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单词 Go in
1 You can't go in no matter who you are.
2 His dog nosed me,then let me go in.
3 These old shoes can go in the dustbin now.
4 These old photographs should go in the family archives.
5 They go in for tennis and bowls.
6 Which direction did they go in ?
7 I go in for stamp collecting and judo.
8 Pearson was appointed to go in Harrison's stead.
9 It cost us nothing to go in.
10 Are you planning to go in for the 100 metres race?
11 Time goes by so fast, people go in and out of your life. You must never miss the opportunity to tell these people how much they mean to you.
12 Can we go in?
13 How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerate of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of this.
14 No matter where you go in life or how old you get, there's always something new to learn about. After all, life is full of surprises.
15 Instead of complaining about it, I'm just gonna go in every day and give it my all.
16 I don't want to go in, so I will stick about for a while.
17 The first companies to go in took a policy of employing East Germans and training them up.
18 Don't go in unless you have to - she's in a strop.
19 They use a swipe card to go in and out of their offices.
20 That space is too small, the piano won't go in.
21 They wanted me to go in for film work.
22 I saw him go in the shop.
23 Many people go in for golf.
24 I go in for all the competitions.
25 Sorry, you can't go in there.
26 What time does the theater go in?
27 Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in
28 Your life can be enhanced, and your happiness enriched, when you choose to change your perspective. Don't leave your future to chance, or wait for things to get better mysteriously on their own. You must go in the direction of your hopes and aspirations. Begin to build your confidence, and work through problems rather than avoid them. Remember that power is not necessarily control over situations, but the ability to deal with whatever comes your way.
29 It is possible to vacation at some of the more expensive resorts if you go in the off-season.
30 No matter how many times you tell him something, it never seems to go in.
1 His dog nosed me,then let me go in.
2 These old shoes can go in the dustbin now.
3 These old photographs should go in the family archives.
4 They go in for tennis and bowls.
5 Which direction did they go in ?
6 I go in for stamp collecting and judo.
7 Pearson was appointed to go in Harrison's stead.
8 It cost us nothing to go in.
9 Are you planning to go in for the 100 metres race?
10 Can we go in?
11 It is possible to vacation at some of the more expensive resorts if you go in the off-season.
12 No matter how many times you tell him something, it never seems to go in.
13 I don't want to go in, so I will stick about for a while.
14 The first companies to go in took a policy of employing East Germans and training them up.
15 Don't go in unless you have to - she's in a strop.
16 They use a swipe card to go in and out of their offices.
17 That space is too small, the piano won't go in.
18 What time does the theater go in?
19 I go in for judo.
20 He should go in for accounting because he has a good head for figures.
21 The goalkeeper was injured so a defender had to go in goal.
22 A sailor uses the rudder to make the ship go in the correct direction.
31 The youth has plenty of go in him.
32 I don't go in for public displays of affection.
33 You're meant to pay before you go in.
34 I suppose I could go in for advertising.
35 It's all go in the commercial property market.
36 I said, 'My car won't go in fog'.
37 My clothes won't all go in that one suitcase.
37 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
38 The necklace won't go in the box.
39 Go in - dig in!
40 His brother doesn't go in for sports.
41 It's too cold to go in the sea yet.
42 What time do you have to go in tomorrow?
43 It was all go in town today.
44 There's plenty of go in him yet.
45 The bombers will go in soon.
46 Go in there and sock it to 'em!
47 He nodded me to go in.
48 The shirts go in the top drawer.
49 It's all go in the office today.
50 I go in for judo.
51 She doesn't go in for team games.
52 The jewels go in the jewel box.
53 Let's go in, it's getting cold.
54 "I'll go in," he said breathlessly.
55 Will my sweater go in your knapsack?
56 We're gonna go in there and kick ass.
57 It was all go in the office today.
58 It's all on the go in the office today.
59 He stepped aside to let Katherine go in first.
60 He hovered about outside, too afraid to go in.
61 This key won't go in .
62 As you go in the door, you'll see it on your left.
63 The teacher keeps telling the pupils to work harder but her words go in one ear and out the other.
64 He should go in for accounting because he has a good head for figures.
65 Originally, we had planned a tour of Scotland but we didn't go in the end.
66 The goalkeeper was injured so a defender had to go in goal.
67 Tens go in the left-hand column and units in the right.
68 We can go in my car,(http:///go in.html) such as it is.
69 Remember, no heroics, we just go in there and do our job.
70 Hold your eyes open, don't let anyone go in or out.
71 I'll just leave the engine running while I go in.
72 I don't think all that will go in the suitcase.
73 This is not a hobby you should go in for unless you have plenty of money.
74 The president has never been sure which direction he wanted to go in on this issue.
75 Not more than a quarter of your income should go in rent.
76 Go and pack but don't hang around - we have to go in an hour.
77 Go in and win.
78 My slimming attempts tend to go in fits and starts.
79 You have to show your ticket as you go in.
80 You can't go in that old shirt - it's out of the question.
81 All the soldiers were ordered to go in and seize the city.
82 He stopped in the doorway, too timid to go in.
83 He'd been mandated by the West African Economic Community to go in and to enforce a ceasefire.
84 Young people should never simply go in for material comforts.
85 Go in September if you want to avoid the hazard of extreme heat.
86 The house strikes you as welcoming when you go in.
87 A sailor uses the rudder to make the ship go in the correct direction.
88 My brothers are opening a garage and they want me to go in with them.
89 For the umpteenth time, Anthony, knives and forks go in the middle drawer!
90 I've got to go in a quarter of an hour.
91 I looked through the window, but I didn't actually go in.
92 I've been brought in to troubleshoot - to go in, sort out the problem, and get out again.
93 I keep trying to understand how a computer works, but it doesn't seem to go in.
94 That space is too small, the bookcase won't go in.
95 Don't go in my room - it's a mess.
96 I don't go in for serious boyfriends.
97 I knew better than to go in.
98 They go in for querulous and disputatious argument.
99 Anyway(Sentence dictionary), you go in the plant in the morning.
100 Don't go in now - she hates being interrupted.
101 Receivers go in at Formula One racing team.
102 "Shall we go in here?'' Calvin indicated the cafe.
103 Jon doesn't go in much for philosophizing.
104 Should she go in for a drink?
105 Well, me don't swim too tough so me don't go in the water too deep. Bob Marley 
106 I've got a chance to go in with a women's group up Manchester way.
107 When I go in to make a record, we make a new record.
108 But the congressional intelligence committees are like a black box. Things go in without anything coming out.
109 But the troops will only go in for humanitarian reasons including the protection of supplies.
110 The money is to go in a penalty box kept by Grandmother; the proceeds will go to a charity.
111 Let's see how you rate in that area. What do you think we go in for, here in Perugia?
112 Nomatterwhere we go in space, nor how far back in time, we find power.
113 All 2,060 workers will go in a town which is already an unemployment blackspot.
114 The homunculus seems to remember where to go in the stacks.
115 With one lap to go in the race, Petty's car blew a tire.
116 She had no doubt it would be a very bad idea for them to go in search of Oliver and Cobalt.
117 But you also go in, these days, for running repairs.
118 She swallowed deeply, wondering just how far he would go in order to try to force her to comply with his will.
119 She had a job in Frisco; she had to take the Greyhound bus at the crossroads and go in every day.
120 Furthermore, should the unit go in before or after my chorus and delay pedals?
121 Leeds scored through Wallace with 7 minutes to go in an evenly matched game.
122 Anyway, I've got to go in and snoop around a bit.
123 The important people in our lives leave imprints. they may die or go in the physical realm, but they are always there in your heart, because they helped form your heart. Jules Renard 
124 Your mammy here had to go in there in the morning and speak nice to him.
125 I wish Marie was here - we could go in and have a meal together.
126 You sometimes see volleys go in like it ... but never a dead ball situation.
127 We sit down and talk about what has to be done, the general direction we want to go in.
128 Then I see you go in again, this time in real bad company.
129 When Harry and Kate make love, which is frequently, they go in for lots of lighted candles.
130 Evans scored with only two minutes to go in the game.
131 Some females are firm in monogamy, but many more go in for manifold males.
132 Those who go in for character assassination create human conflicts and can easily end up as victims.
133 An inept clearance by Wright, who was in the left-back position, gave Celtic an unexpected opportunity to go in front.
134 Barak gave specific instructions that I was to go in alone.
135 Even when I arrived back at Thornfield, I did not go in for a while.
136 The first was the discovery that parasites can control populations and cause them to go in cycles.
137 Isabel, an aspiring photographer, turns her considerable charm on the boyish Alex to let her go in ahead of him.
138 The young folk need to have a place where they can go in the evenings.
139 Where else can you go in your sweats and be served orange-flavored beef by waiters in black tie?
140 Adam, as a child, had been strictly forbidden ever to go in there.
141 She lets the ball go in a long arc, pushing from the wrist.
142 She switches the light on in her room, and I go in and sit straight down on the chair.
143 Do you need to provide a written contract for them - and what should go in it?
144 Each night, I went to bed praying that I would not let go in my own sleep.
145 They was at the gate, so we couldn't go in.
146 They go in and put out the fire, no matter where it is.
147 When there was nowhere to go in that infernally small space, one could always swivel in the other direction.
148 I was right - there's a caff there, so I go in.
149 Jud, John and I tend not to go in with all of these preconceived notions.
150 When you go in and out, you feel like somebody is holding a stick....
151 Auctiongoers, whether novices or experienced bidders, need to go in with a budget in mind.
152 I could easily go in and request part-time work, and no one would think badly of me.
153 The caseload does not need to go in its entirety to any replacing lawyer.
154 Tommy doesn't drink, but he would go in with his pals.
155 If they go in and it turns out not to be very clever, the referendum covers their backs.
156 He moved quickly to the lounge, and stood behind the door, listening for the key to go in the latch.
157 Could you possibly spare a poster to go in their play-room,(http:///go in.html) it would be highly appropriate.
158 He was playing well enough till he reached the greens, but his putts would not go in.
159 A low interest loan from an anonymous benefactor allowed the concrete floor to go in.
160 I find that people can not comprehend why it will not go in the forthcoming legislation.
161 Then I could find the house and unlock the front door and go in and everything.
162 Flowing Wells held a one-point lead with a minute to go in the game, but Pueblo came back for the win.
163 Veronica's father was Lord Somebody-or-other, she reminded herself, and didn't the aristocracy go in for rather grand affairs?
164 Should we wait out here, or should we go in?
165 There is some way to go in all this despite the promising early signs.
166 We could go in and pass ourselves off as invited guests by being brazen.
167 Let's go in and take a look around just for the heck of it.
168 They will be the first to go in a slump.
169 Let no one be forewarned, to go in fear or spread rumours.
170 McAllister wanted to go in and do something, anything, to stop such a harpy from hurting him.
171 Rain and pain never go in vain! They are just tests before we see gain. RVM 
172 You don't expect to find their newest recording being knocked out at four quid a go in the cut price racks.
173 I wanted to see how far a competent man could go in politics.
174 She wanted to find mummy before mummy went in there, wanted to scream at her not to go in.
175 I get a rash every time I go in the sun.
176 Filmer could go in and out of the Westin without a sniff of fresh air, and probably had.
177 I would prefer to go in the kop, but failing that I'd like to try the new East stand.
178 I couldn't bear to go in the room with its stench of beer and vomit.
179 The kids can go in the den and raise hell without bothering us.
180 Mr Peters gave me a whole suite of wooden furniture to go in Mulberry Cottage.
181 Is there anyone, anyone at all, to whom he might go in his hour of need?
182 The petite blonde star refused to go in his car and drove her own vehicle to his central London offices.
183 You walk quickly through, see the kitchen and go in there, pulling down the Venetian blinds.
184 But it remains unclear how far the plan will go in dismantling an entrenched system.
185 You have to be willing to go in there and get your feet wet.
186 Customers would go in and give their five-digit card number to rent videos.
187 It is rather like an empty filing cabinet waiting for the files to go in.
187 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
188 I voted for this government because they said they weren't going to go in for that sort of rubbish.
189 And I don't go in for those terrible exercises that some theatrical actors swear by.
190 The company commander was still flying overhead and told us we had to go in one more time.
191 Thus, when awards time arrives, the old inferiority complexes become a factor and decisions often go in vaguely highfalutin directions.
192 Men. come and go in their lives, but there is no necessary connection between motherhood and marriage.
193 He said that unionized or civil-service workers have protection about what can go in their files.
194 New York drug dealers seem to go in for sophisticated marketing ploys.
195 You've established the general direction you want to go in, now you need to fine-tune your plans.
196 Stephen's been asking around about the best places to go in the evenings.
197 The first crop of experienced lawmakers was eliminated in November and a second crop will go in 2002.
198 Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action comes, stop thinking and go in. Napoleon Bonaparte 
199 Q I get prickly heat every time I go in the sun.
200 The other two squads had further to go in attacking similar installations around the northern or inner caisson.
201 Now we're going to lock the house and nobody must go in again.
202 Some branches go in for quite lavish posters, some make do with local draughtsmanship.
203 Try not to wake the baby if you go in the bedroom.
204 The plan was to go in relays and not to leave the Jonquil unattended, but there was a muddle.
205 In any case, Ned's a bit peeved so you'd better go in and see him.
206 Paisley stood on a picket line outside the Ballylumford power station in Larne and tried to persuade workers not to go in.
207 Undoubtedly we have further to go in this, and the Institute is engaged in longer-term research into competence-based assessment.
208 I take the view that the charters go in the right direction.
209 Perhaps he could get off the hook by saying he would go in the morning?
210 Now is the time for vice-chancellors to go in hard and exact promises of increased funding.
211 If the White armies could claim it, the Civil War might go in their favour.
212 Lilya would go in her car, and I would go in mine.
213 Van Orton, the super-controlled business man, is not the type to go in for bungee jumping.
214 The Civil Service Commission needs to be independent of the Council and this proposal would go in the opposite direction.
215 Settlement cracks go in various directions and result in a depression that collects water.
216 I can go in a shirt and jeans and no one looks down his nose at me.
217 If the problem is one of bedwetting then the chart should go in the child's bedroom.
218 Drop jealousy and love wells up. Jealousy means that I am the owner. It is an ego trip, and wherever there is ego there is poison, and the poison kills the very source of love. One has to become aware of just these few things and discard them and one's life becomes a lotus of love. And then there is no need to go in any search of god, god will come in search of you. This is my observation,(http:///go in.html) that god always comes seeking the true seeker. Whenever the disciple is ready the master appears. Osho 
219 They started at a particular time, and at regular intervals another dorm would go in.
220 I half hope he's awake, so that I can go in and sit with him, and stroke his head.
221 If you want to go in, there may be an extra charge.
222 I've only known you a few days Luke, and I don't go in for casual sex.
223 It's regrettable that we can't go in June when the weather is best.
224 Anywhere you go in space, your ship's autopilot could divert to an unknown rendezvous.
225 How far he can go in the absence of restrictive covenants is dealt with later.
226 "We'll go in your car, Billy."—"Whatever you say.".
227 You have to go in through the back entrance.
228 Husband: You tell a woman something, and then it will go in both ears and come out of the mouth.
229 Again, this should go in your startup scripts, preferably in the script that starts NFS on your system.
230 I didn't go in for poetry seriously , but now I'm beginning to take an interest in it.
231 From current and villatic market go in light of situation, the current that supply and demand increases more drama the competition between the industry.
232 Where was he to go in this misty space between heaven and earth?
233 I just don't think arcade games go in the beautiful guest room.
234 Without nettles caterpillars would go in search of alternative food sources, probably plumping for one of your favourite plants.
235 Well, go in the pantry and get that ham off the shelf.
236 The client is accompanied to learn a car in big winter, car defect enters water hole later in, we took off a shoe, go in glacial water go-cart .
237 This magazine caters for teenagers who go in for athletics, camping, etc.
238 China will never seek hegemony and never go in for expansion.
239 "Before the iPad I'd go in to talk about a distributed access environment, and I felt like I was pitching herbal medicines, " Orr said.
240 Thought the political work principle: All - directions melt to go in to permeate.
241 Those frictional forces for this rope to go in this direction will flip over.
242 If you don't specify an index or long table space, partitioned indexes and long column data will go in the same table space as the data.
243 Of the page most lower part has " just information " , click go in, those who show is notarial deed of Beijing notarization place, clew win a prize in a lottery person can be at ease add award.
244 Can I have a go in your new car tomorrow.
245 Sometimes we go in the depth of night Internet bar go on a tour of inspection, see the student plays game inside, sleep.
246 It is good to wait for market situation, perhaps enterprise outstanding achievement grows no longer even month by month glides, who to await you to search to go in those days complain tearfully ?
247 "There's no sewage hook-up. You go in a barn to take a shower, " Mitchell said.
248 Recent implementation of conservatism principle in China is a marked feature of Chinese practice to go in line with international practice.
249 Those who go in for intrigues and conspiracy are doomed to failure.
250 It's easy to write the skeletal structure, because it's all oxygen, we don't have to worry about what's going to go in the middle.
251 They then have a go in what is presumably a game of chance.
252 So says my oldest nonchalantly as he go in the car yesterday.
253 You can go in from the southern bystreet of History Museum!
254 You were supposed to pretend to be in a seizure and we go in there(Sentence dictionary), right?
255 With your head for figures, you should go in for accountancy.




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