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单词 chin
释义  Related topics: Humanchin /tʃɪn/ ●●● W3 noun [countable]  1  HBHthe front part of your face below your mouth 颏,下巴 He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. 他若有所思地抚摸着下巴。2  (keep your) chin up! spokenHAPPY used to tell someone to make an effort to stay brave and confident when they are in a difficult situation 不要气馁!不要灰心! Chin up! It’ll be over soon. 振作点!很快就会过去的。3  take something on the chin to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation without complaining – used to show approval 〔毫无怨言地〕承受某事,担当某事〔含褒义〕 One of our great strengths is our ability to take it on the chin and come out fighting. 我们的一大长处就是能承受困难,奋起拼搏。n COLLOCATIONSadjectivesa double chin (=loose skin under your chin that looks like a second chin)Frank was much fatter now and he had a double chin.a pointed chinShe had a narrow face and a pointed chin.a weak chin (=small in proportion to the face, and not square in shape)He’s grown a beard to cover his weak chin.a determined chin literary (=giving a face a determined appearance)She had short hair and a determined chin.a square chinA square chin may be taken as a sign of a stubborn character.a receding chin (=sloping backwards in an unattractive way)Half the boys in my college seemed to have receding unshaven chin (=with short hairs on because a man has not shaved)His combed hair looked oddly neat against his unshaven chin.verbsstroke/rub your chin (=stroke it in a way that shows you are thinking about something)He stroked his chin and then seemed to come to a decision.Examples from the Corpuschin• Her head was back and her chin raised, resin plugging the eye sockets.• Dolly watched him, bedclothes up to her chin.• Her chin is low and stubborn and insane.• The night before the trials, he shaved a gnarly goatee off his chin.• Lufkin stroked his chin, as if contemplating her request.• He smelled light sweat, felt spittle reaching to his chin.• His chin hung farther down on his chest as his shoulders hunched closer together.• Her short red hair was crudely shaped in a wedge and her pallid cheeks and small chin were peppered with unsightly acne.Origin chin Old English cinnchin noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  your below Corpus the mouth front your face of part




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