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单词 Hired
1. He is a hired killer.
2. She was hired three years ago.
3. She hired a private detective to follow her husband.
4. He hired a workman to repair the fence.
5. We hired a magician to entertain the children.
6. We hired a van for transport.
7. He hired a plane, regardless of expense.
8. He hired a car for two days.
9. The guards were originally hired to watch over the houses as they were being built.
10. We hired a guide to take us up into the mountains.
11. They have cars that are hired out by the day.
12. He hired a car and drove up to his home town.
13. She hired a detective to find out if her husband was having an affair.
14. Sometimes he hired two or three labourers to help his harvest.
15. Someone hired that letter to her.
16. We hired a magician to keep the children entertained.
17. They've hired a really top-flight sales team.
18. We've hired a marquee at vast expense.
19. He hired scabs to replace strikers.
20. She was hired to advance for a best-selling author.
21. He hired John as a favour to his father.
22. He hired a top QC to defend him.
23. He hired and fired people on his partner's say-so.
24. Smith was hired on a six-month trial basis .
24. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
25. The fruit is picked by hired labourers.
26. Bicycles can be hired from several local shops.
27. She's hired a lawyer who specializes in divorce cases.
28. Ski equipment can be hired locally.
29. They hired a top lawyer to plead their case.
30. She's hired a number of people on my say-so.
1. He is a hired killer.
2. She was hired three years ago.
3. She hired a private detective to follow her husband.
4. He hired a workman to repair the fence.
5. We hired a magician to entertain the children.
6. We hired a van for transport.
7. He hired a car for two days.
8. The guards were originally hired to watch over the houses as they were being built.
9. We hired a guide to take us up into the mountains.
10. They have cars that are hired out by the day.
11. He hired a car and drove up to his home town.
12. She hired a detective to find out if her husband was having an affair.
13. Sometimes he hired two or three labourers to help his harvest.
14. Ski equipment can be hired locally.
15. Lucia hired an assassin to eliminate her rival.
16. She hired out to the owner of an apple orchard.
31. She hired an assassin to eliminate her rival.
32. These girls never hired out to do servants' work.
33. We hired a new secretary.
34. Bicycles are hired out in the shop.
35. Lucia hired an assassin to eliminate her rival.
36. He hired himself out to whoever needed his services.
37. He was killed by a hired assassin.
38. We arrived in fine style in a hired limousine.
39. He hired out as a farm worker.
40. They hired a nurse to care for her.
41. He hired out as a teacher with the school.
42. Her hired car was found abandoned at Beachy Head.
43. He hired a suit from Moss Bros.
44. She hired on as a baby sitter.
45. We hired a room for the party.
46. They hired more staff in order to spread the load.
47. Workmen were hired to remodel and enlarge the farm buildings.
48. Three new teachers were hired to help ease the crunch.
49. This hall may be hired for weddings and other functions.
50. She hired out to the owner of an apple orchard.
51. Virtually any piece of equipment you care to name can be hired these days.
52. They hired temporary staff to keep things going over the summer.
53. The Labour party hired a concert hall for the election meeting.
54. We hired an advertising company to help us sell our new software.
55. Their own car is being mended this one is hired.
56. I did the donkey work but I hired a professional builder for the tricky bits.
57. Local people took matters into their own hands and hired their own security guards.
58. The gunman had been hired by a rival Mafia family to do the dirty deed.
59. A secretary was hired to relieve her of some of the administrative work.
60. This room may be hired for weddings and other functions.
61. I was hired by the first company I applied to.
62. She hired a trainer to create a personalized exercise schedule to get her into shape.
63. If she had the chance to do it over, she would have hired a press secretary.
64. The hired hands were paid off at the end of the harvest season.
65. The rest of the staff have been hired on short-term contracts.
66. He hired an escort girl to go to the dinner with him.
67. The children hired a boat and went for a row down the river.
68. We hired a photographer to take some publicity shots .
69. She hired a private detective in an attempt to find her daughter.
70. A City lawyer has been hired to handle the case.
71. Somebody hired from another country is not likely to resign precipitately.
72. When a play finishes its run(), many of the costumes are hired out to amateur dramatics companies and schools.
73. She said if she had the chance to do it over, she would have hired a press secretary.
74. The entire workforce was laid off and a fresh one promptly hired.
75. The company hired Bob to conduct an independent review of their workplace procedures.
76. She hired a firm of private detectives to follow him.
77. A contractor was hired to drain the reservoir and to excavate soil from one area for replacement with clay.
78. They hired a firm of consultants to design the new system.
79. We had a huge party, and hired a photographer to record the event.
80. We hired a driver to take us on a tour of the city.
81. When Wardell was interviewed, he was impressive, and on that basis, he was hired.
82. The last person we hired in the shop turned out to have sticky fingers.
83. He hired a hit-man to knock off a business rival.
84. We hired a local guide to get us across the mountains.
84. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
85. The police believe he was killed by a hired assassin.
86. They hired a boat and went for a row down the river.
87. A private detective was hired to conduct the investigation .
88. The American couple hired a Dormobile for their four-week tour round Europe.
89. She hired a private detective to find out if her husband was having an affair.
90. Sixteen of the contestants have hired lawyers and are suing the organisers.
91. He has hired a lawyer to defend him against the allegations.
92. To entertain at another party, Margarett hired wrestlers.
93. So I hired him to run the art gallery.
94. They have hired separate criminal defense attorneys.
95. They were also hired as soldiers by feudal lords.
96. He hired Tony Pedregon as his second driver.
97. You hired detectives to find me?
98. My boss hired two consultants to prepare a report.
99. Robles was hired at the dealership on April 21.
100. We've hired someone to guard the entrance.
101. We've hired a maid to clean our house.
102. The Herald newspaper hired her in 1968.
103. You hired as part of the cure?
104. Bait and fishing tackle can be hired.
105. Dungy recently hired David Shula as offensive coordinator.
106. Henry now works part-time with a firm he had formerly hired as consultants.
107. Nor should he get all the union flak for doing exactly what he was hired to do.
108. They spent $ 2 million on environmental measures, he said[], and hired biologists to replant coral that would be damaged.
109. These clinics were held irregularly on Sundays in rooms hired at the Copthorn Hotel, Glasgow.
110. Three years later the United Nations hired me as a literary adviser.
111. Hurt was quickly hired, and several weeks later Friedman selected Harry Lawrence Clark as an assistant cryptographic clerk.
112. And, my great-grandmother hired shamans and prepared feasts to appease the spirits and prayed for a son.
113. Miss Millar hired a secretary to answer her mail while she was on vacation.
114. If White wanted Black to be watched around the clock, he would have hired two or three men,[http:///hired.html] not one.
115. The new administration has hired much of its staff direct from the industries that backed him.
116. The coach in front of Fenn's hired car came to a halt and he reluctantly eased his foot down on the brake pedal.
117. She tells them that Clive and Alison have hired a boat in Poole.
118. Noll, an assistant coach with the Colts, was hired by the Steelers as head coach.
119. The following day I hired a van, loaded up my possessions and then handed over my keys to the landlord.
120. Meanwhile tons of sound equipment seized by police has today been reclaimed by the people who hired it out.
121. Honest with the church elders who hired him, he told them that his family is his first ministry.
122. Others have hired government relations consultants to help them build communication links with the Government and Whitehall.
123. Brown was hired to lead a cattle drive north to the Canadian border.
124. Another guy I knew really did threaten to have his personal enemies killed by hired gunmen after the war.
125. He has done exactly what he was hired to do.
126. When she was hired, she was near the end of a ten-year treatment of tuberculosis.
127. He would need a hired watcher for that, or a camera operated by remote control.
128. My father got hired and fired a lot, usually en masse with entire coaching staffs.
129. The passenger wagons were not going into town for another half hour, so I hired a carriage and went in myself.
130. Hired plant invoices may create a slight problem where the hire period extends across two accounting periods.
131. He knew what the girl was when he hired her, the bald-faced hypocrite!
132. Disney hired him when he was 21 as a writer, based on a short film he had made as a student.
133. Annie hired a new manager, William A.. Banks, who booked her in a number of state fairs.
134. After being fired for giving food to the poor, the one-eyed Notburga was hired as a farmhand.
135. Producer Elmo Williams hired veteran pilot Jack Canary as a technical advisor and put him in charge of assembling the film's air force.
136. Under the contingency fee agreement, the private lawyers hired by the state would be paid only if they win the case.
137. In April of 1974, Tarrytown management hired a consultant to work with supervisors and workers in joint problem solving programs.
138. Caterers can be hired to serve food you have made and to do the cleanup afterward.
139. A hired hand who worked miracles and shared what little he had with those few who were less fortunate.
140. Even students in art history and philosophy are getting hired by management consultants, Sanborn said.
141. All the shopkeepers there have chipped in and hired a promo agency to drum up Christmas trade.
142. Accordingly, they hired more telephone representatives to relieve the pressure on employees charged with handling customer complaints and inquiries.
143. Early in the setup of the Northwest Respirator Center he hired Dunning to work as his part-time associate director.
144. Of the first 11 apprentices to graduate from its program, Serigraph hired 9.
144. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
145. It also opened a concierge desk selling tickets to area events and hired a tour coordinator fluent in five languages.
146. A new security system was installed. In addition, extra guards were hired.
147. Both the entrance hall and the grand banqueting room on the first floor can be hired.
148. He is often hired to inform Fleet Street about client views or, less charitably, to dish the dirt on opponents.
149. They've hired a firm of solicitors and an investigator to gather evidence.
150. The bankrupt cattle barons dismissed thousands of hired hands, who were forced to find new careers.
151. In 1994, New Orleans hired a new police chief to rescue the corrupt, ineffective police department from itself.
152. Local advertising agencies will be hired to translate the strategy into a media campaign.
153. The company had hired a standard Sony digital tape recorder which was hooked to Johnson's own analogue-to-digital conversion system.
154. Principals are now hired and fired based on merit rather than seniority.
155. Her coming was more like bringing in a hired gun.
156. We hired a local construction contractor, and within three weeks the school looked as good as new.
157. The situation was resolved when the school hired its new coach.
158. The object of this was to make it easier to score goals, especially if teams hired goalkeepers who were narrower.
159. In February 1995, PacTel hired Salomon to provide strategic advice.
160. For the last weeks of his curacy he left the lodgings and hired a room in a small hotel up Mount Pleasant.
161. It was a mournful pair that hired a boat to take them to Saltash and acquaint the Lee family of the tragedy.
162. The team hired a massive floating platform which was craned in separate segments into the dock.
163. Thus began an ordeal in which Autry hired a lawyer and filed a lawsuit.
164. Then she was hired to work at the hospital, sterilizing surgical instruments and assisting elderly patients.
165. Bonsai World has hired a planning consultant to help fight the council.
166. Brown hired longtime aide Eleanor Johns as executive assistant to the mayor, and named campaign scheduler Whitney Schwartz as appointments secretary.
167. He works the crowd so long that the bodyguards hired by his attorney roll their eyes in exhaustion.
168. Between 300,000 and 800,000 children like Damaris are working as hired laborers in commercial U.S. agriculture today.
169. The hospital has hired an outside consultant to review staffing levels, she said, but has made no changes.
170. But, for the most part, these men and women were hired to fill more junior roles than Mr Steffen's.
171. However, each parlor faces an uphill battle because the city hired a financial consulting firm to review the applications.
172. Robins hired former Attorney General Griffin Bell to institute disciplinary proceedings against the judge.
173. Instead of freely submitting to police interviews, they hired a pair of Denver defense lawyers, one for each of them.
174. They must not have hired him for his political foresight, either,[] because his crystal ball record is abysmal.
175. For 8 years she's hired out the old gym near her home to local bands.
176. The Republicans have hired consultants to figure out ways to appeal to those women not already turned off.
177. Then some of the Cowboys players caused a stir when they hired a limousine to take them to practice.
178. The trouble with him is he doesn't think he's just a hired actor like the rest of us.
179. For upstairs they hired the smallest, lightest busboy they could find.
180. He wondered if Virginia Stillman had hired another detective after he failed to get in touch with her.
181. He had been hired by a butcher in the Shambles.
182. Edward is a private detective hired by an antiques dealer who asked Edward to list all of the valuables in the house.
183. Loyal, bonded silicon brains, hired for cheap and at your command, even if you were only 13.
184. But with the help of a hired public relations man, he argues that he kept Justice sufficiently informed -- through Holder.
185. This time Bruce Willis is the hired gun, caught between Chicago gangsters fighting for control of the hooch business.
186. The father had hired Hutchison and her husband, John, to set up tiny cameras with pinhole lenses in his house.
187. The anonymous donor, a needlewoman herself, hired it out to film studios in the 1940s.
188. At harvest feasts the distinctions between the farmer and the labourers whom he hired were relaxed.
189. In most cities we hired local guides, with mixed success.
190. The people who hired us said they all thought I was having a schizophrenic breakdown.
191. She has never hired anyone with a business-school education, because she believes such people are too rigid in their outlook.
192. The most free-spending hired guns are all well-known by political mavens inside the Beltway.
193. Other investors have hired attorneys and are deciding whom to sue.
194. He is hired to move bales of cloth from a warehouse to a seamstress' workshop a few streets away.
195. Last year Demi, who co-starred in Ghost, hired an amusement park for 37-year-old Bruce's big day.
196. They stood uncomfortably outside Margate crematorium while the coffin was carried in and the relations eased themselves sadly out of hired limos.
197. The city also hired a private company to build and run its cogeneration plant at the Miramar landfill.
198. San Francisco first hired the firm in 1993, and recently renewed its three-year contract.
199. Ahead of me lay an historic mission: to circumnavigate London using hired transport, and return within 80 days.
200. In a fast-moving organization like Intel, a person is likely to be hired and assigned to a project.
201. Nelson was hired this school year to help infuse art into the school's curriculum.
202. Some are hired to move drugs north, while others develop their own drug businesses in Tijuana.
203. Under Treadwell, the Drifters were hired hands to be ushered in and out of his revolving door.
204. It all began in 1978,[] when he was hired to build the barn in which he is now seated.
205. Many more people were hired to handle the new business, on starting salaries of forty-eight grand.
206. The private mental health workers would be hired on a contract basis through the county.
207. He was hired for these qualities and also because his father-in-law is a real estate expert and a close friend.
208. I thought maybe I could be hired by a Major League Soccer team or continue on as an assistant coach.
209. Fernandez was hired to end 20 years of chaos caused by decentralising New York's huge school system.
210. Ephialtes was assassinated by a Boiotian, hired by his enemies - the last political bloodshed in Athens for fifty years.
211. Santee recently hired a landscape architect to begin drawing designs for a skate park.
212. They elect a 45-member board of directors, which in turns elects a seven-member executive committee, which hired Harlan.
213. Richard Dreyfuss is so busy, he hired his own full-time political consultant.
214. Wear sturdy footwear and bring binoculars if you have them - if not they can be hired on the day.
215. It could have been your typical ugly argument over a fare between an irate passenger and a hired driver.
216. Overseeing the project was Anne Wallwork, a television-trained period costume cutter specifically hired by Laura for the project.
217. The decree calls for both to be hired as consent decree administrators, charged with designing and implementing the restructuring plans.
218. They had a mass of worthless artefacts from crowns to Papal tiaras that they hired out.
219. And, that is how I was contacted by the city editor and hired.
220. An ancient watchman has been hired to keep it clean and open it up for travellers.
221. There are professional managers who are hired and fired by the residents.
222. This time Bruce Willis is the hired gun in Prohibition-era Texas.
223. We've hired an extra 200 security people to assist with crowd control.
224. I cleaned up the house as best I could, and hired a couple of nice ladies to handle the heavy lifting.
225. A more simple option would be a cash subsidy to employers who hired the long-term unemployed.
226. Tomkins also announced that it had hired an executive search firm to help appoint a new chief executive.
227. At one point, he hired a young college graduate to help.
228. Fox hired a partisan Bush cousin to run a crucial part of its election coverage.
229. A company hired to do telemarketing ups the cost to as much as 40 percent.
230. First the newlyweds had to flee their hired Rolls-Royce when it went up in flames.
231. Even on the lake for instance, motorboats are not allowed and the hired boats run on electricity.
232. It hired a team of people with business experience to aggressively recruit new employers for work-based learning experiences.
233. Chris is hired by Jean-Michel Cousteau, son of the legendary ocean explorer, to lead an expedition aboard the futuristic Antares.
234. The hired carriage was dismissed.
234. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
235. Caravan Soldiers become Foot Mercenaries and Foot Hired Blades.
236. Celia hired an administrator whose name was Nigel Bentley.
237. He was hired to survey a manor for its extent, ownership and liabilities.
238. The company hired the President's special trade representative to lobby Mr. Pierce.
239. All the managerial personnel at the factory are hired on contract.
240. He alleged that they had hired an assassin to dispose of him.
241. Harmon plays a private eye hired by Mimi Rogers to investigate her husband's disappearance.
242. Jonathan Craven was the second person hired at Chesapeake Capital.
243. One newly hired aide said, " if you offered Geneen an opinion based on feeling, you were dead. ".
244. A Disc Jockey ( DJ ) is hired to play all kinds of music.




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