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单词 colouring
释义 Word family  noun colour/color colouring/coloring coloration colourant/colorant colourist/colorist adjective coloured/colored discoloured/discolored colourful/colorful ≠ colourless/colorless multicoloured colour/color verb colour/color adverb colourfully/colorfully ≠ colourlessly/colorlessly  Related topics: Animals, Birdscol·our·ing British English, coloring American English /ˈkʌlərɪŋ/ ●○○ noun  1  COLOUR/COLOR[countable, uncountable] a substance used to give a particular colour to food 〔食物的〕色素,着色剂 green food colouring 绿色的食物色素2  [uncountable] the activity of putting colours into drawings, or of drawing using crayons, coloured pencils etc 涂色;彩笔绘画 a children’s colouring competition 儿童涂色比赛3  [uncountable]APPEARANCE the colour of someone’s skin, hair, and eyes 〔皮肤、头发和眼睛的〕颜色 Mandy has her mother’s fair coloring. 曼迪像她母亲一样有白皙的肤色。4. [uncountable]HBAHBBAPPEARANCE the colours of an animal, bird, or plant 〔兽类、鸟类或植物的〕天然色,色彩Examples from the Corpuscolouring• But some leading shampoos and conditioners contain small amounts of bleaching agents to promote blonde colouring.• You can choose for colouring from white, through countless pinks, to bright and even deep red.• Keep him strong, keep him young, and, whatever his colouring, keep him gorgeous.• People with very light colouring need to protect themselves from the sun as they burn easily.• This could help solve one of the textile industry's biggest problems, removing colouring and chemicals from waste water.• Tilda, in spite of her lack of success with the convent's colouring books, wished to be a marine painter also.• Penelope had the same colouring and generally romantic air, but was shorter and dumpier with rather fat legs.• Hair is naturally composed of lots of different tints, so streaking, lowlights and selected colouring gives a more flattering effect.• The colouring of Scandinavian cattle in the past was also characteristic in that many showed variations of the colour-sided colouring• Paint the bottom half of the white candles with blue food colouring.• Divide it among four small bowls, then mix a few drops of food colouring into each one.• Add red food colouring to one jar and blue dye to another.• Paint the anchor with silver food colouring and place on the deck.• Add it to the icing sugar, together with a few drops of yellow food colouring.col·our·ing nounChineseSyllable  a Corpus give a to substance used




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