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单词 flak
释义  Related topics: Weaponsflak, flack /flæk/ noun [uncountable]  1  informalCRITICIZE strong criticism 强烈的批评,抨击 Lilley has taken a lot of flak for his views on drugs. 利利对毒品的看法受到强烈抨击。2. PMWbullets or shells that are shot from the ground at enemy aircraft 高射炮火 → flak jacketExamples from the Corpusflak• We descended down as the flak, which caused us no major problems, opened up.• Anyway, you can see I feel confused about it still, because I couldn't face the flak from your friends.• I smiled some more and took the flak as the lady was forced to wait.• Nor should he get all the union flak for doing exactly what he was hired to do.taken ... flak• Baker, despite his 17 goals, has taken some flak from fans at the Victoria Ground.Origin flak (1900-2000) German FLiegerAbwehrKanone “flyer defence guns”flak nounChinese   Corpus strong criticism




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