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单词 Only if
1. Only if it's not long distance.
2. We will easily get happiness only if we have a confused life.
3. Only if one believes in something can one act purposefully.
4. They recognized that the country would revive only if it thoroughly disengaged from the chaos of the old regime.
5. The lawyer is paid only if he wins.
6. Children are admitted only if accompanied by an adult.
7. Only if the chairperson resigns will we be able to restore the confidence of our members.
8. I'll tell you, but only if you don't tell anyone else.
9. We can succeed only if everyone in the team pulls his weight.
10. The police are advising motorists to travel only if their journey is absolutely necessary.
11. Only if a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to leave the room.
12. Only if the red light comes on is there any danger to employees.
13. Only if the circumstances are exceptional will we accept late applications.
14. Only if a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to enter this room.
15. I told him I would work for him only if I could have a finger in the pie.
16. Only if these conditions are fulfilled can the application proceed to the next stage.
17. The missiles can be fired only if the operator types in a six-digit code.
18. The Home Secretary will release prisoners only if he considers it is safe to do so.
19. Syria will attend only if the negotiations deal with issues of substance.
20. Education works only if the recipients really want it.
21. Shoot only if you are confident of a kill.
22. You pay it only if you buy the goods.
23. Only if human life is trivial.
24. Their eggs become female only if fertilized.
25. There can be recovery only if we reduce interest rates and the pound with them.
26. Materials from the supplier will be ordered only if the production plant can sell its product.
27. Keep leftovers only if there is enough ice or frozen gel remaining to keep them cool for the ride home.
28. This could take place only if the two developed a good working relationship.
29. Only if none of these targets is available will I open fire on the big battalions with cannon.
30. It is clear that it could be borne only if society itself were expanding in wealth and numbers.
1. Only if it's not long distance.
2. Only if one believes in something can one act purposefully.
3. They recognized that the country would revive only if it thoroughly disengaged from the chaos of the old regime.
31. But investors should uncork the bubbly only if they have already banked their profits.
32. Only if somebody can come up with a way to turn back the clock.
33. Payments qualify for tax relief under gift Aid only if the donation is for £600 or more.
34. Tamayo said he would, but only if Remba could invent a process that would allow them to have a relief-like dimensionality.
35. Yes, if your child is older than that, but only if you have provided very specific guidelines.
36. It appears the Ministry men can have their cake and eat it ... but only if we let them.
37. The development of cognitive structures is ensured only if the child assimilates and accommodates stimuli in the environment.
38. Only if its many controls fail will the ultimate sanction, i.e. revocation of the disposal licence, be invoked.
39. This will happen only if a literacy struggle can be given the support and the priority that it demands.
40. Wind drift indicators were used to figure out wind speed and direction, but they worked only if they could be seen.
41. The neo-classical analysis can be justified only if the new equilibrium positions are reached quickly.
42. It will happen only if the designers and publishers of the new generation of products use multimedia capabilities to some purpose.
43. Alternative energy technologies will be successfully diffused only if realistic assumptions are made about the real economic situation in the Third World.
44. Only if I used the example of all mankind's progress towards Paradise was there any meeting of minds.
45. A United Nations report showed that foreign investment can have a positive impact on the poor only if it is regulated.
46. But only if you know the market well enough to avoid the pitfalls.
47. Leaders of Latino rights organizations said they would accept an amnesty plan only if it also gives broader protections to guest workers.
48. But planning officials and Labour councillors insist the scheme will works only if it gives shoppers maximum access to the road.
49. No studies examining the criminal's thought process will appear because the author can write the book only if the criminal co-operates.
50. Such freedoms can be abridged only if the state shows it has a compelling need to do so.
51. However, this plan of management is advisable only if biliary drainage has been established.
52. Semen infected with hepatitis or syphilis can be donated,[] but only if a woman agrees to accept it.
53. In present day conditions, farmers can sell crops such as coffee only if high and constant quality can be guaranteed.
54. Only if you guard the unblemished original can you regenerate a clean copy.
55. Secondly, there may be a continuity of psychiatric problems only if the risk factor also persists.
56. A text would entail its interpretation only if meaning was exhausted by sense, the coded or literal meanings studied by semantics.
57. It will be only if it persists in the policies outlined in your editorial.
58. Only if sheep graze a combination of rough grassland and heather moor will the grassland slowly extend at the expense of moorland.
59. Only if there was no card or a dud card would the car be photographed as evidence for prosecution.
60. The fact that this was credible only if the youth was retarded made the moral crux which followed rather pointless.
61. The failure of the shareholders to behave in an owner-like way is problematical only if they are appropriately categorised as owners.
62. Only if the client is still unhappy would he be directed to the Solicitors Complaints Bureau.
63. Only if the dresses became too tight or too short would he make a gently reproving comment.
64. Only if they are at that time identified and agreed upon, will they be specific goods.
65. Only if we could picture the universe in terms of imaginary time would there be no singularities.
66. The state occasionally tests for drugs before scheduled bouts but only if a fighter has a history of drug abuse.
67. The much larger killer whales can porpoise only if the surrounding water is laminar, or at most half turbulent.
68. Your laughter can be unrestrained only if you believe that nobody is getting hurt.
69. This is acceptable only if it can be demonstrated that the method gives a reasonable approximation of the actual cost.
70. Only if this character is recognised will society be understood in terms that are adequate to its empirical reality.
71. Knight said officials could be convicted under the law only if they assaulted some one who was in their actual custody.
72. On Friday, the insurance commissioner also approved the deal, but only if Harvard met eight additional conditions.
73. But only if the couple who have 7 children repay the outstanding capital immediately.
74. Under the contingency fee agreement, the private lawyers hired by the state would be paid only if they win the case.
75. Variety of Taxes Governments can raise tax revenue only if they can identify the activities on which the tax rates apply.
76. Only if some Super Bowl sponsor is giving away oat bran.
77. They are likely to do so only if the perceived benefits exceed the expected costs.
78. Only if a local prosecutor then drops the case, deeming it unwinnable, might a prisoner gain freedom.
79. Paint dealers could sell other types of spray paint, but only if they were not fully portable.
80. There are streetlights only if you live in the vicinity of Mr Taylor's palatial bunker.
81. The case can be tried summarily only if the accused consents.
82. Men can be passive without grave psychological damage only if the women are passive also.
83. Newcomers are welcome to the group next term - but only if they've had some experience of tap dancing.
84. There was time for one innings only if you were playing cricket.
85. An increase in the number of individual interactive services is possible only if network overloading is kept to a strict minimum.
86. Reading aloud to our kids will have educational payoffs only if we stop worrying about those payoffs.
87. For example,[http:///only if.html] routes will frequently be made economical only if adults are taken on the school transport services.
88. It was a one-story structure, but only if you think of a Gothic cathedral as one story.
89. But private operators can turn profits only if prices rise radically and rapidly.
90. Cook agreed happily, but only if he could follow the bus in his pickup truck.
91. He told Creon that Thebes would be save only if Menoeceus was killed.
92. Students received a certificate only if they successfully completed the whole course: partial success was not formally certificated.
93. But only if he beats Ivanisevic today and Courier loses his match with Chang.
94. You can see them on the hardwood ridges, but only if you sit down and wait patiently.
95. Snake venom is usually clear yellow and is dangerous only if it gets into the bloodstream.
96. This obviously saves time in group sessions, but only if everyone does it.
97. This makes sense if and only if these committees and interfaces produce more innovation and more efficient innovation than the alternatives.
98. Usually musical traditions remain alive only if they are thriving, writing them down tends to ossify them and hasten their end.
99. But it predicts massive sales and energy savings only if heat pumps penetrate the space-heating market.
100. Most companies today provide cross-cultural training only if an employee will be living abroad as part of an assignment.
101. I am not against physical punishment if it is needed, but only if it is called for.
102. Only if this latter requirement is met can we begin to talk of linguistic competence.
103. But police officers can be dismissed only if severe disciplinary charges are proven against them.
104. This can happen with sexually transmitted diseases only if the average infected person infects more than one other person.
105. Previously, scientific evidence was allowed only if it had gained the general acceptance of the scientific community.
106. All this makes a complex pattern, but complex in therapy only if one does not know the source of aberration.
107. Only if the lowering of production costs results in lower prices will there be any benefits to consumers.
108. Governments will be able to meet their targets only if they keep fuel prices high.
109. They avoid trouble at all times and only if they are cornered or pestered will they bite at their attackers.
110. Innovation and experimentation can be honored only if the end result is awe-inspiring.
111. All this works only if Hanson's headquarters performs well in its non-executive role.
112. Flowers will develop only if the plants are exposed to sunlight daily.
113. The conclusion of an argument is compelling only if its premises are accepted.
114. When the winter comes,[http:///only if.html] be very happy; because the spring comes only if the winter comes! Mehmet Murat ildan 
115. Only if the loudspeaker starts singing a new song will her soliciting start afresh.
116. More will come only if city halls scent a crisis.
117. The reward is given only if a desirable behaviour occurs and the punisher is given only if undesirable behaviour occurs.
118. This three-disc, 49-cut set is worthy of four stars only if you are willing to give it a serious listen.
119. President Kennedy assured Wallace that federal troops would be used only if the state abdicated its responsibilities.
120. They stand an equal chance only if you get the price right.
121. A related misconception is that kin selection can operate only if an animal can recognize its degree of relationship to others.
122. That is, a question involving calculation was deemed to be practical only if it involved a real-life situation.
123. Seat belts are effective only if they are correctly adjusted.
124. Assessment is likely to have educational value, however, only if the outcome is fed back to the senior house officer.
125. Your clocks are equally valid only if you each continue to occupy an inertial reference frame.
126. All this will benefit the economy only if enterprises respond.
127. To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty. Osho 
128. Opt for a self-drive car only if you want to spend the whole day struggling to get off Hong Kong Island.
129. Midwesterners, naturally phlegmatic, would be stirred only if they considered that something was really wrong.
130. These behavioral improvements occur only if the correct location is destroyed, not if the lesion is made nearby.
131. Therefore, improvements in health can be achieved only if existing resources are re-allocated into policies more productive of health.
132. Accumulation could be maintained only if wages rose and scrapping accelerated.
133. Because defamation law is concerned with reputation, a statement can be defamatory only if it is communicated to a third person.
134. This will work, however, only if Microsoft can persuade programmers to write software that runs on its new platform.
135. Behavior is to be commended only if it is more than merely commendable.
136. It is clear that even a good working knowledge of credit costs helps consumers only if that knowledge affects their shopping decisions.
137. It realises the tourists will return only if there is something left to see, not least in the national museum.
138. Don't be among those trying to build a better tomorrow. We can have a better tomorrow only if our today is better than our yesterday. RVM 
139. Several flaws in the simple bucket brigade algorithm arise only if the search path is long.
140. The initial draft had stipulated that mining could begin only if all signatories agreed.
141. The ward is the ideal place for learning, but only if its full potential is realised.
142. Schoolchildren are entitled to special equipment,[] but only if it is expressly provided for in their formal statement of needs.
143. Only if the benefit withdrawal rate exceeded 100 percent would the individual actually be worse off under such a proposal.
144. Hence a social contract can ensure stable cooperation only if it reads' I will cooperate.
145. In the case of a written contract the sale will be by sample only if that is included in the writing.
146. Information about costs and benefits can be used effectively or ignored, but it can be used only if it exists.
147. You are allowed to vote only if you are over 18 and of sound mind.
148. The need to determine whether the patient has suffered brain-stem death arises only if the patient is on a ventilator.
149. Do it only if you can guarantee your own safety.
150. The red stripe on the file was attached only if there was believed to be a risk of escape.
151. Lord Morton went on to construe the statutory terms extremely narrowly as permitting challenge only if express statutory requirements were violated.
152. Only if the potential partner appears credible will the company earn a first meeting with eBay.
153. Firms will invest more and bring more to market only if they get a higher price from consumers.
154. False perception can arise only if the nervous system has spontaneous activity independently of any causative external object.
155. Radical restructuring could work only if Sam had people on his side, pulling together instead of pulling the company apart.
156. A memory function stores programmes - useful only if you cook the same dishes frequently.
157. Such a threat is credible only if carrying it out would impose little loss on the person terminating the contract.
158. But the redemption yield will be worth something only if there is enough money in the kitty to pay out on maturity.
159. And this worked out only if such an owner put his heart and soul into all facets of the business.
160. Inferences or conclusions based on deductive reasoning are necessarily true only if the premises they are derived from are true.
161. The vendor is likely to agree to the target's providing this information only if the purchaser enters into a confidentiality undertaking.
162. The tamarin will be preserved, in all probability(), only if zoos throughout the world cooperate in breeding programmes.
163. Only if neutrinos do have some mass, however small, can they oscillate from one type to another.
164. These two electronic experiments will thrive only if readers use them or tell us how they can be improved.
165. Instead, you can succeed only if they succeed at both change and performance.
166. A public inquiry is usually employed, however, only if the appeal involves a very large or highly contentious development.
167. The courts could intervene only if unfairness was such as to amount to an abuse of power.
168. He says he'll come, but only if you promise not to tease him.
169. It is people like Dawkins who are the new genetic mutations which will spread only if they have superior survival value.
170. The courts will interfere only if the two of you can't agree.
171. The contact becomes an act only if in some way or another it can be provided with a social meaning.
172. The point here is that institutions are useful only if they have been designed to achieve a particular purpose.
173. You will be eligible for compensation only if you have lost out financially as a result of unsuitable advice.
174. Nothing great will ever be achieved without great men, and men are great only if they are determined to be so. Charles de Gaulle 
175. Thirty-nine states and the District of Columbia let officers issue seat-belt tickets only if they find another violation first.
176. As a rule, however, a rattler avoids contact with people and will strike only if cornered.
177. In any democracy, a government can commit its people to certain bloodshed only if it believes it has their support.
178. They appeared to be checking only if there were any additional persons in it.
179. The notion of fact is apt to cause difficulties only if facts are treated as some special species of existences.
180. They will cross it only if the undirected forces of nature happen to lead them across.
181. Only if public order appeared to be on the verge of breaking down would the government contemplate restricting political liberty.
182. It's only if something suddenly begins to move that you start asking questions.
183. We are justified in using it for a quality of material things only if the quality is like the bodily sensation.
184. Oranges will produce more flowers and an increase in fruit yield, but only if irrigation can keep up with demand.
185. Only if there is a bad drought and even then the women rarely come.
186. Time savings appear only if the best plays are looked at early on in the game.
187. You are entitled to your money back only if you reject the goods immediately.
188. Moreover, landlords were restrained by the knowledge that they would attract good tenants only if they had a reputation for fairness.
189. A flat rate plan offers reduced rates but only if you call during non-peak hours.
190. This warm-up technique is useful only if you have two or three documents to write that day.
191. Races could only get going on a majority vote of the Student Union, and then only if it was quorate.
192. A growing number of workers are put on short-term contracts which are renewed only if their work is up to scratch.
193. The system could work properly only if the values of the two currencies did not drift too far apart from each other.
194. I wake up only if the school bell rings.
195. Only if it makes you salivate with desire.
196. But only if heaps of other people had powers.
197. Conciliation is meaningful only if one is thought to have an alternative.
198. The two sides will clash there only if Chelsea beat Sunderland in their quarter-final replay.
199. Data from various sources , as from map digitizing and field surveying , may be used together only if referenced to a common coordinate system (FIG-18) .
200. The previous exercise shows that individual residents gain from their marginal contribution if and only if the park is smaller than .
201. This is because, for a given row, the XMLEXISTS predicate evaluates to false only if the XQuery expression inside returns the empty sequence.
202. The compact theorem is proved,[http:///only if.html] which states that theory T has model if and only if any finite subset of T has model.
203. join works only if the files being joined share a common field.
204. A gating circuit that produces an output signal only if one of several possible combined input signals is received.
205. A logical operator that consists of a logical AND followed by a logical NOT and returns a false value only if both operands are true.
206. Myers: Sensing and Intuition are P functions, but only if they are extraverted!
207. It is shown that the randomized stationary policy is an optimal policy in m (c) if and only if it is convex combination of some deterministic stationary optimal policies.
208. The meat market can continue only if it is radically overhauled to conform with strict European standards.
209. Men, for example, should show off their six pack if they have one - but only if they're young.
210. That's a familiar come-on, but it's coupled with a novel element: You get the deal only if a certain number of fellow citizens buy the same thing on the same day.
211. Water can carry away the soil only if it is flowing fast.
212. Only if the global service cannot provide a result, an error is returned.
213. The prices are net, ex works, and include statutory VAT only if the same is separately shown.
214. Only if the rate of growth of the money supply exceeds the rate of growth of production will a general increase in prices ensue.
215. The action for breach of warranty would lie only if warranty had genuinely been given.
216. You are allowed to specify the value of the type parameter if you like, but only if you can name the type — and the capture types are not denotable.
217. Xu Jinzhong proved module over commutative ring is injective if and only if it is flat.
218. It is well known that, for nonsingular systems where $A$ is invertible,[] the iterative method converges if and only if the spectral radius of the iteration matrix is strictly less than 1.
219. The placebo effect can be understood only if we acknowledge the unity of mind and body.
220. We can do this without conflict to any of Einstein's descriptions only if we introduce Planck's proven quantisation scheme for length minima and time minima.
221. Typical lab tests can take hours (if not days) to analyze, process, and confirm a specific biological agent, and that's only if the lab knows exactly what antigen it's looking for.
222. Inserts a range of elements into the container. Elements are inserted if and only if there is no element in the container with an equivalent value.
223. Political attacks work only if they find an echo with voters.
224. The bartender says "Only if what you show me ain't risque."
225. The unsteadiness of air becomes prohibitive only if instruments with large focal length are used.
226. "Only if people around the world know the truth is there some chance for change. Films like this make it happen. " - President Vaclav Havel.
227. The remarkable part of Karatowski's theorem is the " only if " part.
228. A declaration of avoidance of the contract is effective only if made by notice to the other party.
229. Applicable only if the members' accrued rights or vested benefits under the sub-scheme will not be adversely affected.
230. Thick accumulations of peat can form only if the swamp basin slowly subsides.
231. You can connect to that port only if your client application is running on the same machine and is connecting through the loopback address (localhost or
232. We're thinking sparse, direct to camera, stream-of-consciousness stuff. But only if Gibbo well and truly lets those barriers down.
233. Drink like a fish only if you drink what a fish drinks.
234. This will work only if you have enabled offline caching for GAL.
235. The results show that the comparator is strongly code disjoint only if errors in the non-code inputs are undirectional.
236. Eg: Only if the government will take some appropriate measures, will this intractable problem be tackled.
237. Only if the scientific innovative theory converted to the technical innovative principle, it can become productive power.




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