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单词 considering
释义  con·sid·er·ing1 /kənˈsɪdərɪŋ/ ●●○ preposition, conjunction  REMEMBERused to say that you are thinking about a particular fact when you are giving your opinion 考虑到,鉴于 Considering the strength of the opposition, we did very well to score two goals. 考虑到对方实力强大,我们能攻进两球已经很不错了。considering (that) I think we paid too much for the house, considering that we needed to get the roof repaired. 考虑到还得修理屋顶,我觉得我们这房子买贵了。considering who/how etc John did quite well in his exams, considering how little he studied. 考虑到约翰学习时间那么少,他考得已经算不错了。Examples from the Corpusconsidering who/how etc• The relationship between public investment and private development is important in considering how a canal would be financed.• Again the place was surprisingly clean considering how cramped it was.• He found himself considering how different were these two sisters, Agnes vehement, voluble, exclamatory.• Before considering how events developed, it is important to clarify in whose interests the system had been operating.• The Secretary of State's crime prevention committee is considering how information should be collected and will continue to do so.• It was a very good offer, an amazing offer, considering who it came from.• That penalty could be a hefty price, considering how many communities depend on federal funds.• Professional support Finally, it is worth considering how we can achieve some of the aims outlined above.considering2 adverb spoken  DESPITEused after you have given an opinion, to say that something is true in spite of a situation that makes it seem surprising 从各方面考虑起来,通盘考虑起来 He didn’t look too tired, considering. 总的看来 他显得还不算太累。Examples from the Corpusconsidering• The office was busy, but it wasn't too bad, considering.con·sid·er·ing1 prepositionconsidering2 adverbChineseSyllable  a you about say to are Corpus thinking that used particular




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