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单词 vice
释义  Related topics: Crimevice /vaɪs/ noun  1  [uncountable]SCC criminal activities that involve sex or drugs 〔涉及性或毒品的〕罪恶,罪行 the fight against vice on the streets 打击街头犯罪 The police have smashed a vice ring (=a group of criminals involved in vice) in Chicago. 警方捣毁了芝加哥的一个犯罪团伙。2  [countable]HABIT a bad habit 恶习 Smoking is my only vice. 吸烟是我唯一的恶习。3  [countable, uncountable]BAD BEHAVIOUR OR ACTIONS a bad or immoral quality in a person, or bad or immoral behaviour 邪恶;劣根性;恶行,不道德行为 OPP virtue Jealousy is a vice. 妒忌是一种恶行。 to reward virtue and punish vice 赏善罚恶4  vise American English) a tool that holds an object very firmly so that you can work on it 老虎钳,台钳 He held my arm like a vice. 他的手像老虎钳似的紧紧抓住我的胳膊。 → vice-likeExamples from the Corpusvice• However, drug-taking is a vice, not a crime.• The question remains in both legends equally, nevertheless, as to where virtue ends and vice begins in such pious adventures.• Smoking is one of his few vices.• In spite of his variety of vices, he refuses to let anything age him.• Clive thought she might be a rare type of pervert who gets off on vociferously condemning all the vices she actually practises.vice- /vaɪs/ prefix  vice-president/chairman etc the person next in rank below someone in authority, who can represent them or act instead of them 副总统/主席等vice-president/chairman etc of the vice-captain of the cricket team 板球队的副队长 vice-chairman Derek Edwards 副主席德里克·爱德华兹Origin vice (1200-1300) Old French Latin vitium “fault, vice”vice nounvice- prefixChinese  involve activities criminal drugs sex or Corpus that




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