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单词 Parse
1, He will not piece or parse.
2, As the parse progresses down the input the incorrect hypotheses should fail; thereby reducing the search space to be explored.
3, It is necessary to give the parser instructions on how to search for the correct parse.
4, Any partial parse that is rejected will be removed - thereby removing any parse that would have contained this component.
5, The probability of each parse was then calculated and the most probable parse selected.
6, A parser is a program which takes as input a sentence and a grammar, and which constructs such a parse tree.
7, For our parse, we can choose the largest which satisfies this condition.
8, Here it is necessary to parse Helms's own published thoughts.
9, It causes the parser to parse an NP.
10, The rule Parse - Vp will now trigger.
11, Lank grammar can both parse English and Chinese.
12, Memory capacity exceeded while trying to parse command text.
13, I simply could not parse what you just said.
14, Fixed AGEN skip code in parse stage of rendering.
15, I simply couldn't parse what you just said.
16, It extracts command-line arguments and processes the parse tree.
17, Be mindful if you use the free parse functions.
18, InfoQ: With the ParseTree gem, one can access the parse tree of a class or method.
19, But when I try to parse, it gives me an invalid page fault.
20, A compiler, of course, needs a way to parse the input language, and so the XRuby team created their own Ruby parser using the popular ANTLR parser generator.
21, Parse Error - Current element not compatible with next element'{ 0 } '.
22, Still, more calculating power should make it easier to teach computers to learn, and in particular to parse language.
23, There is not sufficient information available at this point in the parse to complete all of this rule.
24, The system made no attempt to determine deep structure parses,(http:///parse.html) limiting itself to finding surface parse trees.
25, It then sends that information in machine-readable form to itsalgorithmic subscribers, which can parse it further, using the resulting datato inform their own investing decisions.
26, The starting point of system analysis in itself has the characteristic of canonical parse.
27, With format TEXT on the other hand, a plain-text parser is used to parse and index the document.
28, The algorithm essentially computes all the possible stack configurations that could lead to a given node in the parse tree.
29, ParseTree is a library that allows to access the parse tree of Ruby code - either Ruby source code or Ruby code already loaded in the interpreter.
30, Packrat parsing solves the problem of this kind of parser, i.e. exponential parse time.
31, Still, they admit it's tough to parse fully why better-looking professors rate higher.
32, (In Listing 6 I did my best impersonation of a top-secret government agent by crossing out my user ID with XXXXXXXXXXXX.) Let's parse this request a little more.
33, Given the parse tree, you apply the algorithm in Listing 3 to compute the transition function.
34, This scenario is a reverse process of publishing XML data -- XML data comes in, you parse it into tabular records, then insert the records into database tables.
35, This is why the new parsing process makes scope determinations after the parse -- it's only interested in the scopes of IASTNames.
36, In this case, the mediation would parse the incoming message and perform a lookup of the right service provider based on differentiating content of the message.
37, I'll also look briefly at the issue of operator precedence and generalize the treewalking code into a full-fledged recursive routine that's able to handle arbitrarily complex parse trees.
38, Your transform will take one of the two files as its primary input, and will use the content tag to read, parse, and load into memory the second file.
39, This script extends the simple event loop with switches to use Parse::RecDescent as the parsing engine.
40, What remains is to take the information stored during the parse phase of the main document and use that to drive a separate parse phase to process each language-specific subdocument.
41, Your application could do more interesting things with the parse tree.
42, For safety's sake, don't assume you'll be able to parse content before the first well-formedness error.
43, How to parse polls, play the odds, and embrace uncertainty.
44, Usually, using SimpleParse means generating a parse tree in one function call, then traversing this tree in separate code.
45, The parser is the software that takes those meaningful words and builds a parse tree out of them by recognizing their type and purpose.
46, A virtual parse function delegates the parsing to the encapsulated object.
47, By default, the actions in a function body are only performed on a final parse.
48, Working with a parse tree representation also makes debugging easy and speeds development time.
49, First, you parse the ID from the XML structure returned from PHP, then you use a switch statement to direct the error to the appropriate message or associated code.
50, An error occurred while trying to parse the logfile: No project name was found.
51, Descriptive approach -- You write a single general-purpose model-driven parser program to parse all formats, with each message format represented by its own model.
52, First of all, the method which combines canonical parse with empirical analysis is adopted in this thesis.
53, With everything you've done so far, however, you still don't have quite enough information to calculate the results of the arithmetic operation represented by this parse tree.
54, If there is not an exact match for the service input name in the Classic Registry, use the Name Parser component to parse the input service name and construct a list of constituent words.
55, System can automatically collect configuration data, parse and load into database through configuration data from OMC (Operation Maintenance Center) of various vendors.
56, The method applied to the study is the combination of empirical analysis and canonical parse.
57, Parse error. Current element is not compatible with the next element { 0 }.
58, XML is the opposite -- it contains embedded structural information that enables an XML parser to parse any XML document without using a model.
59, The final result of parsing is the parse tree with the largest probability searched with Breadth-first search(BFS).
60, By analyzing , Some aspects were found include the size of a svg file, the method of access to real-time data , dynamic graphics parse scheme based on DOM.
61, This kind of recursive parse is common with file - systems but annoying when handling string manipulation.
62, Adopting bottom-up parsing algorithms, the parse analyse the sequence of tokens and form the syntax tree of EP program.
63, Programmatic approach -- A specific parser program is written to parse each message format.
64, This usually resembles Listing 4 in code, which shows a simple XML parse, using a command-line argument as the filename of the XML document to parse.
65, However, JavaScript developers must learn all the intricacies of XML processing and write a lot of additional code to parse the XML data before they can do anything with that data.
66, In the part of software module, smart card interface register configuration, transmission protocol parse and the applications of MIPS interrupt are discussed.
67, Can you explain briefly the difference between soft and hard parse?
68, Now we are ready to parse the request into its constituent items.
69, When a user agent can't parse the selector, it must ignore the declaration block as well.
70, We also propose a BaseNP - based analyzing technique to extract syntactic information from a parse tree.
71, In the processing of text generation we parse event frames using relative coding protocol, and generate text summarization wit...
72, In other words, this governs the shape and content of the parse tree that's constructed by the parser.
73, The first step is to parse the input service name into constituent words using the Name Parser component.
74, The syntax-aware reflow we use to wrap long lines is based on the parse trees (abstract syntax trees) for the language, and some other things need per-language customization.
75, When working with XML data, you need to parse the data to get to the least common denominator—the desired data (or atomic node value, as it is often called).
76, However, you also have the ability to parse the return information using jQuery code just as you parse your own Web pages on startup.
77, The priority specification in resolves the parse in either case.
78, ParseTree's raw output is close to Ruby's internal parse tree; Unified Ruby is a cleaned up and simplified version of the normal output of ParseTree.
79, Parse the input service name into constituent words using the Name Parser component.
80, Certain points in the parsing algorithm are said to be parse errors.
81, The original structure of the XML document is retained, and you can access and parse the compressed format in the same way as the original format (for example, XGrind).
82, You can parse entire PHP-style .ini files in a single command using parse_ini_file.
83, Let him construe the letter into English,(/parse.html) and parse it over perfectly.
84, Strictly speaking, what I refer to as a parse tree in the following, language theoreticians would more precisely call an AST.
85, Closures provide named ( lazy ) variables associated with each parse rule invocation.
86, Last year, chairman of the JASON Defense Advisory Group Roy F. Schwitters warned that "analysts are not currently equipped to cope with gobs of data and parse them in real time.
87, We will now showcase specific abilities of the Parse::RecDescent grammar by adding on to the UI features from a simple event loop and a simple user interface.
88, Because the Twitter data is an array of objects, it makes sense to parse the entire string into an array and then access the object individually by ordinal position.
89, This paper provides a Maintaining WAP Site Crawler system. This system can automatically traverse the WAP site, parse every page in the site and check syntax and semantic faults.
90, If you change the default, you should call TiXmlBase::SetCondenseWhiteSpace( bool ) before making any calls to Parse XML data, and I don't recommend changing it after it has been set.
91, The DFA construction algorithm converts this parse tree into a set of states, as the previous column explains.
92, Create a parser that will parse a floating - point number .
93, Say, you parse a database or an XML file and generate data classes. Tens of classes, hundreds of properties, all fairly generic,(/parse.html) boilerplate stuff.
94, The first approach is to delay all semantic actions until the whole parse tree is constructed.
95, The Directory Service cannot parse the script because of a syntax error.
96, Closure enabled non - terminals, by default, default - construct variables upon entering the parse member function.
97, For very large datasets, it's hands down the fastest format, beating out even natively executed JSON in parse speed and overall load time.
98, Related to this, DParser gives you the capability to take actions differentially when a production is entered either speculatively or on a final parse.
99, The result is an easy method of data retrieval from a source in a standardized format that you can easily parse with either PHP or JavaScript code.
100, Won't work, use braces. This results in a parse error.
101, In designing hardware emulation platform, to design the parse mode of instruction system is the key.
102, SetWTclientQualifier allows the application to change the delimiting character used to parse the nodes of a hierarchical namespace.
103, The return value is zero for a successful parse, and non-zero otherwise.
104, Finally, we parse the PMML 2.0 -- DTD of Association Rules Model.
105, Article research technique:First, the canonical parse and the empirical analysis unify.
106, That, as well as the placement and format of the node constructors, guarantees that the parse tree is generated in the proper conformation so that treewalking does the right thing.
107, This makes Scheme the ideal language (almost) for creating programs that are transformed -- no massive parsing is needed to parse the program, and Scheme itself is a list-processing language.
108, GDB could not parse a type specification output by the compiler.
109, Fault Module parse Trap packet firstly, and then unified all of the Non-uniform format into a packet format which their own defined, by this step, it realize fault unified management eventually.
110, Stochastic Chomsky normal form (SCNF) is introduced to parse sentences with probabilistic CYK algorithm . The optimal parsing trees of sentences are gained to eliminate ambiguous meanings.
111, I'll note before we go any further that the terms parse tree and abstract syntax tree (or AST) describe very similar grammatical structures.
112, Target parsing can be reasonably fast and does not generate a memory-consuming parse tree, but all events fire for all elements in the data.
113, Although the auditing program does not parse the output to make it user-friendly, the output is meaningful.
114, Or, as based on the Suckerfish Dropdown technique, a simple bit of JavaScript can be triggered by the onload event to parse the DOM and insert the over class into the containing LI elements.
115, The most important ones for HC are RootDoc, ClassDoc, and MethodDoc; they return information on the parse tree, classes, and methods, respectively.
116, With a pull parser, the code that handles one part of the document can parse only as much as it needs and then hand off the parser to whatever comes next in the document processing.
117, The contrasting measure which is constructed not only from the angle of results but also from the efficiency could parse the conceiving methods and quality measure of budget performance criterion.




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