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单词 collaborator
释义  col·lab·o·ra·tor /kəˈlæbəreɪtə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  1  BETRAYsomeone who helps their country’s enemies, for example by giving them information, when the enemy has taken control of their country 通敌者,〔与占领者〕勾结者 → collaborate, collaboration Their job was to identify enemy collaborators. 他们的工作是找出通敌者。2  TOGETHERsomeone who works with other people or groups in order to achieve something, especially in science or art 〔尤指在科学或艺术方面的〕合作者,协作者 → collaborate, collaboration collaborators on a biography of Dickens 狄更斯传记的合著者Examples from the Corpuscollaborator• Your closest collaborator is left out in the cold.• The three convicted collaborators have all been sentenced to death.• Sansom's work will be continued by his son and longtime collaborator, Chip.• For eight or nine years we were not only collaborators and partners, we were best friends.• Many were scripted by himself, and many edited by his valuable collaborator, Stewart MacAllister.• Over the years collaborator families have become very rich.col·lab·o·ra·tor nounChineseSyllable  them enemies, by example for Corpus someone giving who helps country’s their




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