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- prince-rainier
- princerainier
- prince regent
- prince-regent
- princeregent
- Prince Regent, the
- princes
- princes in the tower
- princes-in-the-tower
- Princes in the Tower, the
- princess
- princess and the pea
- princess-and-the-pea
- Princess and the Pea, The
- princess anne
- princess-anne
- princessanne
- Princess Diana
- princess-diana
- princessdiana
- princess di, princess diana, lady di
- princess-di,-princess-diana,-lady-di
- princesses
- princess grace
- princess-grace
- Noblesse oblige
- Admonished
- Irreproachable
- Peer review
- Electric field
- Coulomb's law
- Missed
- Discombobulated
- Force field
- Magnetize
- 贤人君子那一种人里没有?鄙夫小人那一种人里没有?世俗都在那爵位上定人品,把那邪正却作第二着看。今有仆隶乞丐之人,特地做忠孝节义之事,为天地间立大纲常,我当北面师事之,环视达官贵人似俯首居其下矣。论到此,那富贵利达与这忠孝节义比来岂直太山鸿毛哉?然则匹夫匹妇未可轻,而下士寒儒其自视亦不可渺然小也。故论势分,虽抱关之吏亦有所下以伸其尊;论性分,则尧舜与途人可揖让于一堂。论心谈道,孰贵孰贱,孰尊孰卑?故
- 贤俊者自可赏爱,顽鲁者亦当矜怜,有偏宠者,虽欲以厚之,更所以祸之
- 贤去则国微,圣去则国乖
- 贤君无私怨
- 贤圣为上兮,必俭约戒身。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 贤圣之君,不以禄私其亲,功多者授之;不以官随其爱,能当之者处之
- 贤圣治家非一宝。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 贤士不以耻食,不以辱得
- 贤士之处世也,譬若锥之处囊中,其末立见
- 贤士,邦之宝也;美女,邦之咎也
- 贤妻为爱洗手做羹汤
- 贤妻致贵
- 贤妻良母的意思,贤妻良母造句
- 贤惠的意思,贤惠的近义词,反义词,造句
- 贤愚在心,不在贵贱;信欺在性,不在亲疏
- Fur coat句子
- Flowered句子
- Flowery句子
- Foul play句子
- Under cover句子
- Discriminate against句子
- Under consideration句子
- Under the circumstances句子
- Funky句子
- Crime rate句子
- Dissection句子
- Unsecured loan句子
- Secured loan句子
- Cantaloupe句子
- Amino acid句子