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单词 Left over
1. No food has been left over after the meal.
2. There was no money left over for luxuries or little extras.
3. We've got tons of food left over from the party.
4. I'll freeze any food that's left over.
5. 5 goes into 11 twice with 1 left over.
6. There was lots of food left over.
7. the food left over from the party?
8. There's some food left over from the party.
9. He thought the matter might be left over for the present.
10. Whatever is left over may be put into the refrigerator, where it will keep for 2-3 weeks.
11. If there's any food left over, put it in the fridge.
12. The dictator's ten-year reign of terror left over 100,000 dead.
13. After we've paid the bills, there's never much left over.
14. Sunscreen can lose its potency if left over winter in the bathroom cabinet.
15. They ate some bread rolls left over from the night before.
16. I have some American dollars left over from the last time I was there.
17. 'Will there be any food left over?' he asked hopefully.
18. These matters will have to be left over until the next meeting.
19. There are a few cakes left over from the party.
20. I can lunch off the meat left over from yesterday.
21. It seems impossible to settle these disputes left over by history.
22. Primrose was given an apple, left over from our picnic lunch.
23. The brown mush in the fridge is some veg soup left over.
24. I don't know what to do with all the food that's left over.
25. He never bothered about his breakfast and he'll eat what is left over.
26. We spent so much money redecorating the house that we didn't have any left over for a holiday.
27. So much income is devoted to monthly mortgage payments that nothing is left over.
28. I overestimated and there was a lot of food left over after the party.
29. If you divide 9 by 4,[http://] you have 1 left over.
30. He was out in his calculations, so there was a lot of carpet left over.
1. No food has been left over after the meal.
2. There was no money left over for luxuries or little extras.
3. We've got tons of food left over from the party.
4. The brown mush in the fridge is some veg soup left over.
31. There was a little food left over from the party.
32. But with three-dimensional space there's no dimension left over.
33. Was there any food left over from the party?
34. Go left over a low ridge and downhill.
35. Whatever was left over, we would save for travel.
36. They were people who really let themselves go on high days and holidays, not likely to fuss about anything left over.
37. They are vital statistics if you want an accurate estimate of how much you have left over.
38. So they take advantage of a rule that permits them to spend money left over from their campaigns on themselves.
39. The old uniforms left over from the colonial bygone had to go.
40. I pay all the bills and save any money that is left over.
41. If the new motherboard is smaller then you will have some mounting pillars left over - keep them safe.
42. Toy bears left over from an ad campaign will be donated to the children's hospital.
43. The station was launched on 14 May 1973 using the first two stages of a redundant Saturn V left over from Apollo.
44. These foreigners are so greedy there's never anything left over for supper.
45. With what was left over we could pay to have it delivered.
46. What is left over often goes hack to the Third World.
47. Give me, Lord, what you have left over, Give me what no one ever asks you for.
48. Any time left over was spent on the heterosexism we were experiencing from heterosexual women at the conferences.
49. Sadat had ordered photographs of the Shah, left over from an earlier state visit, to be mounted along the route.
50. Moreover, a lot of money would be left over to relieve the tax burden.
51. On the surface, the debate is about tackling issues left over from the past.
52. This moodiness, this uneasiness, was left over from the fever.
53. I had an enormous slice of quiche that was left over from Friday.
54. I look at his skin under my fingers, the faint tan left over from the summer.
54. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
55. These weapons left over from wars and civil conflicts in 60 countries are estimated to number 100 million.
56. The amount of income left over after deduction of this taxation is known as disposable income.
57. I showed them the costs and how many were left over from the previous year.
58. He was wearing a short brown anorak that looked as if it was left over from his trainspotting days.
59. Or whatever is left over from when your other kid was sick.
60. More like jewellery than cheap baubles, they were left over from a Christmas long ago.
61. Breadboard managers found an abandoned cylinder left over from the Mercury space shots.
62. And there were plenty left over for everyone else to have a taste, too.
63. Lunch Half of the 8-oz. tin of shoulder ham or corned beef left over from Monday.
64. That meant one apiece for the grown-ups and one left over.
65. So after living expenses and charity there's not a lot left over.
66. Tim's fancy hairdo was an affectation left over from his younger days.
67. At the other end of the business, the actual drivers get paid a pittance out of what is left over.
68. Berlin took their pick, then allowed Sotheby's to sell what was left over.
69. I've still got 300 sets left over from that job lot I got the other Christmas.
70. Faultfinding expends so much negative energy that nothing is left over for positive action.
71. To watch some of the media coverage of the movement, you would think the protest was filled with long-haired hippies left over from the 1960s.
72. photo above: We have raised platform in the kitchen that was left over from the original house that is now our sunny breakfast nook.
73. There are caves all over the place left over from people quarrying stone.
74. The third eyelid is left over from what's known as a "nictitating membrane, " which is still present in animals like chickens, lizards and sharks.
75. And if we put that in our bond here, we have 1, 2, 3 bonds, plus we have one lone pair left over.
76. " To collect what's left over ,'smiled Wu Sun - fu , his look of despondency vanishing abruptly.
77. A number of earlier explanations for the sinking included an accidental collision with an unexploded sea mine left over from the Korean War.
78. The bits of fur left over she was sewing together to cover him a greatcoat . She was sewing it, this night.
79. There had earlier been a number of explanations suggested for the sinking, including an accidental collision with an unexploded sea mine left over from the Korean War.
80. The essential kimono is an ankle-length gown with long, full sleeves and a V-neck. It is lapped left over right across the chest and secured at the waist by a Broad sash known as an obi.
81. Has not obtained the treasure and the unique skill is only left over myna princess and peacock prince.
82. Therefore, subsequent, uninitialized stack variables that happen to use the same stack area can return values left over from the prior use of this stack memory.
83. Mozart is a wizard at music in the history. He had left over more than 600 pcs classic works during his 35 years short life period.
84. More useful as a game-winning Scrabble word than part of the anatomy, the coccyx, or tailbone,[] is several fused vertebrae left over from the olden days when we had tails.
85. The work coil was still left over from last years experiments and is 10 turns of 2mm wire.
86. Exhaust stroke: After the piston reaches the bottom of the cylinder, the exhaust valve opens and the gasses left over from the fuel and air are sent out to the exhaust system.
87. Always lookout to improve your current income: The more the money you make, the more you will have left over to throw at your debt.
88. Whether you have a bottle left over from the summer or you make your own from dishwashing liquid bubbles are fun for kids of all ages.
89. Kebony stops wood from rotting by placing in a vat containing a substance called furfuryl alcohol, which is made from the waste left over when sugarcane is processed.
90. They also evaluated the impact of harvesting and using corn stover (the plant debris left over after corn is harvested) as a cellulosic biofuel source.
91. Fortunately, beer contains surface-active proteins left over from the malted barley and wheat used in the brewing process.
92. There is some opening left over in our country's education market, which has brought up the renascence and development of the private education.
93. At Bozai Gumbaz, in the heart of the Little Pamir, centuries-old beehive-shaped tombs built by the Kyrgyz sit next to rusted concertina wire left over from a Soviet military base.
94. Centaurus A itself is apparently the result of a collision of two galaxies and the left over debris is steadily being consumed by the black hole.
95. Such collisions would have left lasting marks in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation, the diffuse light left over from the Big Bang that pervades the universe, the researchers say.
96. Drift Xu completed, strips gallery will be some residue left over from wadding.
97. Kebony stops wood from rotting by placing it in a vat containing a substance called furfuryl alcohol, which is made from the waste left over when sugarcane is processed.
98. In Windhoek, but also can see that the German colonial era, left over from various forms of buildings.
99. Because, in is left over in the final two months, already did not have any miracle, can change pass by 10 lunes to become "the general situation".
100. I middle linger at the vast world, seek mildness being left over in your angulus oris.
101. Ruhr 2007: What Is Left over of IBA Emscher Park?
102. He had a name in store, left over from the halcyon period of his youth, and never opportunely available in the case of his own children—Wilhelmina.
103. Anteaters, so ungainly they appear put together with parts left over from the Creation , bustle about.
104. Couple weeks later, I brought a Tupperware box of left over Penne with Meat sauce for lunch.
105. MD is between 16 and 65 feet wide and is in a very Earthlike orbit around the sun, which made astronomers wonder if it was a stray rocket booster left over from a previous space mission.
106. Object To study the degree of deacetylation of chitosan and its residual amount left over in the clarified products when chitosan was used as a clarificant .
107. You got all that residual confidence left over from being a golden boy.
108. A universe shaped like a Bugle may sound odd, but it could help explain some puzzling observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation: the relic radiation left over from the big bang.
109. Any embryonic stem cells used would be taken from four or five-day-old embryos left over from IVF treatment and donated to the research project.
110. Transferred , Buddha Ulan Bator walked, was left over in Acrobatics Yongshun.
111. Dicky spends what little time he has left over from the mill - girls in drinking to death.
112. For many workers, breakfast the next day is a little rice left over from dinner, fried with a bit of garlic salt.
113. At her death Emily Dickinson left over a thousand unpublished poems.
114. That is, until someone gets you an old walkie - talkie left over at the station.Sentence dictionary
115. He was captured by the hound tracing the scent he left over along the path he had followed.
116. The presence of dark energy has been independently backed up by measurements of the cosmic microwave background, the radiation left over from the big bang.
117. There it causes havoc in the Oort Cloud, a huge region surrounding the solar system that contains billions of bits of cosmic rubble left over from the formation of planets.
118. Most comets that fly into the inner solar system seem to come from the outer region of the Oort cloud - a region of icy dust and debris left over from the birth of the solar system.
119. The joy of living in a big, exurban house, or that extra income left over from your cheap rent?
120. Remember, we didn't hybridize the 2 p y orbital, so that's what we have left over to form these pi bonds.




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