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单词 Receipts
1. Customs and excise receipts rose 2.5 per cent.
2. Yellowing receipts had been impaled on a metal spike.
3. The teller is adding up her receipts.
4. Box office receipts for the film have hit $50 million.
5. Sort out all your bills, receipts, invoices and expenses as quickly as possible and keep detailed accounts.
6. Box-office receipts have exceeded expectations.
7. Make sure you get receipts for everything.
8. He was tallying the day's receipts.
9. The receipts have increased since last year.
10. The theatre's receipts for the winter were badly down.
11. The box-office receipts fell short of the manager's expectations.
12. Cash receipts reached £70 million.
13. The cashier is adding up her receipts.
14. Check your receipts against the statement.
15. Some of the receipts had been for the purchase of cars.
16. Match receipts slumped by £89 000 compared to last season.
16. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
17. I kept copies of my expense receipts, just to cover myself.
18. Letters, membership cards, bills, receipts.
19. Corporation tax receipts were also below last year's.
20. Tax receipts were $123 million lower than expected.
21. Even membership subscriptions and gate receipts held up.
22. Can you make me a copy of those receipts?
23. Keep your credit card receipts until your statement arrives.
24. Match receipts and season tickets brought in 5.7m.
25. How do you explain the apparent discrepancies between the money and the receipts?
26. Cash income is calculated by subtracting total trading income from total receipts.
27. She makes a point of keeping all her shopping receipts.
28. At this point, the accountant did a runner — with all my bank statements, expenses and receipts.
29. They never did so; it was not, they said, police practice to issue such receipts.
30. The criterion is the number of years before the pre-tax cash receipts from the project pay back the capital invested.
1. Customs and excise receipts rose 2.5 per cent.
2. Yellowing receipts had been impaled on a metal spike.
3. The teller is adding up her receipts.
4. How do you explain the apparent discrepancies between the money and the receipts?
5. Box office receipts for the film have hit $50 million.
6. Sort out all your bills, receipts, invoices and expenses as quickly as possible and keep detailed accounts.
7. The cashier is adding up her receipts.
8. Cash income is calculated by subtracting total trading income from total receipts.
31. The precise figure will not be available until receipts and expenses in connection with the Steam Engine Rally are all in.
32. They will report back the general sentiment on sales tax, gross receipts tax, business transaction tax.
33. We need only hold enough to finance our spending between receipts of income, or pay-days'.
34. The government treats asset receipts not as a means of financing the budget deficit, but instead as negative public expenditure.
35. There should be more than one copy of an inventory, including receipts and photos.
36. But just as the international community was beginning to catch on, quality began to drop and box office receipts went down.
37. In addition to the hassle, lost receipts can mean lost deductions.
38. That account tells us the amount of net payments over receipts compared with the budgeted figures.
39. They can also be supplemented by capital receipts and trading profits.
40. Recently relegated to the first division, the projected loss of Premier League gate receipts meant a further deficit of £400,000.
41. Bach's last years were clouded by financial worries caused by declining receipts and heavy expenditure on the Hanover Square concerts.
42. But that night, going through his belongings, she discovered receipts for the flat.
43. Foreign currency receipts must be converted into the domestic currency in use in the exporter's country.
44. Rummaging through, Loretta found receipts from restaurants, postcards from friends, the stubs of several used cheque books.
45. The sale of council houses has produced substantial capital receipts, and smaller amounts have come from the sale of other assets.
46. Their customary practice was to deposit receipts in the night deposit box at that branch.
46. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
47. These clauses give the talent a percentage of the movie's gross receipts.
48. However, providing foreign currency receipts from exports are available to service external debt, no real problems should arise.
49. Any expenses incurred as part of a job, or as a self-employed person, providing the necessary receipts are kept.
50. But this can only be done at the international airport and with the original exchange receipts.
51. Answer guide: Because the accounts are to do with measuring economic activity rather than the timing of receipts and payments. 7.
52. Unless Anderson has come up with a new math, the restriction means a $ 250, 000 reduction in gate receipts.
53. In 1990/1 it contributed 27 percent of all tax receipts - not more, it is important to note.
54. When police arrested Nestor Padron on suspicion of skimming meter receipts, he was carrying $ 850 in cash, Maher said.
55. We might have expected this switch to reinforce the downward trend in the ratio of direct to indirect tax receipts.
56. A Lord can claim expenses without receipts or proof of expenditure for any day he attends when the Lords is in session.
57. In particular, it is recognised that agents may use some assets as a buffer-stock against unforeseen changes in net receipts.
58. He accused the Conservatives of squandering £100 million of North Sea oil receipts that could have rebuilt the country on tax cuts.
59. The Jamtlands Folk Bank was approached by the tax authorities for details of the balances of account holders and of interest receipts.
60. It does not affect policy benefits that are otherwise chargeable to tax, for example, as receipts of a trade or profession.
61. From that date, all foreign exchange receipts were to be surrendered to authorized banks at the official rates of exchange.
62. While receiving money due to the court, Beaumont omitted to enter the receipts in his books and pocketed the proceeds.
63. Gate receipts brought in a further £750,000 and a similar figure was produced through merchandising.
64. Some till receipts also give a description of the goods.
65. Capital receipts would normally be credited to reserves and recorded in the balance sheet.
66. Recession is the culprit: it has slashed tax receipts and driven up the cost of unemployment benefits.
67. Her purse bulged with keys, cigarettes, scraps of paper, and old receipts.
68. They are required to produce receipts for each expenditure for which they are reimbursed.
69. We get our revenue from two sources, gate receipts and television.
70. The receipts from his shows have long since moved from the realms of the fantastic into those of the ludicrous.
71. I had receipts and detailed books for all my financial transactions.
72. An excess of receipts over payments can not be called income because receipts might include capital receipts.
73. Inventory is typically financed through blanket liens, trust receipts, or field-warehousing arrangements.
74. The entire box office receipts were normally given to the lucky artiste.
75. Any post office receipts for registered mail should be gummed into a special book kept for that purpose. 5.
76. If the Labour party were in power[], there would be no capital receipts.
77. Exchanges done through cash machines which can not issue receipts are exempt from this provision.
78. Thus, pump-priming has turned into a bottomless pit for the Treasury, in spite of the reinvestment of large receipts from land sales.
79. However, it is necessary to produce receipts when dealing with leasehold property.
80. Inventory Financing Inventory financing is commonly arranged through blanket liens, trust receipts, or field-warehousing arrangement5.
81. Official attendance at Windsor Park was 6,500 but gate receipts for the international reflected a crowd of 9,000!
82. You must make sure that your sales figures match up with your receipts at the end of each week.
83. Match receipts slumped by £89,000 compared to 1991, but profits were boosted by staging two Simply Red rock concerts.
84. Her purse is bulging with keys, cigarettes, envelopes of rent receipts.
85. Receipts from the sale of the licences would be ploughed back into the provision of improved public transport.
86. Leave popular players out of your side and gate receipts could drop.
87. Income tax is by far the most important direct tax, alone contributing almost 26% of government receipts.
88. Gary and Aggi also required the vendors to sign receipts recording the money paid and the specific goods.
89. During this period, Guthrie had allegedly been pulling scams involving the use of fake receipts to return stolen property to KMarts.
90. Receipts were down from £1,406 to £863 and a net loss of £160 on the year was returned.
91. There is no need for receipts - it is a matter of honour, he says.
92. Speed, accuracy and cost efficiency in collecting receipts and making payments are critical.
93. In unemployment, total income receipts in period t net of search costs, and.
94. But by 1860 the proportion was almost exactly opposite: 33.96 percent of receipts came from passengers and 66.04 percent from goods.
95. Assume also that running costs are financed with credit until receipts are received.
96. The receipts and payments method is commonly employed for shorter time periods, say up to one month.
97. Poor dear David Marquis, mid-nervous breakdown owing to last night's appalling Box Office receipts, has left at 8 a.m.
98. When we added up the receipts we realized we had spent too much.
99. One contained only an empty ammunition box, the other a number of receipts from firearms dealers and some guarantee cards.
100. Not as funny as its box-office receipts might suggest pages 30 and 31 omitted - shop items fashion news Seriously into leather?
101. It is found that receipts are stamped with a firm's name and merely initialled by a cashier or other employee.
102. All transactions had to be recorded on government-provided fiscal receipts with special stamps.
103. I wonder whether a new radical approach should be taken to the receipts from council house sales.
104. Meantime, another sub-plot is running: £22m of capital receipts which the council has spent as revenue.
105. Hence, drivers on the Massachusetts Turnpike get coupons for discounts at Staples with their toll receipts.
106. He and Eng reasoned that box office receipts would help pay the way back to Los Angeles.
107. Invisible receipts from tourism have shown a steady rise over recent years from 2.97 billion in 1981.
108. Leone almost certainly defrauded Giardini by obtaining false receipts from the singers he engaged.
109. But falling ad receipts meant lower profits for newspapers and printing.
110. Cash income, which is total receipts minus total trading spending, is a better indication[Sentence dictionary], said Sir Hector.
111. Workers were paid in cash, and no receipts were required.
112. Rather than paying out subsidies, the Government now receives substantial annual taxation receipts.
113. All per diems paid to business owners are wages unless the owners have receipts to cover the per diem allowance.
114. It is no secret that Zeneca would have liked to launch a straight forward international equity issue, to increase its receipts.
115. Next year, before privatisation receipts, the Red Book expects the Budget deficit to be £38 billion.
116. They used to keep the gate receipts in a brown paper bag.
117. Euro Disney was also in demand, up 20p at 965p after a rise in foreign visitor receipts.
118. Result: a black market in official government receipts with special stamps.
119. Rosenberg's suspicions of Aveling multiplied as piles of receipts were tuned in.
120. Councils can spend a quarter of their capital receipts from council house sales however they want.
121. Firms too keep precautionary balances because of uncertainties about the timing of their receipts and payments.
122. That attitude exposes the fact that Labour's posture on capital receipts is totally fraudulent.
123. Local authorities are also constrained in the proportion of capital receipts they may use to support capital expenditure.
124. With accruals accounting, of course, postponing or bringing forward cash payments or receipts has no effect.
125. Furthermore, great variations in the size of tax receipts and disbursements exist among the states.
126. If gross income is below £25,000, receipts and payments accounts and a statements of assets and liabilities will do.
127. The local authority borrowing requirement fell to £1.8 billion last year from £3.4 billion, suggesting higher poll tax receipts.
128. It includes all cash payments by the government, and all cash receipts.
129. There is obviously an argument here, as with capital receipts, for the grant to be returned to the spending programme.
130. As a consequence, the goldsmiths' receipts began to circulate as generally acceptable means of payment.
131. Uncertainty about the future value of other financial assets, or about the timing of important receipts and payments are examples.
132. Local authorities will be permitted to spend all their capital receipts realised from 13 November to the end of 1993.
133. The gate receipts are going down faster than the guys who step into the ring against him.
134. He always paid by credit card and he always kept the receipts for his accountant.
135. With the economy stabilising, receipts should also stabilise soon.
136. To verify Restaurant Cashier's receipts against machine tape readings.
137. Prepares Official Receipts for all cheques and cash received.
138. Cash receipts are treated as business revenues, and cash payments are handled as business expenses.
139. Basically be in charge of submitting an expense account here a few receipts.
140. You should keep receipts for all items you buy in the Caribbean.
141. I still keep a filing cabinet, and even stow away things like receipts in little yellow envelopes.
142. On the other band, if there was a high vacancy rate and gross receipts were depressed, then operating expenses might also be low.
143. Depository receipts and American Depository Shares that are listed on the major U.S. exchanges.
144. This ETF aims to deliver an inverse return of three times an index tracking Chinese American depository receipts.
145. We can also think the connection of the government receipts and expenditure is the connection of accumulation and consumption in national income.
146. A further search turned up eight cell phones, two computers, fake IDs, two dozen money transfer receipts, and $63,000 in cash.
147. The sum of the receipts is greater than the initial outlay.
148. Your traveling and entertainment expenses will be reimbursed as per actual, to be supported by official receipts.
149. After ordering details is emailed, you will receive a payment notice. Please pay accordingly and keep all receipts for cross check purpose.
150. Article 42 All account books, receipts and administrative balance herein are exempt from taxes and duties.
151. Receipts of services are entered in the credIt'side while payments the debIt'side.
152. Declaration Statement of Foreign Exchange Receipts and Disbursements or Transactions (For settlement of sale only) ...
153. Are cash receipts from miscellaneous sources independently con - trol - led?
154. Expenses in connection with the flag day should not exceed ten percent of gross receipts.
155. Without such cover, they could not issue receipts, keep books, pay taxes, write contracts, or open bank accounts.
156. Our country government budget accountant has used the receipts and disbursements to realize the system, this is decides by government accounting's characteristic.
157. Official figures show that China moved into deficit on visible trade last year, but the gap was more than covered by non-trade receipts.
158. The quality of a series of receipts and expenditure decides whether the financial behavior of enterprises is good and efficient, which is important reality for enterprises to develop.
159. You can create almost any kind of business document, including form letters, invoices , and receipts.
160. Post information receipts and payments into cash management module of ERP system everyday.
161. You may say, if the government receipts can't meet the need of government expenditure, the government can support the expenditure by borrowing money.
162. Identify the transactions from source documents, such as bank deposIt'slips , sale receipts, and check stubs.
163. Government through concessional terms to land in land premium for land acquisition compensation implied complement to the performance of land development in the long run bring receipts or jobs.
164. Adams Media Research reported on Monday that U.S. box office receipts boomed to $9.87 billion in 2009 and overtook DVD and Blu-ray sales of $8.73 billion.
165. Cardholder must always sign credit card transaction receipts,[http:///receipts.html] when credit card is present.
166. Sales accountant clear accounts receivable base on the cash receipts.
167. In 2005 tax receipts rose almost 15 %, the fastest pace in 24 years.
168. Cardholders are required to keep the relevant original sales receipts and credit card sales slips for investigation upon request by the Bank.
169. In summary, employees who maintain the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger should not have ACCESS to cash receipts.
170. The Bank served as the fiscal agent for the government, holding government tax receipts, paying government bills, performing various financial housekeeping tasks.
171. Under the cash basis of accounting most receipts of money are revenues and most expenditures of money are expenses.
172. The statement of cash flows reports a business's cash receipts, cash disbursements, and net change in cash for the accounting period.
173. Daily update of AR with receipts and monitoring of outstanding balances.
174. The film opened to healthy box office receipts before rapidly falling off.
175. A person's income can be taken without qualification as equal to his receipts.




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