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单词 cock
释义  Related topics: Birds, Humancock1 /kɒk $ kɑːk/ ●○○ noun [countable]  1  chicken 鸡HBB an adult male chicken 公鸡 SYN British English rooster → hen A cock crowed in the distance. 远处有只公鸡在打鸣。2  male bird 雄鸟 especially British EnglishHBB an adult male bird of any kind 雄鸟,雄禽 A cock pheasant rose from the hill in front of me. 一只雄野鸡在我前方的小山上飞起来。3. sex organ 性器官 informal not politeHBH a penis 鸡巴,屌4  cock and bull story British EnglishUNTRUE a story or excuse that is silly and unlikely but is told as if it were true 荒诞无稽的故事;编造的借口 a cock and bull story about the dog eating her homework 说是狗把她的家庭作业吃了的谎话5. object that controls flow 控制流动的物件 something that controls the flow of liquid or gas out of a pipe or container 龙头;旋塞;阀门 SYN tap → ballcock, stopcock6. man 男人TALK TO somebody British English old-fashioned used by some people when talking to a man they know well 老兄,伙计〔用于称呼熟识的男性〕 → half cockedExamples from the Corpuscock• A cock crowed as morning approached.• It's only legal to shoot the cocks, not the hens.• The cocks are brightly coloured to attract many duller coloured and camouflaged females as potential mates.Related topics: Weaponscock2 verb [transitive]  1  LIFTto lift a part of your body, or hold a part of your body at an angle 竖起,翘起〔身体的一部分〕;将〔身体的一部分〕转向一边 She cocked her head and considered the offer. 她歪着头考虑这项提议。 He cocked a quizzical eyebrow at her. 他诧异地对她扬起眉毛。2. PMWto pull back the hammer of a gun so that it is ready to be fired 扳上〔枪〕的扳机3. WEAR CLOTHESto move your hat so that it is at an angle 歪戴〔帽子〕4  cock an ear/eye ATTENTIONto listen or look very carefully 竖起耳朵听/仔细地看 The little dog looked up and cocked its ears. 小狗抬起头竖着耳朵听。5  cock a snook at somebody/something RUDE/IMPOLITE British English informal to show clearly that you do not respect someone or something 对某人/某物嗤之以鼻,对某人/某物不屑一顾 He has always tried to cock a snook at authority. 他总是试图蔑视权威。6 cock something ↔ up phrasal verb British English informal not polite SPOILto spoil something by making a stupid mistake or doing it badly 把…搞砸,弄糟His secretary cocked up his travelling schedule and he’s furious about it. 秘书把他的出差行程排得乱七八糟,他怒不可遏。 → cock-up→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscock• Her hand fell away from the switch and she took a step towards the typists' room, her head cocked.• The federal parliament also cocked a snook at the United Nations administration in Kosovo.• When she failed to retort he cocked an eyebrow at her, waiting for the sparring to continue.• Hardin cocked an eyebrow.• Mike seemed to be sitting in bed with his head cocked back against the headboard.• She purses her lips and cocks her head and starts shaking it.• She cocked her head to one side.• She cocked her head to try and make out sounds but there were none.• He would cock his head and peer into my eyes the way Marine Drill Instructors check rifle actions for lint.• He cocked his head, waiting for an answer.• Léonie opened one eye and cocked it ready.• Still looking into my eyes, he raised the pistol against his head and cocked the hammer.• The soldiers cocked their pistols, ready to fire.cocked ... head• She frowned and cocked her head, and her tone got serious and sharp.• Johnson cocked his head, and there was strategy in that delay.• Joey Seldon cocked his head curiously.• She cocked her head, listening.• Ratagan cocked his head to listen to the race of the wind outside that creaked the rafters.• She cocked her head to one side.• She cocked her head to try and make out sounds but there were none.• He cocked his head, waiting for an answer.Origin cock1 Old English cocc “male chicken”cock1 nouncock2 verbChinese  an chicken Corpus male adult




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