话,也可以算我一个。16 count on/upon somebody/something phrasal verb a) DEPEND ON/RELY ONto depend on someone or something, especially in a difficult situation 〔尤指在困境中〕依靠,指望 You can count on me. 你可以信赖我。 With luck, you might cover your costs, but don’t count on it. 运气好的话你也许够付你的开销,但别太指望。count on (somebody/something) doing something We’re all counting on winning this contract. 我们都指望争取到这份合同。 They were counting on him not coming out of hospital. 他们指望他不要出院。count on somebody/something to do something You can count on Dean to ruin any party. 不管什么聚会,迪安准能把它搞砸。b) EXPECTto expect something 期望,指望,料想 The presence of Paula was one thing he hadn’t counted on. 葆拉的到场是他万万没料到的。count on (somebody/something) doing something We didn’t count on so many people being on vacation. 我们没有想到会有那么多人在度假。17 count somebody/something out phrasal verb a) INCLUDEto not include someone or something in an activity 不把…算入,不包括 I’m sorry, you’ll have to count me out tonight. 很抱歉,今晚就别把我算在内了。b) to decide that someone or something is not important or worth considering 不考虑,认为…不值得考虑 I wouldn’t count him out. If anybody can make a comeback, he can. 我不会对他失去信心,只要有人能够东山再起,他就一定能。c) count something ↔ outCOUNT/CALCULATE to put things down one by one as you count them 数[数出]某物 The teller counted out ten $50 bills. 出纳员点出10张50美元面额的钞票。 → stand up and be counted at stand1(5), → it’s the thought that counts at thought2(12)→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscount• Authorities counted 50 traffic deaths over the holiday weekend.• But the man who approached Mitchell in the bathroom was not to be counted among them.• The game teaches children to count and do simple addition and subtraction.• Every minute counts, as buses and more buses pull into place in the line.• So, for example, if wine is being checked, it can be counted by the case or by the bottle.• Most children know how to count by the time they start kindergarten.• These are tiny freedoms, and if a woman enjoys being part of a couple, they should count for nothing.• The computer can count how many words there are in a document you've written.• He hugged the banister, counting its bar-like wooden rods until he reached the turn where it met the wall.• They also count on $ 10 million in tax increment financing via the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency.• Counting playoff games, the Warriors have won 8 of the 9 games they've played against Utah.• First impressions do count, so look your best at the interview.• I nodded and counted to a hundred a second time instead.• Shut your eyes, count to twenty, then come and find us.• When Alice arrived home, she counted what she had.count (up) how many• You might be surprised to hear it is difficult to count how many.• Every day I lay there and repeated an exercise of counting how many branches on the tree outside I could make out.• On his fingers George Grindal counted how many of the Chapter in that procession had bald heads naked to the same extent.• I sat down with the Financial Times and tried to count how many people were actually smoking underneath no-smoking signs.• She started to count how many people, who might not confess it in simple language, were relieved MacQuillan had gone.• Tam had taken to counting how many posts were already in, and how many were left to do.• Some count how many software programs are sold.• When you've completed the questionnaire, you will need to count up how many ticks are in each box.count to• Take a deep breath, count to ten and then breathe out.count as• Your sculpture class counts as a Humanities credit.not counting• His preaching was carried on more than 3,000 stations not counting cable.• Here are 763, not counting notes and index.• At the time he was not counting on a schoolteacher to floor him by marrying his only daughter, his only child.• We are not counting on or including in our financial plan anything but baseball.• A 250-bedroom extension to the Excelsior will increase total capacity to 1,576 rooms not counting Skyway's 450 rooms.• About ten thousand people were moved out, not counting the ones who owned small businesses along the edge.• The Church is made up of countable people and there is nothing particularly spiritual in not counting them.count ... lucky• In their grief, they privately counted themselves lucky.• Most of the conservationists counted themselves lucky.• They're expected to be allowed home tomorrow, counting themselves very lucky.• We were preparing television programmes on laboratory work when most teachers counted themselves lucky if there was any chalk available.• Count yourself lucky, Mr Thaw, that people want to stop and look at you.• Meredith counted herself lucky to catch a space in the car park behind the supermarket as some other shopper pulled out.• He counts himself lucky to have avoided being shot.• Some shade trees provide their own winter show, and gardeners should count themselves lucky to have them.count for nothing• If it does not stand as a moral example to the followers of the Church, it counts for nothing.• In the world of trade and realpolitik, it counts for nothing.• Not unexpectedly for our primary participants, what the teachers seem to think counts for nothing.• These are tiny freedoms, and if a woman enjoys being part of a couple, they should count for nothing.• Expertise and experience count for nothing if a fighter isn't mentally prepared before he enters the ring.• All her discoveries seemed to count for nothing if he didn't care.• This weekend's results, of course, will count for nothing in the Olympics.• A stance that helped the poor and promoted growth, it said, counted for nothing without a strong anti-corruption strategy.Related topics: Governmentcount2 ●●○ noun [countable]  1  total 合计COUNT/CALCULATE the process of counting, or the total that you get when you count things 计算;总数 Hold your breath for a count of ten. 屏住呼吸数到10。2  measurement 计量AMOUNT a measurement that shows how much of a substance is present in a place, area etc that is being examined 〔经计算某物存在于某空间的〕数字,计数 The pollen count is high today. 今天花粉计数很高。3  lose count COUNT/CALCULATEto forget a number you were calculating or a total you were trying to count 数忘了;数不清lose count of There have been so many accidents here, the police have lost count of them. 这里发生的意外事故太多,警方都记不清确切的数目了。4  keep count COUNT/CALCULATEto keep a record of the changing total of something over a period of time 〔在一段时间内〕记录变化的数字keep count of I never manage to keep count of what I spend on my credit card. 我从来都记不清信用卡的支出。5  on all/several/both etc counts WAY/MANNERin every way, in several ways etc 各个/几个/双方面等 It was important that they secured a large and widespread audience. They failed on both counts. 赢得数量多、分布面广的观众对他们来说很重要,但他们这两点都没能做到。6  at the last count NOWaccording to the latest information about a particular situation 根据最新统计数字 At the last count, I had 15 responses to my letter. 最新的数字是,我收到了15封回信。7  be out for the count a) SLEEPto be in a deep sleep 在沉睡 b) DSOMIif a boxer is out for the count, he has been knocked down for ten seconds or more 〔拳击手在比赛中被击倒后〕十秒钟内未能站起来8  SCClaw 法律 technical one of the crimes that someone is charged with 〔被指控的〕罪状,罪名,事项 Davis was found not guilty on all counts. 戴维斯受到指控的各项罪名均不成立。count of theft/burglary/murder etc He was charged with two counts of theft. 他被指控犯有两项偷窃罪。9. rank/title 等级/头衔PG a European nobleman with a high rank 伯爵〔欧洲贵族的称号〕n COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + count a rough count (=not exact)I made a rough count of the houses in the street.a quick countAccording to my quick count, there were 15.a head count (=of how many people are present)Make sure you do a head count before the children get back on the bus.a word/page count (=of how many words or pages there are)Your computer can do an automatic word count.a traffic count (=of how many vehicles pass through a place)We went to the main road at 9 am to begin our traffic count.verbsdo/make a countI looked at the report and did a quick page count.Examples from the Corpuscount• Stretch up gently for 10 counts holding each count for 1 second.• Hold each position for 2 counts.• He faces a count of second-degree murder in the Nov. 10 shooting death of Brad Hansen, also 13.• My cholesterol count was a little high.• We've seen over 65 patients today, but we don't have an exact count.• Ms. Henderson said the final count may exceed 2,000.• Henderson pleaded guilty on one count of drunken driving.• High pollen counts and air conditioners may worsen allergies.• Hold for a slow count of 4.• The scoreboards kept the fans posted as to the ball-and-strike count and the number of outs.• the Count of Monte Cristo• In articulating life as a chameleon on a rocky mirror, Vernadsky committed heresy on two counts.pollen count• It was July and the pollen count was high.• At the start of the season sufferers usually begin to experience problems when the pollen count reaches 50.• When the pollen count is high, keep doors and windows shut and stay inside.count of theft/burglary/murder etc• Mr Atkins was charged on four specimen counts of theft.• Facts: pleaded guilty to three counts of theft and five counts of damaging property.• Street is also charged with two counts of theft.Origin count1 (1300-1400) Old French conter, from Latin computare; → COMPUTE count2 1. (1300-1400) Old French conte, from conter; → COUNT12. (1300-1400) Old French conte, from Latin comes “person you are with, member of the emperor's court”, from com- ( → COM-) + ire “to go”count1 verb →10-17count2 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  calculate the total people number of Corpus in to or things




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