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单词 Well meant
1. His offer was well meant.
2. Any decision taken by them now, however well meant, could complicate the peace process.
3. Well meant as it may have been, one wonders what accusations would have sprouted had the Tory Party used similar methods.
4. I know that his intervention was well meant and had not a whit of political mischief about it.
5. The analogy was well meant, but did not altogether please him.
6. The analogy was well meant.
7. Well meant are the wounds a friend inflicts, but profuse are the kisses of an enemy.
8. And the proximity of a gravity well meant Patterson was backed into a corner. It would be a slaughter.
9. However well meant,[sentence dictionary] they aren't implicit in the story and the characters.
10. Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Well meant are wounds a friend inflicts.
11. Thus, he avoids the error so commonly made through well meant but misguided efforts. He confines his procedures to what is necessary, keeping the handling of injured part to a minimum.
12. I'll not blame, you, Hetty, for coming on this errand, which was well meant, if not very wisely planned.




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