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单词 vocal
释义  Related topics: Musicvo·cal1 /ˈvəʊkəl $ ˈvoʊ-/ ●○○ adjective  1  PROTESTexpressing strong opinions publicly, especially about things that you disagree with 激烈地表达意见的,敢于直言的,直言不讳的 SYN outspokenvocal in Foley has been particularly vocal in his criticism of the government. 福利批评政府时尤其直言不讳。vocal opponent/critic/supporter etc She was a vocal opponent of the plan. 她是这个计划的强烈反对者。2  [only before noun]APM relating to the voice or to singing 声音的,使用嗓音的;唱歌的 vocal music 声乐 Allison’s vocal style is influenced by country and blues music. 艾利森的演唱风格受到乡村音乐和布鲁斯音乐的影响。 a female vocal group 女子歌唱组合 —vocally adverbExamples from the Corpusvocal• a vocal critic of the government• Sun is campaigning against Microsoft Corp., a vocal critic of the standards plan.• the Beach Boys and other early '60s teen vocal groups• The band's stunning vocal harmonies have earned them a big name in the States.• He was always the most vocal in the late-night discussions about how the war should be fought.• For one thing, it has never been shown that the carrying out of group tasks requires a vocal language.• Consequently rational members of organizations are more likely to stay loyal and inactive than to be vocal participants.vocal opponent/critic/supporter etc• The priest, Gleb Yakunin, long has been a vocal critic and irritant to secular as well as religious authorities.• As his more vocal opponents began to demand his resignation, Wahid insisted he still had Megawati's support.• Fife Symington has been a vocal opponent of a Proposition 187 movement in Arizona.• Many are vocal opponents of liberalised international markets in general.• Has Visa International -- one of the most vocal opponents of so-called ambush marketing -- ended up ambushing itself?• Sun is campaigning against Microsoft Corp., a vocal critic of the standards plan.• Switchboard became a vocal opponent of the tactics, providing material for parliamentary and media attacks upon the practices.Related topics: Musicvocal2 noun [countable usually plural]  APMthe part of a piece of music that is sung rather than played on an instrument 〔音乐的〕歌唱部分,声乐部分on vocals The album features Jim Boquist on vocals. 这个专辑的歌曲由吉姆·伯奎斯特演唱。Examples from the Corpusvocal• He even adds his Armstrong-based vocals to a couple of tunes.• Check his scorched-earth vocals for the sound of self-doubt.• We did a few vocals and overdubs and eventually the album was mixed bar one track, which he did somewhere else.• None of those wimpy washed-out vocals for Our Tom.• Sandie's vocals, clear as crystal, slipped joyfully into her Morrissey role.• Tina Wilkinson's striking vocals dart over the aggressive and exuberant title track with charismatic panache.on vocals• The album features Jim Boquist on vocals.• We went to see a band who had Julia Fordham on backing vocals.• The band was formed in 1999, with Stevie on vocals.Origin vocal1 (1300-1400) Latin vocalis, from vox; → VOICE1vo·cal1 adjectivevocal2 nounChineseSyllable  with expressing about strong Corpus especially publicly, you opinions that things disagree




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