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单词 comprehension
释义  Related topics: Educationcom·pre·hen·sion /ˌkɒmprɪˈhenʃən $ ˌkɑːm-/ ●●○ noun  1  [uncountable]UNDERSTAND the ability to understand something 理解(力) SYN understanding, → comprehendcomprehension of They don’t have the least comprehension of what I’m trying to do. 他们一点都不理解我想要干什么。 The research project will focus on children’s comprehension of pretence. 这项研究将集中于儿童对假象的理解。 Why you let her talk you into doing such a foolish thing is beyond my comprehension (=impossible for me to understand). 你怎么会被她说服去做这种蠢事,我实在是无法理解。2  [countable, uncountable]SE an exercise given to students to test how well they understand written or spoken language 阅读[听力]理解测试 new methods of testing reading comprehension 测试阅读理解的新方法 a comprehension task 阅读理解测试题Examples from the Corpuscomprehension• The teacher gave us a comprehension test.• In cases of conduction aphasia, comprehension of spoken words and simple spoken sentences can be intact.• I crawled past a man and a woman, whispering to each other with an intensity beyond comprehension.• The outcome of the research should be a more refined version of discourse comprehension and an evaluation of connectionist models as implementations.• He was caught up in frightening events far beyond his comprehension.• But with Clint Albertson, all the learning furthered my comprehension of the play.• Some politicians seems to have no comprehension of what it's like to be poor.• Bailey and Harrison found that for certain types of passage cloze scores were potentially unreliable indicators of comprehension.• We tried to explain the causes of the war at a child's level of comprehension.• He pleaded for sources to be used for more than just illustration or comprehension.• What many such individuals have done is to use their superior spatial abilities to buttress their weaker verbal pattern comprehension abilities.• The test includes a section on reading comprehension.• You need to practise your reading comprehension more.• Such abstraction is essential to human understanding, and it has opened up comprehension of natural processes in an amazing way.beyond ... comprehension• And the creatures of the Dark Ireland, Grainne, are soulless and cruel and evil beyond your comprehension.• Overall. the biology of the Chesapeake was clearly of an intricacy beyond present comprehension.• To force them to arrive early is beyond comprehension.• She has difficulty with prostitution as something to be understood because she has no direct experience with it-it is beyond her comprehension.• The complexity of the actual exchanges in most economic systems is beyond comprehension.• This was heresy, or at least beyond his comprehension Erica could see the effect her words were having.• Waves of ecstatic and delicate color vibrated around me and lulled me to a sense of peace beyond comprehension.• Her world was tilting beyond my comprehension.Origin comprehension (1400-1500) Latin comprehensio, from comprehendere; COMPRHENDcom·pre·hen·sion nounChineseSyllable  to Corpus the something ability understand




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