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单词 Nodule
1 There was a soft nodule on my vocal cord.
2 The fish is preserved in a siltstone nodule, which has partially formed around the body of the fish.
3 Each nodule has an opening into the gut through which the eggs reach the lumen.
4 Nodule bacteria are very good at biological nitrogen fixation.
5 Lymphocyte increased in lymph nodule of white pulp.
6 In the submucosa is a lymphoid nodule.
7 Hypericin is stored in secretory nodule.
8 Sometimes histiocytes accumulate large amount to form a "nodule", named 'nodular histiocyte hyperplasia".
9 The nodule minerals consist of quartz, plagioclase, amphibole, K ? feldspar , goethite, lepidocrocite, δ MnO ? 2 , illite, and muscovite etc.
10 Ocean polymetallic nodule is a vast metallic resource of deep sea bed and belongs allthe world.
11 The histopathologic picture of the nodule over the coccyx showed numerous xanthoma cells and some fibroblastic proliferations.
12 Aslow-growing strain 54 from stem nodule of Sesbania rostrata has been isolated.
13 The histopathologic feature of the nodule was consistent with characteristics of leukemia cutis.
14 The tumor nodule shows infiltrative changes along the left border, with the invasive acinar growth pattern of this carcinoma shown on the nodule (inset) (hematoxylin and eosin).
15 A yellowish - orange, lipid - filled nodule or papule in the skin, often on an eyelid or a joint.
16 When existing a relatively large juxta-pleural nodule in lung CT image, because of the lacunas in the segmented lung, the attached nodules may not be distinguishable from the lung.
17 Histologically, the skin lesion revealed a sarcomatous nodule that was surrounded by benign glomus cells at the periphery.
18 Vicia sativa root nodule is usually rod-shaped, it is mainly composed of many cortex cells and a very large central zone which contains meristem, infected tissue and senescent tissue.
19 Incredibly, the whole meaty makeover was inspired by a course nodule that looked at public reactions to outrageous art.
20 But many of the companies interested have a potentially redundant nodule mining technology on their hands.
21 The more pathogenic species in ruminants occur in the subtropics and tropics and are associated with nodule formation in the intestine.
22 If not(), the apparently uninvolved endometrium should still be examined to see if one can find the interface between the nodule and normal mucosa or myometrium.
23 The results showed that the iron with Co addition had the more nodule count and most ferrite in the microstructure, and better toughness but lower hardness.
24 Conclusion:Remifentanil can be used safely and effectively in vocal nodule extirpation.
25 Objective To investigate the reasonable operational manner of thyroid nodule.
26 By using fluorite, swarf and others for inoculanting the nodular iron the nodule count in inoculated iron increased obviously, even by over 100% more than that the iron without inoculation.
27 Only about 5% of the initial penetrations of root cells of legumes by swarmer cells result in nodule formation.
28 However, in contract to papillary DCIS, myoepithelial cells are also absent in the periphery of the tumor nodule of EPC.
29 Nitrogen fixation is carried out by the rhizobia in the anaerobic environment of the nodule.
30 Results 12 cases of pulmonary mycosis showed consolidation in the segment or lobe of the lung (6 cases), cavity with thick wall (2 cases), nodule or mass (2 cases), and fungal ball (2 cases).
31 Chromium treatment significantly decreased nodule numbers, nodule fresh weight, leghemoglobin content and nitrogenase(acetylene reduction)activity per plant or per gram of nodules.
32 In occasional cases, the air-filled centrilobular bronchiole can be recognized as a rounded lucency within a centrilobular nodule.
33 Pleural thickening, diaphragmatic tenting, blunting costophrenic angle, solitary calcified nodule or granuloma or minor musculoskeletal or cardiac finding.
34 Objective To explore the therapeutic effect of vocal cord polyp or nodule operation by intralaryngeal microinvasive television fibrolaryngoscopy.
35 The applying parameters of a mul ˉ tislice CT scanner were 1.0 mm - collimation , 1.3 mm - slicethickness, 0.6 mm - interval , and 180~220 mm FOV. VR were applied in every nodule.
36 It's a gradual process from dysplastic nodule(DN) to SHCC, sometimes MR manifestations of DN and SHCC are partly overlapped, making it difficult to differentiate them.
37 In a typical case, there is a small inflamed nodule just under the skin.
38 Results:The pneumonogram of silicosis were the lung diffusionly distribute dots and small nodes, and its characteristics finding was silicotic nodule.
39 Thyroid nodule diseases are common among thyroid diseases. Medical doctors advocate to operation on malignant nodule patients and to perform follow-up visits to nonmalignant nodule patients.
40 A minority of retroperitoneal liposarcomas may, either at the time of initial diagnosis or at the time of local recurrence, contain nodule(s) of non- lipogenic sarcomatous elements.
41 The absorption of methyl orange by ammonia leaching residue of manganese nodule is investigated.
42 Figure 2: Axial FLAIR demonstrates a cyst isointense to CSF with a mural nodule representing an eccentric scolex (arrow).
43 Cancerous conditions may cause a distinct nodule or lump on the gland.
44 If low nitrate concentration was applied to Jilin 20, its nodule nitrogenase activity and ureide content were increased in early growth period, but were inhibited in later growth period.
45 Like rhizobia , the nitrogen-fixing endophyte Frankia elicits the formation of specialized root nodule structures which house BNF processes.
45 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
46 Intradermal injection No erythema papule and nodule were observed after intradermal injection in both groups indicating that the material has no stimulation to the body.
47 Conclusion This operational method should be as principal choice in treatment of patients with thyroid nodule.
48 Objective : to investigate the efficacy of resecting vocal fold nodule or polyp by TV fibrolaryngoscope.
49 Objective:To study the application of remifentanil anesthesia in vocal nodule extirpation.
50 In the senescence stage of nodule, the bacteroidsautolyzed and nitrogenase activity disappeared.
51 The basic pathological change of silicosis is the lung interstitial fibrosis and the formation of silicotic nodule.
52 Classically, ganglioglioma is described as a cystic mass with a mural nodule in approximately 40% of diagnosed cases.
53 Root system is sturdy develop, give birth to root nodule closely, the errant bud on its root recovery capability is strong, can make root system spreads to horizontal way.
54 To sum up, the shape and structure of the nodule of Podocarpus plants are similar to that of legume.
55 ResultVocal nodule is the main cause to chronic hoarseness in children.
56 Carcinous bronchiologram, vacuole and nodule sign were major internal features.
57 The effect of nodule diameter on the water embrittlement of austempered ductile irons ( ADI ) was investigated.
58 On the contrary, when low nitrate concentration was applied to Changnong 4, its nodule nitrogenase activity was inhibited and ureide content decreased in early growth period.
59 Conclusions Both color Doppler ultrasound and nuclein scanning were effective and painless in the diagnosis of the thyroid nodule and each has its own superiority.
60 Isotopic scans demonstrate a nonfunctioning ( cold ) nodule that does not concentrate radioiodine.
61 False-positive results mostly are caused by the inflammatory pseudotumor, analysis of its time-attenuation curve could help differentiate from the malignant nodule.
62 The results of experiments showed that fertilization could promote nodule formation and increase nitrogenase activity and the amounts of N_2-fixed by root nodules.
63 A 35-year-old woman presented with a friable nodule that bled easily and had peripheral erythema on the upper chest wall.
64 Conclusions FNAC of the firm nodule in the penile corpora cavernosa is safe and effective for the diagnosis of penis metastasis secondary to TCC of the bladder.
65 Methods All 96 with nodule were operated by resection of only thyroid and its isthmus.
66 Conclusion: Resection of vocal fold nodule or polyp by fibrolaryngoscope is a convenient and effective method.
67 In a million years, a nodule can cross its ocean.
68 The nodule growth of soybean plant roots was inhibited by flooding.
69 The frequencies of mesangial proliferation, glomerular nodule lesions, and glomerular sclerosis were higher in DN patients with amylin deposits.
70 The PET first indication was evaluation of the indeterminate solitary pulmonary nodule.
71 Conclusion The automated lung segmentation method will be helpful for nodule detection in computer-aided diagnosis.
72 Most of the thyroglossal duct cyst and branchial cleft cyst were monolocular, while lymphangioma multilocular. Metastatic tumors of the cystic lymph nodes were always associated with wall nodule.
73 A simple and rapid diagnostic field test for BU is urgently needed because early disease – nodule – can be treated locally and inexpensively.
74 Misdiagnostic chances were listed from high to low:pneumonia-like, solitary nodule, miliary, multiondule.
75 Physical examination revealed a palpable nodule just beneath the scar of previous drainage tube site,(http:///nodule.html) consistent with the location of this hypermetabolic nodule.
76 Objective : To discuss the value of ratio method to estimated the function of thyroid nodule.
77 The effects of mixed cropping with maize on microstructure and nitrogen-fixing function of peanut nodule were studied in pot experiment.
78 Hairy root cultures of Taxus plants, roots of hydroponically grown Taxus plants and nodule cultures of Taxus plants are mainly introduced about the enlargements of cultural materials.
79 This actually possesses unique and beautiful features with a hollow and rounded nodule of rock or Geode.
80 There were obvious pathological change in the brain after the chronic cerebral hypoperfusion, such as myelinic degeneration and formation of glial nodule in white matter.
81 Mast cells densely lied in circumambience of lymphoid nodule and sparsely in central zone, but diffusely distributed in medulla.
82 Sand culture experiment, electron microscopy technique were used to investigate the compound effects of nitrogen and zinc on nodule development and ultrastructure of white clover.
83 Diffuse lung fibrosis and silicotic nodule formation are a basic pathological change in silicosis.
84 The effect of inoculating nodule and biomass yields of different alfalfa cultivars was investigated.
85 It was observed that bacteroid was broken and it effused electron-transparent substance (PHB) in old nodule cell.
86 It is confirmed that the dysplastic nodule of liver cirrhosis is an important precancer to liver cancer.
87 The main results showed that the number, nitrogenase activity, single weight, bacteria number, and nutrient absorption of nodule was significantly decreased with the increase of nitrogen rate.
88 The mammographic findings in group B acre mass (11 casas), nodule (6 casas), radial scars (1 casa), sheetlike image (1 casa) and calcification (2 casas).
89 The mammographic findings in group A were mass (15 cases), nodule (5 casas ), roundish and sheetlike image (2 casas ), and no abnormal sign (4 casas ).
90 Pathological results showed an ill-defined nodule composed of large oval epithelioid cells in the dermis and subcutis. The dissected lymph nodes were free of tumor cells.
91 The mixed pattern included cyst, nodule, cavitary lesion with adjacent consolidation or ground-glass opacity.
92 On examination the tumor may have the following characteristics: painless nodule, shiny and waxy, indurated, firm and immobile, pearly, rolled border, and small telangiectatic vessels.
93 The cyst is isointense to CSF on MR, and an eccentric scolex can be identified as a mural nodule.
93 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
94 Objective : To investigate MRI findings and practical value of thyroid nodule diseases.
95 Nodular lesions or penis scrotal male or female genital, or similar to (nodule), may appear tertiary syphilis one week after tuberculosis infection.
96 An 80-year-old man presented with a soft nodule in the left parietal calvarium and was admitted to our hospital.
97 CT-guided percutaneous transthoracic cutting biopsy is a very valuable way, which diagnosed solitary pulmonary nodule earlier. It should be widely spreaded in the diagnosis of the lung nodulus .
98 Physical examination revealed a palpable nodule in the right preauricular area.
99 We report an unusual garnet pyroxenite, as a nodule enclosed within kyanite eclogites from Rongcheng, northeastern Sulu UHP metamorphic belt.
100 Objective To study the value of changes of thyroglobulin in detecting property of thyroid nodule.




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