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单词 In view
1. The lake came into view/We came in view of the lake as we turned the corner.
2. Voluntary work was particularly important in view of the fact that women were often forced to give up paid work on marriage.
3. Every task has a clear end in view .
4. I'll keep it in view.
5. Keep your career aims constantly in view.
6. They have very clear career aims in view.
7. There was nobody in view.
8. In view of the feeble health of the member, the delegation cut him out.
9. In view of the weather, the event will now be held indoors.
10. In view of the weather, we will cancel the outing.
11. I always make sure I keep the children in view whenever we're in a public place.
12. Buyers have withdrawn from the market in view of the abrupt turn of the trend of prices.
13. In view of the fact that Hobson was not a trained economist his achievements were remarkable.
14. His chances do not seem good in view of the fact that the Chief Prosecutor has already voiced his public disapproval.
15. What sort of job did you have in view ?
15. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. He will presumably resign in view of the complete failure of his policy.
17. It is important to have a clear aim in view.
18. With this end in view they employed 50 new staff.
19. In view of the facts, it seems useless to continue.
20. In view of what you've said, I think we should reconsider our proposed course of action.
21. In view of his conduct, the club has decided to suspend him.
22. What the President has in view is a world without nuclear weapons.
23. In view of her lust for life, her appetite simply for living?
24. Residents were warned not to be extravagant with water, in view of the low rainfall this year.
25. I decided not to ask her for a loan in view of her proverbial meanness.
26. Ackroyd worked out this whole plot with one objective in view.
27. The prospect for passage of the bill was somewhat cloudy, in view of its evident unconstitutionality.
28. He wanted to make money and went abroad with this end in view.
29. Defence was all-important, and castles were designed with this end in view.
30. He wants to find work, but he has nothing particular in view.
1. Residents were warned not to be extravagant with water, in view of the low rainfall this year.
2. Voluntary work was particularly important in view of the fact that women were often forced to give up paid work on marriage.
3. The prospect for passage of the bill was somewhat cloudy, in view of its evident unconstitutionality.
31. In view of the benevolent rule of the communes this might seem to have been retrograde step.
32. In view of the substantial sums of money involved, risks must be reduced to the absolute minimum.
33. A high turnover may well have been justified in view of volatile markets.
34. Miss Goddard urged that the decision not to serve the notice was correct in view of the complexity of the whole investigation.
35. The apoprotein components of the lipoproteins are also demonstrated in view of the recent realisation of their importance in lipid metabolism.
36. While condemning the Soviet coup, Marchais had described it as understandable in view of the failure of perestroika.
37. Their denial was unconvincing in view of the physical evidence linking them to the bombing.
38. The Government's commitment to a positive reform of the law will weaken in view of the apparent lack of consensus.
39. With great regret they decided to abandon the project in view of the ever-increasing cost.
40. In view of the importance of coal prices we have examined Possible trends in coal prices in another way.
41. The council requested that Arista and Anaya inform President Herrera that in view of the circumstances the council must submit its resignation.
42. This seems to imply that care programming has been considered and dismissed as redundant in view of prevailing systems of mental health care.
43. In view of such evidence the peace process seems much less convincing than its proponents have suggested.
44. In view of all that has happened, Conklin is expected to resign.
45. In view of this influence on patient management,(http:///in view.html) a positive diagnosis of 30.6% in patients with non-cardiac chest pain justifies its use.
46. However, in view of his high helper lymphocyte count the diagnosis was questioned and yet another ophthalmic evaluation sought.
47. In view of the high local disposable income, the potential for an evening dining-out market is clearly high. 4.
48. I saw him struggling but felt helpless in view of his pain.
49. In view of Alain's remarks on the subject she felt quite honoured, even though she was only given small tasks.
50. In view of their greater interest in Jarrad, the plaintiffs contended that they had been unfairly prejudiced.
51. Any hope of an improvement appeared unlikely in view of the reduction in the level of foreign investment caused by the unstable political situation.
52. It is quite astonishing in view of Handel's vast output quite what a consistent and imaginative composer he was.
53. The committee has been represented on and has played its part in post-war reconstruction schemes having this object in view.
54. Second, in view of the compliance costs estimated at £20,000, the notice was unreasonable.
55. In view of the competition for places, all applicants are required to have covered the same basic entrance requirements.
56. Obviously the maid was disguised in view of the fact that we were known to be looking for two women travelling together.
57. Wet gravel pits are generally recognised as important habitats for wildlife, particularly in view of the increasing drainage of wetlands.
58. She'd hired a car a few days before, with the trip to the clinic in view.
59. It is probably a wise precaution in view of allegations that the couple stole billions of dollars from their country.
60. M39 is very loose, but sufficiently condensed to make it obvious, particularly in view of the characteristic pattern of its leading stars.
61. She veered away and, with no alternative site in view crashed into the swamp abutting the landing field.
62. In view of the critical need to provide political alternatives to violence, the talks must be reconvened as soon as possible.
63. I think it's as well I did, especially in view of what's brewing up now.
64. The air was scented by the hoppy smell of the small Ridder beer brewery, the only industrial site in view.
65. His concept of prayer, however, requires analysis and clarification in view of his expressed preference for an impersonal and formless Absolute.
66. In view of this fact, we must refuse to provide further treatments at this point in time.
67. In view of the latter's steady, incredulous gaze, I could not blame him.
68. Coal has become unpopular and, paradoxically, in view of the Greens' increased influence, nuclear power has experienced a resurgence.
69. In view of their potential danger, these fishes are not recommended for a household where small children are present.
70. Hospitals often grouped iron lungs in the open space around the nurses' station or even in view in the hallways.
71. Officials of Galatasaray said that in view of the fact their fans were being excluded a neutral venue should be chosen.
72. In these early days a flying career was not particularly attractive in view of the frequency of fatal accidents.
73. Only the inanimate objects in view were registered on the plates.
74. In view of this, the drugs trade looks like a Godsend.
75. In view of the Government's unsatisfactory reply, I intend to raise that matter again on the Adjournment.
76. In this series we feel that no carcinoma was missed by barium enema in view of the follow up exceeding four years.
77. The increased frequency of malignant disease in this population is of importance in view of the major impact on overall management.
78. Actually, only Black has chances to win, in view of his dark square control and more mobile pawns.
79. This may seem surprising in view of the widespread acceptance of monarchy.
80. Actually, it is rather surprising that the labour cost hasn't gone up more, especially in view of the national rates.
81. With respect to insider trading in particular, the necessity for appropriate supervision to prevent violations is evident in view of the special opportunities in this area.
82. In view of the official line that April's supplementary budget was designed to boost only domestic firms, this may be naive.
83. By contrast older established partners may be less keen on expansion in view of the added pressures it will produce.
84. In view of the unorthodox behaviour of the Komsomol that we have noted in the provinces, such a move was overdue.
85. In view of these circumstances, the Combined Fleet plan for Midway could hardly have come at a more inauspicious moment.
86. An immense pile of out-of-date articles will possibly obscure the purpose in view and deter the student from learning.
87. In view of this, the committee stressed the need to restrict the availability of highly hazardous pesticides.
88. In view of what you said, did you consider the use of night sticks on the heads of demonstrators hospitable?
89. George Wigg almost had a stroke, in view of his undoubted and continuing hostility to her.
90. In view of these possible sources of error it is surprising that extrapolated profiles ever yield results of any value.
91. Governors should control the money with this end in view and must not allow their thinking to become dominated by financial concerns.
92. In view of the threat of expulsions contained in these circulars, Labour supporters of Unity had to reconsider their position.
93. In view of the great significance and the extent of these malpractices the investigations should be tackled by parliament, the public prosecutor said.
94. In view of the current state of the art I can do no more here than suggest that alternative approaches are surely possible.
95. Even those built on the initiative of a prince or a king were often sited with quite other ends in view.
96. The lumen was kept constantly in view so that the position of the instrument did not change.
97. Perhaps the miners were castigated for not checking the route beforehand in view of the importance of their visitors.
98. It was tempting to ask, in view of his once held political ambitions, whether he had ever regretted staying in business.
99. Particular approaches are thought to be supportive of commercial activity and are adopted with this end in view.
100. There were no buildings in view to suggest the presence of any humans.
101. Rather, it voraciously records anything in view; in other words it is firmly in the realm of the contingent.
102. This was considered generally impractical and in view of the particular difficulties of carrying out social research in Belfast, probably unattainable.
103. In view of its relatively small budget and the size of the region, this is probably inevitable.
104. Admittedly we also noted how hollow this observation rang in view of the fact that expansionary policies would entail accelerating inflation.
105. Again the virgin birth, in view of what we now know of human reproduction, has become highly suspect for people.
106. Surprisingly in view of its much bigger budget, Notting Hill seems a more personal film than Four Weddings.
107. Indeed, perhaps inimical to ours, in view of the hostility of such long standing between man and rat.
108. Fedorov's carriage was in view again, its outline jutting out from behind a heap of timber on the wharf.
109. We judged this to be a potentially important finding in view of the extremely widespread use of cimetidine.
110. Ironically, in view of what had happened fifty years earlier, it was now the School's success which precipitated the next crisis.
111. It is often amazing how well siblings will get along when parents are not in view.
112. The death of Sir Thomas Throgmorton after a sudden illness was worth a paragraph in view of his role of international banker.
113. The next observation is more important in view of the arguments of counsel in the present case.
114. It is important that the instructions are followed carefully in view of the many different types of fibres and finishes used in modem fabrics.
115. No hypnotic was prescribed in view of the risk of a further overdose.
116. It is particularly ironic in view of another key policy initiative, welfare to work.
117. In view of the preceding passages, it may be of value here to add one cautionary note.
118. And with this went the abolition of religion itself - something which was perfectly natural in view of the changed productive relationships in society.
119. In view of this, one would expect the breed to have firmly established itself long ago.
120. In view of its poor absorption and high local concentration, its site of action seems likely to be within the bowel wall.
121. With hindsight she could see it had been unwise, especially in view of the family history of heart disease.
122. They might even be prepared to overlook his enthusiasm for the euro, particularly in view of his laid-back attitude towards it.
123. In view of the Warc footnote, this statement seems to have been economical with the truth.
124. Jupiter is therefore appreciably flattened, though this is not surprising in view of its rapid axial rotation.
125. In view of the importance of the competences concerned, we will issue separate certificates for the units.
126. No drain was inserted in view of the likelihood of ascites developing in the postoperative period.
127. The auditor looks back at the prenatal area and finds a whole new series of incidents in view.
128. In view of the Duchess of York's abrupt departure from the royal family in March this year it was a prudent decision.
129. This is surprising in view of the fact that over a longer term measurements can vary by much more than this.
130. Swimming in open-air hot bathwater in view of ice-topped peaks is different, wonderfully different - cleansing, relaxing and just good.
131. David pulled the blankets up so only the top of his head remained in view.
132. The importance of adequate preparation can not be overemphasized in view of the substantial delays and costs that could arise through error.
133. It was essential to make suitable arrangements about financing, especially in view of the vast distances involved.
134. This is the more remarkable in view of the lukewarm support some of the policies have had in the Cabinet and party.
135. However,() some councils have had to modify their policies in this respect in view of the management problems on these estates.
136. Place the child's desk near the teacher's, so that the child can keep the teacher in view.
137. Rowntree attempted no detailed quantification of rural poverty, in view of the wide scope of his inquiry.
138. The orchestra was restricted to a semicircle in view of the needs of Roman drama and, in front of this was a raised stage.
139. But that explanation seems unlikely in view of the fact that Discula destructiva appeared on both coasts at the same time.
140. This risk is particularly important in view of the wide abuse of self administered laxatives for chronic constipation.
141. In view of this, Marxist teaching can be seen as a kind of catalyst.
142. The most problematic of these, in view of their diversity, were the first and the last.
143. We have been in great difficulty during the last thirty six hours over an alleged parachute operation which you have in view.
144. He has an ulterior object in view.
145. Human nature in this aeon is in view.
146. The sanctification of the believer is in view.
147. We keep in view the spatiotemporal occurrences in history.
148. The scientists saw the public as being particularly two-faced about animal welfare in view of the way domestic animals are treated.
149. Keeping this difficulty in view he held the extra chessman in reserve.
150. In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain vicissitudes of fate.
151. In view of fact that both the Inquisitional System and the Adversary System are products of deliberate design, plans of constructivist rationalism are doomed to self-deconstructing.
152. In view of the problems in the controller of pulse bag-type dust controller, we designed a universal controller with perfect performances.
153. In view of 120-1 air brake fault characteristics, it used fault tree analytic method union logic code way to establish knowledge rule-set.
154. In view of Natalie's and Dr. Jastrow's clear criminal record the Swiss would be powerless.
155. In view of our longstanding business relationship, we can conclude the transaction.
156. The author raises unique opinion in view of anticipatory breach of contract's characteristics, thinking it should happen at or before the expiration.
157. They did not saunter but walked with some definite goal in view.
158. Moves the caret to the last line in view, extending the selection.
159. In view of the variation in the dip, here could be a local anticlinal fold.
160. Then the active controllers are designed in view of the parametric resonance.
161. In view of this situation, a novel system structure is proposed in which the reference input of ANC system is pretreated using the technology of independent component analysis (ICA).
162. In view of this, I choose this subject as my research project.
163. In view of the seriousness of the matter , I'll speak from a written text.
164. In view of what had just been said , their efforts in this direction were naturally redoubled.
165. In view of the time limit , we have to quicken our pace.
166. This program is strongly in view and Edit Hex data file.
167. But who grudge pains that have their deliverance in view?
168. In view of all this, you have to ask a philosophical question.
169. The existing condition of low-voltage power supply system of mine underground was analyzed, in view of the existing problems of low-voltage power supply line, the improvement scheme was proposed.
170. In view of our longstanding business relation, we can consider a price reduction.
171. In view of our long business relation, we do not object to another negotiation.
172. Menstruum crystal is widely used in cephalosporin production in view of its stability and high purity.
173. In view of the household indebtedness, attention should go to activities that serve world markets.
174. In view of this, we can foresee a bright future for geomancy in America.
175. This paper deals With the usage of prepositional phrase indicating continuous sense in view of semantics.
176. In view of our longstanding business relation, we'll make special effort to fill your order.
177. There was a third point in view, which will appear hereafter.
178. I consider that, in view of the Constitution and the laws, the Union is unbroken.
179. 'served him right,' said Drouet afterward, even in view of her keen expiation of her error.
180. Move the caret to the last line in view, extending the selection.
181. It is in view of our long - standing business relationship that we make you a counteroffer.
182. In view of the disadvantages of zero-pole matching dynamic compensation method, the dynamic compensation method of tilting train measurement system based on non-linear neural network is put forward.
183. In view of integral rank circumstance is relatively stable 2006, hawkish's expression is highlighted especially.
184. Portable: LCD and Keyboard bezel of computer in view when opened.
185. In view of the present situation, we'll have to revise our original plan.
186. This dissertation aims to study in view of Legal point on contractual type investment trust.
187. In view of the above, proposed the project policy recommendations correspondingly.
188. I decide not to ask her for a loan in view of her proverbial meanness.
189. In view of specific subsidies, Canada would take further investigation to determine whether countervailing duty should be charged.
190. In view of the unusual circumstances, they agree to waive their requirement.
191. In view of a certain type of laser guided aerial bomb, conclusions are drawn from the simulation and calculation of aerial bomb attack area in typical condition.
192. In view of our longstanding business relation, we can consider accepting your counter - offer.
193. It's not a mechanical ( LCD ) fault but only an intermittent display problem in view finder mode.
194. In view of the weaknesses of conventional bluing at room temperature such as poor adhesion and wear resistance, a composite bluing process for spring parts at room temperature was advanced.
195. In view of our longstanding friendly relationship, I'll write to our home office waive our claim.
195. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
196. In view of the coal gangue here, the article gives a piece of advice that takes mainly grouting and subsidarily sprays the serosity onto high-temperature surface, digging ditches and surface coverage.
197. In view of later New Deal policies, it was a poor prophecy.




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