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单词 calm
释义 Word family  noun calm calmness adjective calm verb calm adverb calmly  calm1 /kɑːm $ kɑːm, kɑːlm/ ●●● S3 W3 adjective (comparative calmer, superlative calmest)  1  CALMrelaxed and quiet, not angry, nervous, or upset 镇静的,沉着的;心平气和的 Glen was calm and composed at the funeral. 格伦在葬礼上表现得平静而镇定。remain/stay/keep calm I tried to stay calm and just ignore him. 我尽量保持镇定,不去理睬他。2  if a place, period of time, or situation is calm, there is less activity, trouble etc than there sometimes is, or than there has been recently 平静的,稳定的 The financial markets are calm at the moment. 金融市场目前很稳定。 The streets are calm again after last night’s disturbances. 昨晚的骚乱过后,街道又恢复了平静。3  NOT MOVINGa sea, lake etc that is calm is smooth or has only gentle waves 〔海洋、湖泊等〕平静的,风平浪静的 The seas were dead calm. 海面风平浪静。 —calmly adverb —calmness noun [uncountable] THESAURUScalm not getting angry, nervous, or upset, even in a difficult situation 平静的,镇静的We’ll talk about this later when you’re feeling calmer. 等你平静下来我们再谈此事。nEveryone praised Douglas for the calm way in which he handled the situation.relaxed not worried about anything, especially so that people feel comfortable 放松的,轻松的Looking relaxed and confident, the president answered questions from the press. 总统一副轻松自信的样子,回答着媒体的提问。There was a relaxed atmosphere. 那里有一种轻松的气氛。chilled-out (also chilled) informal very relaxed and not worried – used especially by young people 从容的,放松的,冷静的〔尤为年轻人使用〕I’m much more chilled-out about the whole thing this year. 今年我在这件事上冷静多了。laid-back informal someone who is laid-back is always relaxed and never seems to get worried or annoyed about anything 自在的,不在乎的I like his laid-back attitude to life. 我喜欢他这种悠然自得的生活态度。My parents are pretty laid-back and don’t mind me staying out late. 我父母无所谓,不介意我深夜不归。mellow informal relaxed, friendly, and happy, especially after drinking alcohol 〔尤指在喝酒后〕放松的After a few drinks, everyone was pretty mellow. 喝了几杯酒,大伙儿都很放松了。cool informal staying calm and not showing your emotions, especially when other people are getting excited or angry 〔尤指在别人急躁时〕冷静的,沉着的He is the kind of player who always manages to stay cool, even under pressure. 他是那种总是能够保持冷静的球员,即使面临压力也是如此。She was as cool as a cucumber (=very cool). 她非常冷静。keep your head to manage to stay calm and behave in a sensible way in a difficult or frightening situation 〔在困境或可怕情形中〕保持冷静In this job you need to be good at keeping your head in a crisis. 做这份工作,你要善于在危机中保持冷静。Examples from the Corpuscalm• The sea was dead calm.• His eyes, which, moments earlier, had been filled with fear and horror, were now clear, almost calm.• After yesterday's fighting, the region is now calm again.• My sister was always calm and careful, whereas I would get excited and upset by the slightest thing.• Joe is a very calm and competent flying instructor.• Even when Peter began, the sky was pale, the winds were calm, and the air was temperate.• Keep calm and try not to panic.• The night was calm and warm.• Baldwin's main role was to keep his colleagues and the country as calm as possible.• Hugh remained calm at the wheel, driving with the window open.• It was a calm, clear, beautiful day.• Once on board, you can relax in calm, comfortable surroundings.• I was trying to sound calm even though I was very upset.• He is a Sikh, a religious man, very calm, kind.• So far, the menswear shows have had an air of calm rationality.• It created a picture of calm silent menace.• His mother was a calm, slow-speaking woman.• He has such a calm soothing voice - I could listen to him all night.• Inside the reef, on calmer waters, the boy gratefully nodded off to sleep, exhausted by his ordeal.• Everyone praised Douglas for the calm way in which he handled the situation.remain/stay/keep calm• He told himself to stay calm.• Please stay in your seats and keep calm.• She had returned to bed and Belinda could see that she was making an enormous effort to remain calm.• It is difficult to remain calm and objective when one's own child is distressed, even if only through bad temper.• He remained calm, made a call and forked out $ 700 of his own money for a plane ticket.• Or like saying stay calm or cheer up.dead calm• She sounded frank, dead calm.• The dead calm actor is, on the whole, dead boring.• Wind and tide were good: dead calm, dead low.calm2 ●●○ noun [singular, uncountable]  1  PEACEFULa situation or time that is quiet and peaceful 平静,安静,宁静calm of They remained on the terrace after dinner, enjoying the calm of the evening. 晚餐后他们仍然留在平台上,享受着夜晚的宁静。morning/afternoon/evening calm A scream shattered the late afternoon calm. 一声尖叫打破了傍晚的宁静。 Hindu leaders appealed for calm (=asked that the public stay calm) after a temple was burnt to the ground. 一座寺庙被焚毁后,印度教领袖呼吁大家保持冷静。 The presence of soldiers helped restore calm. 军队的出动使局面恢复了平静。 The last five years have seen a period of relative calm. 过去的五年是一段相对平静的时期。2. the calm before the storm PEACEFULa calm peaceful situation that will not continue because a big argument, problem etc is coming 暴风雨前的平静〔指激烈争论或严重问题出现前短暂的平静局面〕Examples from the Corpuscalm• What they amount to is an appeal for calm.• The Prime Minister visited the centre of the rioting and called for calm.• Inside the new gallery, there is an atmosphere of calm.• What we need now is a period of calm and stability.• Despite the excitement Wednesday, Chu reacted with what may be near-record calm.• By October 17th, the police had managed to restore calm.• We sat on the patio, enjoying the calm of the evening.relative calm• The history of many colleges can be seen as periods of conflict and confrontation alternating with periods of consolidation and relative calm.• Yet by comparison with the fate of most people in Caxias, this is a haven of relative calm and well-being.• But as the period of relative calm continued, it seemed to last an eternity.• The scent-sensitive Lepidoptera are thus associated with the strongly-scented flowers in the relative calm there.• Our path dropped down to the relative calm of the sea shore, edging craggy inlets beneath overhanging cliff tops.• The relative calm before this convention is almost eerie.calm3 ●●○ (also calm down) verb [intransitive, transitive]  1  CALMto become quiet and relaxed after you have been angry, excited, nervous, or upset, or to make someone become quiet and relaxed (使)平静,(使)镇定 He tried to calm the frightened children. 他试图让受惊的孩子们平静下来。 Calm down and tell me what happened. 冷静点,告诉我发生了什么事。 We tried to calm people’s fears. 我们试图安抚人们的恐惧心理。calm yourself (down) She lit a cigarette to calm herself down. 她点了支烟,使自己平静下来。2  if a situation calms down, it becomes easier to deal with because there are fewer problems and it is not as busy as it was before 恢复平静,恢复正常 It took months for things to calm down after we had the baby. 我们有了宝宝后过了好几个月,家里的一切才恢复正常。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscalm• By this time Melissa's temper had calmed and her curiosity revived.• I waited until I'd calmed down a little, then went to talk to her.• He calmed down but continued to shiver with anticipation as I slipped on my shoes.• Leant back on my dressing table to calm down, clutched the handles.• Calm down, Morgan! Stop jumping around.• It's more important right now to calm down.• Alan spends the rest of the conversation calming her down, explaining options to her.• We were all very concerned and did our best to calm her.• She went past displays of posters and stills for upcoming films, gradually calming herself.• His lawyer's assurances that he would be found not guilty did little to calm him.calm yourself (down)• Ken is trying to calm himself.• She went past displays of posters and stills for upcoming films, gradually calming herself.• But his next step was to calm himself down, so that he could plan his moves strategically.• Let it be, I thought, still trying to calm myself down.• And when she calmed herself sufficiently to face him he had gone.• But now he tried to calm himself: there was no reason for nerves, he told himself.• I went to my room and calmed myself with some invisible mending.things ... calm down• Since last year, things have calmed down.• With good help, things calmed down.• Stopping again for things to calm down I began to do a few unwelcome sums.• With their second child, Dierdre, things calmed down in just a few weeks.• Things had calmed down on the Island and Papi had started making real money in his office up in the Bronx.• I think things will calm down very quickly.Origin calm2 (1300-1400) Old French calme, from Late Latin cauma “heat”; because everything is quiet and still in the heat of the middle part of the daycalm1 adjective →THESAURUS1calm2 nouncalm3 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  and or nervous, upset not angry, Corpus quiet, relaxed




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