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单词 flak jacket
释义  Related topics: Militaryˈflak ˌjacket noun [countable]  PMa special coat made of strong heavy material to protect soldiers and policemen from bullets 〔有金属片的〕防弹衣Examples from the Corpusflak jacket• If that happens, Freedman is going to have to get a flak jacket and write another book.• Strapped into an armor-lined cockpit and trussed up in a flak jacket and helmet, Air Force Capt.• McVeigh wore a purple shirt with a flak jacket beneath it and brown slacks.• Tucking himself into a ball of boots and flak jacket, the Squat bounced and rolled half a dozen times.• Primo notices his dark swollen belly, pushing out between the flaps of a green flak jacket.ˈflak ˌjacket nounChineseSyllable  heavy a of Corpus made special coat strong




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