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单词 rumble
释义  Related topics: Textures, soundsrum·ble1 /ˈrʌmbəl/ verb  1  [intransitive]CSSOUND to make a series of long low sounds, especially a long distance away from you 发出隆隆声〔尤指来自远处〕 We could hear thunder rumbling in the distance. 我们听见远处雷声隆隆。2  [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]CS to move slowly along while making a series of long low sounds 轰鸣着缓慢行进 We watched the tanks rumbling past the window. 我们看着坦克从窗前隆隆驶过。3. HBH[intransitive] if your stomach rumbles, it makes a noise, especially because you are hungry 〔尤指肚子因饥饿〕发出咕噜声4  [transitive] British English informalFIND OUT to find out what someone is secretly intending to do 识破,看穿〔某人的秘密企图〕 How did you rumble them? 你是怎么识破他们的?5. [intransitive, transitive] American English old-fashioned to fight with someone 〔与某人〕打架6 rumble on phrasal verb if a disagreement rumbles on, it continues for a long time 〔争论〕长久地持续 SYN drag on The row about pay is still rumbling on. 关于工资的争论还在继续。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrumble• Let us hope the Medical Research Council can rumble a few answers.• In the distance, thunder rumbled across the sky.• When Blunkett rumbled him, he was left with no choice but to resign.• The sound of rebel gunfire rumbled in the hills.• Sonic booms rumble in the valleys at all hours.• Immediately, she felt the floor vibrate as the dome rumbled shut, sealing the chamber.• The two of them whooped, thumped their glasses on the table and rumbled their feet underneath.• They rumbled through dry brush, the Comet an ocher dust storm lashed by branches and spiky shoots.• Loud applause rumbled through the hall.• Lesser equipment can make the walls tremble, the floors rumble, too.Related topics: Textures, soundsrumble2 noun [singular]  1 CSSOUNDa series of long low sounds 隆隆声rumble of the low rumble of traffic in the distance 远处低沉的隆隆车流声 the distant rumble of gunfire 远处隆隆的枪炮声► see thesaurus at soundExamples from the Corpusrumble• What began as a rumble became a powerful roar as the volcano erupted.• This drew a rumble of protest, as Tyler had expected it would.• Are deeper rumbles in the offing?• I sat there contented a minute that night, quite lost in the maddening rumble.• The arena was almost full and it had all the makings of a full scale rumble.• No sound except the rumble of an invisible train clattering through the night.• Why he never even heard the rumbles.• Soon the tunnels echoed to the rumble of many booted feet.• The rumble of the train going by woke me up.• He turned the engine over, the warm rumble of his Baby rejuvenating him.distant rumble• A new sound was growing in the tunnel, a distant rumble.• There was a distant rumbling and crashing, which was intensified and reflected by the mountain slopes.• There was a long, distant rumble.• I could faintly hear the distant rumble of commuter traffic from my bedroom - a reminder of what I had temporarily escaped.• The only noise was the distant rumble of traffic on the coastal road.Origin rumble1 (1300-1400) Probably from early Dutch rommelen, from the soundrum·ble1 verbrumble2 nounChineseSyllable  make of Corpus a to long series




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