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单词 Referral
1. The doctor will give you a referral to a specialist in your area.
2. Legal Aid can often provide referral to other types of agencies.
3. Ask your physician for a referral.
4. Setting - Diabetic clinic in a tertiary referral centre.
5. Patient 4 who had been operated on before referral received additional radiation therapy.
6. The committee monitored referral practice during the study but there was no reinforcement of the guidelines to assure compliance.
7. This referral to morality, Dworkin argues, is endemic to all law.
8. The variation in referral rates among general practice was much less than that reported in hospitals.
9. No one argues that the referral is wholly unjustifiable on clinical grounds.
10. It has a National Health Service with 2 referral hospitals, and extensive primary health coverage.
11. This may indicate early referral by our rheumatology department in keeping with the high percentage of these patients in our study.
12. A referral may be made, for example, where the s8 order is not working well or fulfilling its original purpose.
13. These data were used to calculate annual referral rates using the practice populations as the denominator.
14. The report suggests that doctors should reduce their rate of referral .
15. Only 39 percent of patients were seen within four weeks of referral.
16. Some doctors are unwilling to take new patients without a referral.
17. Armstrong etal described dermatology as one of the hospital specialties in which there is a lot of pressure from patients for referral.
18. Research too has overlooked outpatient waiting, concentrating instead on waits for inpatient procedures or general practitioner referral patterns.
19. But this won't remove or even significantly reduce the demand for tertiary referral.
20. Table 4.1 shows where the dementia sufferers were living six months and 12 months after referral to the psychogeriatric service.
21. The evaluation I am looking at was prepared by a licensed psychologist, based on a referral from his school.
22. The team member on duty who had completed the initial referral form was also responsible for completing the pre-coded questionnaire.
23. Conclusion - Perinatal mortality rates should be adjusted for case mix and referral patterns to get a meaningful result.
24. Patient M17 was the only individual who was colonised by the epidemic strain at the time of first referral to the unit.
25. People wishing to enroll in the study should request a referral from their doctors or call the nearest participating hospital.
26. Medical groups often woo primary care doctors while sharply limiting the number o f specialists allowed on their referral lists.
26. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
27. One of the prime benefits of such a service is a referral to existing sources of information.
28. Increased integration of the patient and carers is encouraged, combatting the isolation which has frequently preceded referral.
29. There were several reasons for anticipating a change in referral patterns after April 1991.
30. She is upset that her current doctor won't fill out the forms for her referral until he knows her better.
1. The doctor will give you a referral to a specialist in your area.
31. We give structured assessments, order appropriate investigations, reach an accurate diagnosis and then make the relevant treatment or referral.
32. The study also confirms that referral rates are lower in areas where there is no local renal unit nearby.
33. Referral to an assessment panel may come from staff or parents or external agencies.
34. Families that were down on their luck could get a small loan, food, a job referral.
35. Therapeutic counselling for long-term problems - these may be triggered by the fertility problem and sometimes need outside referral to marital therapy.
36. In the case of referral to a dietitian or chiropodist the database dispatches brief details to the relevant department.
37. The usual pattern of referral and case allocation is unsuited to highly mobile families.
38. Others managed to negotiate favourable terms with their existing providers, thus achieving savings without affecting referral patterns.
39. Effective community care must provide a mechanism which allows easy and appropriate referral to and from hospital clinics.
40. Marinker etal have recommended the development of protocols for referral between general practitioners and consultants.
41. Secondly, transport of such critically ill patients to regional referral centres should be considered and discussed early in the clinical course.
42. The study aimed to review referral patterns and assess the cost effectiveness of oesophageal manometry in clinical practice.
43. In John's case the stated reason for referral for formal assessment was his behaviour in school.
44. Some severe cases require psychiatric treatment and / or referral to a pain center.
45. Physicians are an integral part of the referral system in the community.
46. Even private investors of modest means can use offshore centres for tax referral.
47. Some of these patients benefit from referral to a chronic pain center.
48. This raises the question of the role of the specialist agency in relation to the generalist and the development of a referral system.
49. These services could include prescribing certain medications and the referral of patients to medical specialists.
50. This situation has enormous implications for all patients who require an extra contractual referral based on clinical need.
51. Conclusions - Over half the children presenting to this referral hospital with respiratory symptoms were hypoxaemic.
52. There are likewise signs at the referral stage of closer liaison with other agencies.
53. The referral means a further court appearance on July 14 when officials will decide on a date for trial.
54. Frequently, then, an unspecific referral was subsequently considered a psychosis.
55. It can also be enlightening to ask about the circumstances of the original referral.
56. The differences between action and control samples at the time of referral was unexpected.
56. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
57. In addition referral procedures and working methods exhibit considerable variation.
58. If the grounds of referral were disputed by either parents or children, the Panel would have two options.
59. Selection of patients for treatment is largely dependent upon referral from a district centre.
60. An obvious candidate for inclusion in these tables is the delay between referral and first appointment in outpatient clinics.
61. The teams have similar operational policies, including an open referral system, and accept cases from a wide range of agencies.
62. The same applied if antibiotics were prescribed, or a referral to a specialty, usually orthopaedics, was required.
63. Upon referral, home-based services are offered to prevent placement of children out of the home.
64. Although many solicitors offer fixed fee interviews they are given little publicity beyond referral lists and notices in some solicitors' offices.
65. Coordination and Referral System Referral procedures are essential for continuity of care and to maximize the services available from other sources.
66. If a customer inquires about a better interest rate or a tax deferral plan, by all means make a referral.
67. Referral for compulsory admission is clearly an issue of power.
68. In other words the principal carer's preference is very strongly associated with where the sufferer is living one year after referral.
69. I examined him and suggested referral to a cardiologist but this he absolutely refused.
70. You can only receive 1 random referral per day.
71. Covers podiatry treatment costs after referral from a GP.
72. Buy skin care products with it, parity referral Garnier.
73. This a hypnotic way to ask for a referral.
74. Control condition was referral to community resources.
75. illnesses requiring referral to hospitals.
76. Second, establishment key field commercial bribe file referral system.
77. Are referral systems in place where options are limited?
78. Legs, then there a stovepipe, and in the United States of Belo pretty on stovepipe referral cream, chili peppers and coffee are two.
79. Temple built by referral, the original parent phase, the mother monument.
80. The push for a referral ( referral push ), also known as mesons.
81. The artical introduces the distributing and the classification of glycolipid, presents a referral about the application of glycolipid in food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical.
82. Mystical Maze Great Free Traffic Exchange earn up to $ 5 per Referral!
83. Google traffic analyzer only to direct traffic statistics and search engine referral traffic and traffic statistics can not, how it goes?
84. Make sure you have people, upon people, upon people who you can call to collaborate with to make a job referral, or even just to chat and blow off steam .
85. Referral examination fee is RM30 for each credit hour . The referral examination fee must be paid prior to sitting for the examination.
86. Those who think they might hae a sleep disorder are urged to discuss their problem with their primary care physician, who will issue a referral to a sleep specialist./referral.html
87. Use our referral program and earn up to 5.00 % of referral deposits!
88. Through the referral of a friend , we came to Vancouver Chinese Baptist Church.
89. Lloyds Group wish instead for their customers to use volume providers such as 'conveyancing factories' who in part obtain their business by paying large referral fees.
90. In the fiscal quarter ended March 31, for example, VistaPrint said 6.7% of its $106 million in revenue came from referral fees.
91. Referral chasing is the process by which a client contacts the referenced server to continue the directory search.
92. We want to transfer this referral to the Tainan missionaries.
93. If you have tried various treatments with your primary care physician and are still not making much improvement, then you should ask for a referral or seek out a sleep specialist.
94. We sought to determine the agreement between the dismissal diagnosis from an LQTS subspecialty clinic and the original referral diagnosis.
95. The Security Council's referral to the ICC stemmed from the January 2005 UN International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur report to the UN secretary-general.
96. The complete list is available on the ACPA website, where programs can be categorized under early identification, referral and follow-up; clinical; policy; or case management.
97. Obtaining an employee referral is a good as far as it goes.
98. "Early referral to an otolaryngologist is indicated in the most severe cases or where symptoms are out of proportion with findings, " Sherris said.
98. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
99. This benefit could be offered to the referral of the standard member.
100. The last step is "wrap-around services," or following up with everyone involved -- including the student, his or her parents, and the person who made the referral in the first place.
101. For referral or details, pls. contact Shirley Naturopathic Holistic Centre.
102. It can be found at the end of your referral link.
103. Early referral to an orthotist for special shoes can prevent amputation in the neuropathic foot.
104. For the above reasons combined with the two-way referral status in Taiyuan city, to improve two-way referral recommendation.
105. Referral commissions earned from members who have decided to proceed with the refund option will also be removed as well since the sale will technically no longer exist.
106. For referral or check details, pls. contact Shirley Naturopathic Holistic Centre.
107. Telephone confirmation: the referral centre will notify customers once email booking confirmed.
108. Advance telephone booking and referral by network panel doctors are required.
109. First, a referral to the agency may preserve needed uniformity in a regulatory program.
110. THE FACE SHOP pores referral management expert series, the BlackBerry series, and the white mulberry tree series.
111. Pawnee home, is missing in referral, she made a bold decision - she wants to become, and refer cases together.
112. The current Referral Web system uses the co-occurrence of names in close proximity in any documents publicly available on the Web as evidence of a direct relationship .
113. All the members that want to cash out their direct earnings MUST have at least 1 active 1st level referral in their downline (must be active for at least 30 days).
114. In the township hospitals and above, only 8 patients received the sputum smear test and 6 got referral to the county TB dispensary.
115. Ask your doctor for a referral to a clinical psychologist.
116. Family physicians can play an important role in providing referral to a mental health professional.
117. Once the limit is reached the referral clicks will cease to count.
118. In addition to subscriptions, the revenue model includes referral fees, transaction fees, consumption-based pricing, performance-based pricing, reseller margin, and revenue sharing.
119. By upgrading your account to Active status, you will be able to withdraw dividends paid on the $25 bonus deposit, and withdraw referral earnings too.




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